In the inner courtyard of the Imperial City College, in the Library, Xiao Yun was looking at some books about the battlefield of the five clans, and couldn't help showing doubts.

It's hard to say, after all, with his 'butterfly', who knows if there will be any changes in the future.

Along the way, passing through many towns, Xiao Yun found that there are many Demonic Beasts raging, and even countless Demonic Beasts are attacking the town, a bit like the monster siege battle in the previous online game.

After all, the city of Heavenly Emperor in later generations is somewhat dilapidated. There are many traces of repairs, and the city walls are much shorter. How can it be so majestic as it is now.

Ignoring Wu Jingshan, Xiao Yun glanced at Zhang Xiaofan and found that this guy's Cultivation Base has sacrificed to the spirit realm. Powerful, cultivation is naturally more effective.

Xiao Yun: "..."

However, according to the impression in Xiao Yun's mind, in his time, this area did not seem to exist, because this area was close to Heavenly Emperor City, but Xiao Yun had been to Heavenly Emperor City, he was very familiar with this area, and did not find any A place like the Battlefield of the Five Races.

"Understood, as the so-called life of suffering and death of comfort, His Majesty the Emperor is indeed wise." Xiao Yun suddenly realized.

Wu Chaozu also quickly said to the students in the inner courtyard: "Did you all hear? Zhang Xiaofan is my Dage's younger brother, and that is my brother. After entering the battlefield of the five clans, whoever of you is with Zhang Xiaofan will help him. Capture a powerful sacrificial spirit."

Zhang Xiaofan: ╥﹏╥...


Zhang Xiaofan is much simpler, he only cultivated one "Human Emperor Boxing", and he only cultivated after entering the inner courtyard yesterday, so he spent a lot of time on the Ascension Cultivation Base, and naturally progressed rapidly.

According to the division on the map, the battlefield of the five tribes is in the central area surrounded by the five tribes of human, monster, Immortal, ghost and demon.

Xiao Yun glanced at it and nodded secretly, he found that everyone was really willing to help Zhang Xiaofan instead of being threatened by Wu Chaozu, I have to say that the human race in this era is really united.

"Brother Xiao, I passed the examination yesterday and entered the inner courtyard." Zhang Xiaofan said to Xiao Yun with some excitement.

"Junior Brother Zhang, you don't have to worry, the most important thing in the battlefield of the five clans is the sacrifice of spirits."

Xiao Yun is looking forward to the city of Heavenly Emperor, which spans a million years of history.


Most of the powerful human race in this era are in Heavenly Emperor City, not to mention the palace above Heavenly Emperor City, and Heavenly Emperor sits in town.

If it wasn't for Xiao Yun's desire to reach the extremes in every Realm, as well as the many profound meanings of Insight and the cultivation of many emperor scriptures, I'm afraid he would have been sanctified by now.

"Interesting, this area appeared in this era, but disappeared in my era. Did someone erase this area together?"

"Why not remove these Demonic Beasts?" Xiao Yun asked a little strangely. With the strength of the Chu State, it should be easy to remove these Demonic Beasts.

If this is in the era of a million years from now, then it is estimated that villain will rush up at any time and be slapped in the face by him.

Everyone complied.

Just like a giant, lying on the heavy ground, even if it is far away, you can feel the powerful pressure coming towards you.

Moreover, Xiao Yun could see that Zhang Xiaofan was only short of a powerful sacrificial spirit, so he would be able to step into the Awakening Realm, and it would not take long for him to be promoted to the Out of Aperture Realm.

However, this made Xiao Yun less likely to pretend, because no one was jealous of him, even a domineering and powerful person like Wu Chaozu recognized him as a Dage.

It is not impossible that a powerful cultivator can move mountains and seas. Even he can move a few mountains now, not to mention the great emperors of Cultivation Base.

Xiao Yun knew that this was not the coercion of Heavenly Emperor City, but the coercion released by the cultivators in Heavenly Emperor City.

"Brother Xiao, don't worry, although after entering the battlefield of the five clans, you will randomly appear in various places on the battlefield of the five clans, but with so many of us entering, at least two or three people will be divided together. When that time comes, everyone will take care of Junior Brother Zhang and help him capture one. A powerful sacrifice." Zhou Nine Heavens said with a smile.

"Dage, Heavenly Emperor City is in front!" Wu Chaozu said suddenly, pointing to the front.

There's no way, someone like him is the center of attention no matter where he stands, alas.

Looking carefully at the relevant books, Xiao Yun found that there were five entrances and exits in the five clan battlefield, one for each clan, and the entrance and exit belonging to the human clan were near Heavenly Emperor City.

Isn't this grandfather in the outer courtyard? The outer courtyard is not allowed to enter the battlefield of the five clans.

Xiao Yun stared into the distance, and a majestic city slowly came into view. This was the city of Heavenly Emperor a million years ago. It looked vaguely familiar, but even more majestic.

He estimated that the monsters in a million years were deliberately left behind by the ancestors of the human race. Otherwise, without the threat of foreign races, the human race would not only fight against infighting in the nest, but also lose their enterprising spirit.

Xiao Yun is undoubtedly the leader, surrounded by the 'first generation' of the four royal families, a bit like the 'carrying handle' of the Imperial City Academy.

Xiao Yun and the others are going to Heavenly Emperor City this time.

Xiao Yun waved his hand, and everyone immediately followed him and flew high into the sky, targeting the direction of Heavenly Emperor City.

This is the strongest fortress of the human race standing at the forefront of the battlefield of the five races.

"Senior Brother Xiao, don't worry, we will help Junior Brother Zhang."

"Let's go!"

"Your Cultivation Base is too weak, be careful when you are on the battlefield of the five clans, grab a sacrifice spirit first, and then cultivate for a while." Xiao Yun reminded Zhang Xiaofan carefully.

"Hey, Zhang Xiaofan, why are you here?" Xiao Yun suddenly saw Zhang Xiaofan in the crowd, a little surprised.

Alas, the grandfather is still a junior high school kid, if you don't give a good warning, it won't work. If a Xiaofan dies, wouldn't the Chaos Sacred Land be gone?

Perhaps it is precisely because of the unity of the human race in this era that they can finally defeat the other four races.

The Chaos Body's Talent is very powerful, and Xiao Yun has a deep understanding of it.

Zheng Xueyan said with a smile: "Senior Brother Xiao doesn't know anything. When the Kingdom of Chu was founded, we only killed the Demonic Beasts above Sage and left these low-level Demonic Beasts to sharpen the children of the human race. How can we grow in the face of danger?"

"Crack!" Wu Jingshan next to him suddenly patted Zhang Xiaofan's head, he reprimanded with a stern expression, "What are you calling me, Dage, brother Xiao, can you call me?"

Even if someone erased the history of the battlefield of the Five Races, no matter how the terrain changed, it would not be too big. After all, Heavenly Emperor City has never changed.

Xiao Yun looked at the map in front of him and pondered slightly.

A few days later, a group of geniuses from the inner courtyard of Imperial City College gathered at the entrance of the college, preparing to go to Heavenly Emperor City together.

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