Outside the Imperial City of Chu Kingdom, two black rays of light suddenly descended on the city gate, two men in black robes.

"Is this the Imperial City of Chu Kingdom? What a huge belief, but unfortunately these idiots don't know how to use this power of belief, otherwise they would have been able to soar into the Immortal world." The young black-robed man looked up at the towering figure in front of him. In the imperial city, greed and scorching light flashed in his eyes.

An old man in black robe next to him said in a condensed voice, "His Royal Highness Zhuan Lun, there is a human emperor 'Chu' sitting here, so we'd better be careful."

When His Highness Zhuan Lun heard the words, he snorted disdainfully: "Human Emperor 'Chu'? There is only a large Luojin Immortal, and it is not worth mentioning in our prehistoric world. Moreover, it is also a big Luojin Immortal, and there are strengths and weaknesses. If I can come down with all my souls, I can easily suppress them."

"Unfortunately, last time King Qin Guang found a favored person who opened the 'door'. If he can be caught, let alone allow me to come to this world completely, even the emperor of Yama can take the opportunity to come to this world. world."

"At that time, the belief in this world will be plundered by our underworld, and all of our nine Kings of Hell will be able to prove the holy position of Dao. It's a pity, it's a pity!"

His Highness Zhuan Lun shook his head as he spoke, with a look of regret and regret.

The old man in black robe next to him changed color, and said quickly: "Your Highness, that person can't let him live. The person who can open the 'door' may be another Heavenly Emperor in the future, and he must not be allowed to grow."

"I know, you need to talk too much? Humph!" His Highness Zhuan Lun snorted coldly.

At this moment, two more figures stepped out of the air, their whole bodies were wrapped in Immortal aura, and they looked very Sacred, with an ethereal aura that transcended the mortal world.

"It's from the Immortal clan!" His Highness the Wheel and the black-robed old man looked at the person who came, with a look of fear in their eyes.

"The Wheel King? You are lucky enough to have found a favored person who can make a trace of your divine soul come to this world."

In the strong Immortal aura, a woman in white walked out, she was like a pearl Turui, her skin was crystal clear. There is a streamer all over the body, Immortal is tall and slim, like a lotus blooming, the whole person has an ethereal temperament, and Transcendent is refined.

"Nine Heavens Xuannv, it's actually you, how is it possible? With your Cultivation Base, how can you come to this world?" The wheel-runner king saw the woman in front of him clearly, and his face was full of shock, as if he was very afraid of the woman in front of him.

"It's very simple, I cut myself with a knife and fall into the Quasi-Saint Realm, and I can naturally come to this world." Nine Heavens Xuannv said lightly, as if cutting oneself with a knife was normal and didn't care at all.

The Wheel Runner King was horrified, his heart was overturned, he looked at Nine Heavens Xuannv in disbelief, and said, "You have finally cultivated to become a Quasi-Saint Realm, which is second only to Heavenly Emperor in your Heaven Court. , is willing to cut himself with a knife, and would rather fall to the Realm and come to this world."

Nine Heavens Xuannv said indifferently: "You are only the Great Luojin Immortal Realm, and you still don't understand what kind of great opportunities this world has. This is a new and complete world. In the endless chaos, it is also very rare, almost a handful of fingers. Numbers. If I can understand the origin of this world, then I can seize this world, let alone professing the Tao and becoming holy, even if I become the most holy of Taoist ancestors, it will not be a problem.”

"You still want to become a Taoist ancestor, your ambition is too great!" The Wheel-runner King was shocked after hearing this.

"Xia Zong can't speak ice, Yan Que knows the ambition of Honghu?" Nine Heavens Xuannv sneered and walked into the imperial city with a maid behind her.

The Wheel King looked at the back of Nine Heavens Xuannv, and said with a grim expression: "You actually think of me as a summer bug and a swallow bird? Hmph, Nine Heavens Xuannv, you have fallen to the Quasi-Saint Realm now, but you are a big Luojin Immortal like me. You have the opportunity to capture the origin of this world, can't I be the King of Wheels?"

