Destroy the tombstone?

After listening to Xiao Yun's words, Mr. Liu's face didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He had seen bragging, but this was the first time he had seen the bragging person today, and he couldn't help but smile. He smiled and said, "Little brother, you can rest assured that the defensive rune is engraved on this force measuring tablet. Even a genius of the Nine Bans Realm will not be able to break it."

Li Yangyao, who was not far away, glanced at Xiao Yun with contempt on his face, and taunted with his arms crossed: "If you can smash the force measuring tablet, I will eat it in front of you."

"This kid is too arrogant!"

"The countryman has no knowledge at all. It is estimated that it is the first time that he has even seen the force measuring monument, and he dares to speak out nonsense? It's stupid!"


The students of the Baizhan Academy around also laughed.

Even Li Xiaoyun and Zhang Kunkun, who were also from Qingyun Town, shook their heads. They admitted that Xiao Yun was stronger than them, but it was impossible to say that Xiao Yun could reach the Realm of Nine Bans.

Only Zhang Xiaofan looked at Xiao Yun with admiration on his face, he only felt that senior had already realized the Realm of Great Perfection by 'forcing the Dao', just a few words, it mobilized the atmosphere in the field, no matter where he went, he was the protagonist, it was simply brilliant Thousands of feet, everyone's attention.

"There is no stone tablet corresponding to my Cultivation Base!"

Xiao Yun walked forward at this moment, glanced at the stone tablet in front of him, and shook his head.

Teacher Liu was stunned for a moment, and then said with some amusing: "Little brother, there are dynamometric monuments of all levels below the Transcendent realm, don't tell me, you have already stepped into the Transcendent realm?"

He obviously didn't believe that Xiao Yun had reached the Transcendent realm. After all, once he reached this level, would those bosses in Hundred Wars City not pay attention? It is estimated that he went to the banquet with the dean and the messenger just now.

"I'm in the Nirvana realm now!" Xiao Yun said lightly.

Teacher Liu was startled for a while, then carefully sensed Xiao Yun's Cultivation Base, and indeed found that he could not see through. This indicates that Xiao Yun's Cultivation Base is at least two Realms higher than him, or that Xiao Yun is in the Nirvana realm.

Obviously, Teacher Liu doesn't believe that Xiao Yun has reached the realm of heaven, so Xiao Yun can only be in the realm of Nirvana.

"That's it!" Teacher Liu took a deep breath and looked at Xiao Yun with a serious look. No matter how many Realms Xiao Yun has achieved, just being able to reach the Nirvana realm at a young age is enough to show that Xiao Yun's Talent is extraordinary. .

Li Yangyao over there was not convinced, and he mocked coldly: "What is the Cultivation Base high? If I hadn't suppressed the Cultivation Base, I would have stepped into the Nirvana realm long ago. For us geniuses, sanctification is sooner or later. Yes, the key is Talent. Talent is weak, even if you are sanctified first, it is still the lowest level of Sage.”

After that, Li Yangyao walked in front of Xiao Yun, hooked his fingers at him, and said with a playful smile: "Since you can't use the force measuring tablet, why don't we have a contest, I know you are taller than Cultivation Base now. The time is low, but I can call myself Cultivation Base, we just compare the physical strength, do you dare?"

Teacher Liu looked at Xiao Yun and said with a smile: "That's a good idea, Li Yangyao is now at the peak of the out-of-body realm, and you have only stepped into the Nirvana realm not long ago. In fact, your Realm is almost the same. After sealing the Cultivation Base, the light is more physical , it's still fair."

Xiao Yun glanced at Li Yangyao and said lightly, "You don't need to call yourself Cultivation Base, I'll be enough to deal with garbage like you."


Hearing this, Zhang Xiaofan looked at Xiao Yun with more and more admiration, his eyes were extremely hot, this is the supreme Realm of 'pretend to force', any word can force the sky to break through.

However, the students of Baizhan Academy were all furious, and they all asked Xuan to ask Li Yangyao to give Xiao Yun a good look.

Naturally, Li Yangyao would not disappoint the younger brothers and sisters. He looked at Xiao Yun with a sneer on his face and said, "Your tone is not small, but I don't know how strong you are?"

After the words were finished, he punched Xiao Yun with a punch. The punch was dazzling, like a scorching sun exploding in the sky, and the surging energy swept all directions.

"Anode punch!"

Seeing this, Teacher Liu, who was next to him, showed satisfaction in his eyes. Although Li Yangyao was very proud, he was very cautious when fighting. As soon as he made a shot, he went all out, and the lion fought the rabbit with all his strength, so as not to give the enemy a chance.

"Don't you want to beat me with one punch? It's not too late to catch my punch first before talking big." Li Yangyao sneered, the fiery light of the fist was about to engulf Xiao Yun.

Xiao Yun, however, was still standing on the spot, with one hand behind his back, he just raised his right hand and stretched out a finger, trying to resist Li Yangyao's blazing punch.

"Mad!" Seeing this scene, the people around felt that Xiao Yun was too arrogant and wanted to block Li Yangyao with a finger.

That teacher Liu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, secretly raising his breath, ready to save Xiao Yun at any time.

Li Yangyao was completely irritated, Xiao Yun looked down on him too much, it was an insult to him.

"Since you are courting death, I will fulfill you!"

Li Yangyao's eyes turned golden, and this golden touch even extended to his fist, making his fist turn golden, releasing unparalleled power.


In the blazing light, Li Yangyao's golden fist collided fiercely with one of Xiao Yun's fingers, and the majestic energy that emerged, swept in all directions.

The people around them all stared at the field with wide-eyed eyes.

As the light dissipated, a shocking scene appeared in the field.

That is Xiao Yun really blocked Li Yangyao's full-strength blow with one finger.

"how is this possible?"

Li Yangyao gritted his teeth, his pupils shrank suddenly, his face full of disbelief.

The surroundings were silent, and everyone opened their mouths and eyes wide, disbelieving the scene in front of them.

"He...he actually...really...with only one finger..." Teacher Liu next to him was shocked, and he only felt that the scene in front of him was too dreamy.

Li Xiaoyun and Zhang Kunkun were both stunned. They all knew that Xiao Yun was strong, but they didn't expect Xiao Yun to be so strong.

Although Xiao Yun and Li Yangyao only fought one move, this move was enough to let everyone see the huge gap between Xiao Yun and Li Yangyao.

Zhang Xiaofan looked at Xiao Yun with a frenzy on his face, and couldn't help but say something in his heart: "Sorry, I didn't mean you alone, I mean everyone here is trash."

Who is the peak at the end of the road? Seeing Xiao Yun's words became empty!

Zhang Xiaofan's admiration for Xiao Yun cannot be overstated.


Under the shocked gazes of everyone, Xiao Yun glanced at Li Yangyao contemptuously, then flicked his fingers, and the powerful force sent the opponent flying out.

"Okay, the farce is over, go and arrange a room for me!" Xiao Yun turned around and said to Teacher Liu.

Teacher Liu was stunned for a while, and then quickly led the way with a smile. Now he doesn't dare to provoke Xiao Yun anymore. After all, he is not an idiot. With Xiao Yun's Talent, once he has passed the Nirvana realm, his strength is estimated to be stronger than that of the dean. much stronger.

Moreover, a genius like Xiao Yun is destined to be a rising supernova of the human race in the future.

"It's still a great senior!"

Zhang Xiaofan thought to himself, and immediately left behind Xiao Yun with Li Xiaoyun and Zhang Kunkun.

Several people raised their heads high, looked around, and looked proud.

They are all from Qingyun Town, Xiao Yun is strong, and they are also honored.

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