Two god-favored people were killed in succession, especially the wheel-runner king who was instantly killed by Xiao Yun's sword, and the faces of the envoys of the three clans changed with fright.

"President Chu, the genius of your Imperial City College of Chu Kingdom is indeed amazing, and seeing it today is indeed well-deserved, farewell!" Xuannv Nine Heavens said to Chu Zhengfeng without waiting for Xiao Yun to answer.

Nine Heavens Xuannv seemed to sense the strong killing intent in Xiao Yun's eyes, she was shocked and said quickly.

After Zheng Xue finished speaking, Zhou Nine Heavens took over, and he said solemnly: "Actually, the three human emperors and the eight supreme beings have also calculated the purpose of these extraterrestrial people. They think that the ultimate goal of these extraterrestrial people is, Just want to take over our world."

"Senior Brother Xiao, are you alright?" Zheng Xue suddenly came over, interrupting Xiao Yun's thoughts.

Xiao Yun was stunned when he heard the words, and then smiled bitterly: "It's just killing two little people in the heavens, it's not that important."

He knew that he had been targeted by these great powers in the prehistoric world. As soon as he went to the battlefield of the five clans, those people would definitely come to kill him.

But according to Xiao Yun's knowledge, the human emperor's strength has surpassed that of the emperor, and is at the level of Heavenly Emperor. Therefore, Da Luojin Immortal is equivalent to Heavenly Emperor.

"Forget it, your Talent is strong, I'm willing to give up, I'll admit defeat!"

Xiao Yun waved his hand and said, "It's okay, I'm just curious, what kind of existence are those people from outside the sky, and where is the world they live in?"

What worries Xiao Yun is that the prehistoric world has clearly set its sights on the world where Jiuxiao Continent is located.

Chu Zhengfeng shook his head and said sternly: "Those two favored people are not trivial people. Although they are only in the heavenly realm, they are people from outside the sky. As long as they are given enough time, they can quickly become emperor-level people. The strong one should not be underestimated."

I only know that big Luojin Immortals like Wheel King and Ashura are equivalent to the emperor level of this era.

"I just don't know how the cultivation level in the Honghuang World is different from ours?" Xiao Yun was curious. He also checked some information about 'Tianwai' in the Library, but found that there were not many records.

The two envoys from the ghost clan and the demon clan also left quickly, for fear that Xiao Yun would kill them together.

Xiao Yun thought for a while, thinking about it is right, the strength of the wheel runner and Ashura are equivalent to the 'emperor level' of this world, and the aptitude of the gods themselves is good, they are equivalent to rebirth, as long as time Enough, indeed, it can become an 'Emperor-level' existence.

"Heaven and earth are not benevolent, and all things are dogs!"

"Could it be that when Emperor Chaos fought against the Immortal world on Immortal Road, he was fighting against the prehistoric world?" Xiao Yun suddenly remembered the words of Heavenly Emperor at the beginning of the day, and couldn't help being surprised.

However, in his era, there seems to be no news of the prehistoric world. It seems that the human race in this world still blocked the invasion of the prehistoric world. At least they blocked the Immortal road and did not let them continue to invade the Jiuxiao continent.

"Now they can only come to this world with the help of God's favored ones, but if they continue to expand their territory, they may invade our world in the future. Therefore, these extraterrestrial people are also our enemies."

In the confrontation between the two worlds, their side is obviously at a disadvantage.

Sure enough, when Zheng Xue heard the words, he immediately said: "Senior Brother Xiao, we don't know much about Tianwai. We just know that a long, long time ago, someone suddenly heard the voices coming from somewhere during cultivation. They call themselves Immortals and gods, and they pass down the method of visualization cultivation, which is what makes the line of summoners."

Xiao Yun turned his gaze to Nine Heavens Xuannv, his eyes were cold and sharp, he would not pity the other party just because she was a beautiful woman, after all, these great powers in the wild world are very cruel, in order to come to this world to harvest the power of faith, he doesn't care about this world at all The life and death of the human race.

He felt that the 'first generation' of the royal family might know some information that he didn't know.

Therefore, even if she swallowed her anger and bowed her head to admit defeat to the mortal in front of her, she would not hesitate.

"I didn't expect this Nine Heavens Xuannv to be able to bend and stretch, hum!" Chu Zhengfeng came over at this moment, looked at the backs of Nine Heavens Xuannv and others, and snorted coldly.

Obviously, these high-ranking great powers in the prehistoric world don't care about the life and death of these ants.

"Xiao Yun has seen the dean!" Xiao Yun hurriedly saluted Chu Zhengfeng.

"On the Daluojin Immortal, there are Zhunsheng and Sage, and even Daozu Hongjun has surpassed the Sage level. What level should it be?" Xiao Yun was secretly shocked. The world in which they live is relatively small.

Chu Zhengfeng smiled and waved his hand, looking at Xiao Yun with a look of relief in his eyes: "Xiao Yun, I heard about you for a long time, you did a good job today, and you gave us Chu's glory. Especially when you killed him. Those two favored people have simply made our human race lose two great enemies in the future, this is a great credit, and I will report to His Majesty the Human Sovereign to reward you for your merits."

"Forget it, wait until the next time we meet on the battlefield of the five clans, and then kill them." Xiao Yun thought to himself.

Xiao Yun was stunned when he heard the words, as if he did not expect that the great power of the great prehistoric world would actually be so humble and surly.

He had seen a lot of prehistoric people in his previous life, and he was very impressed by this sentence. Those great powers in the prehistoric world treated all living beings as slaves and harvested their beliefs, which was no different from the captive human race of the demon clan in this world.

Immediately, she turned around and took people away.

"It's your turn next!"

Even Nine Heavens Xuannv was terrified. When she looked at Xiao Yun, her beautiful eyes were full of fear.

This made Xiao Yun not feel good about those great powers.

Just look at the bodies they are driving now. These gods are also human races. Just because they can let them come to this world, they directly obliterate their souls and become the bodies for them to walk in this world.

"But since the 'God's Favored Ones' appeared, they can come to this world, and then they want to rule our human race. After being resisted by Heavenly Emperor and the three human emperors, they took some people to withdraw. The human race formed the three major groups of the present ghosts, Immortals and Demons."

Wang Heng, Zhou Nine Heavens, Wu Jingshan, Zhang Xiaofan also came.

Xiao Yun suddenly remembered this sentence in his heart.

"In the beginning, the outsiders were very friendly to us. They passed on to our summoners a cultivation method, which can make our human race become stronger quickly, so that we can fight against the demon race."

Xiao Yun nodded, which was in line with his calculations. For the power of faith, the prehistoric world would definitely invade this world.

Xiao Yun wanted to kill them, but he knew that Chu Zhengfeng wouldn't let him do it, after all, it was about the face of Chu.

After all, for these great powers, there is no bottleneck at all to re-cultivation.

She came to this world with a slash by herself. If she just destroys this trace of divine soul, the loss will be too great.

Wang Heng sneered: "Yes, if you encounter them on the battlefield of the five clans, you must kill them. Don't be merciful if you think that they and we are both human races. These human betrayers have already been brainwashed by people from outside the sky. , they regard themselves as the servants of the outer world, and they are willing to be used by the outer world, which is really Damn it."

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