"As long as I can plunder the power of faith in this world and become sanctified, I can also seize the origin of this world and become the most holy of Taoist ancestors."

There was an even greater radiance of ambition in the eyes of the wheel king.

As they entered the imperial city, two more rays of light descended from the sky.

A tall and burly man looked up at the imperial city in front of him, with a look of greed in his eyes: "With such a huge power of faith, if I can get it, I can immediately become King Shura."

"His Royal Highness Ashura, my subordinates have already inquired clearly. This time the messenger of the ghost clan is the Wheel King, and the messenger of the Immortal clan is the mysterious girl of Nine Heavens." A servant behind him said quickly.

Ashura sneered: "The Wheel King? King Yama, who is the last in the underworld, is only the King Yama. If King Qin Guang came, I would be afraid of it. However, I didn't expect Heaven Court to let the Nine Heavens Mysterious Girl descend. Isn't she already promoted? Is it quasi-holy? How could it come to this world?"

With a hint of doubt, Ashura led people into the imperial city.


Imperial City College, Inner Court.

Xiao Yun Insight's "Three Emperors Supreme Gong" has completely completed the last two volumes of "Universe Sword Canon", and has integrated many swordsmanships of cultivation into the "Sword Soul".

At this time, the sword soul in Xiao Yun's body was already seven inches long, and it was accumulating powerful energy all the time, exuding a terrifying aura like destroying the sky and destroying the earth.

"As expected of Sword Master, with this Sword Soul, I feel like I can easily kill Sage in seconds." Xiao Yun secretly rejoiced.

This sword soul has almost become his strongest trump card now.

Even Chaos Fist and Chaos Realm are far less powerful than Sword Soul.

In addition, as the "Three Emperors Supreme Gong" continued to cultivate, Xiao Yun felt that his own comprehension and wisdom were getting higher and higher.

This kind of benefit has a special manifestation when he Insights various profound meanings.

In the past, Xiao Yun had low comprehension. If he wanted to gain insight into various profound meanings, he had to use the Epiphany System to enter the state of Epiphany.

But now, he can always feel the various profound meanings he has comprehended in the rapid Ascension. Although it is not as fast as entering the state of epiphany, he can't bear to be in the Ascension all the time.

Moreover, in the various Cultivation Techniques and supernatural powers of Xiao Yun cultivation, he also has various innovations and a higher level of comprehension.

In the end, Xiao Yun used the epiphany system to only have a purpose and a selective way to get epiphany, but he couldn't change it.

And when Xiao Yun has super-high comprehension and wisdom, he can create Cultivation Technique and walk out of his own path, instead of relying on the epiphany system to follow someone else's path.

Now Xiao Yun feels that he has too many cultivation techniques and too many supernatural powers. Although relying on the epiphany system, these cultivation techniques and supernatural powers will not waste his energy.

But when there are more things, it becomes complicated.

Xiao Yun has already realized at this moment, that is, the Cultivation Technique and supernatural powers that he cultivated are all the paths of others.

Even the "Universe Sword Canon" was created by others, and he was only responsible for improving the latter.

In the end, it's still someone else's path.

And Xiao Yun now wants to go out of his own way, he is already thinking about how to integrate these Cultivation Techniques and bring them together to create his own peerless Cultivation Technique.

This is the way he wants.

"Dage, it's not good, there are messengers from the Immortal clan, the ghost clan, and the demon clan. They want to challenge the genius of our Imperial City College." Outside the Immortal Cave, Wu Jingshan's voice suddenly came.

"Three clan messengers?" Xiao Yun opened his eyes and walked out of the Immortal Cave while thinking in his heart.

These three tribes are all traitors of the human race, and they dare to send messengers to provoke them. Do they want to fight the human race head-on?

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