Mystery: I Have An Epiphany Of The Chaotic Body

500 And 30 Chapters Abnormal Body

Zhang Xiaofan was very excited to receive the Cultivation Technique taught by Xiao Yun. Although he was not good at talent, he worked very hard and started to enter cultivation non-stop that night.

The first way is too time-consuming, and the second way is a bit difficult.

Xiao Yun thought for a while and thought.

Xiao Yun was thinking, strange, this guy has no physical problems, and he doesn't have a ring, so why did the Spiritual Qi he absorbed disappear for no reason?

"If you want to go back, at present, there are only three ways."

He thought of a certain movie he had seen before. The protagonist was originally a genius, because the soul of an old grandfather was hidden in the ring, which absorbed the Spiritual Qi of the protagonist's culture, making the protagonist a waste, which is also in line with Zhang Xiaofan's current situation. This waste rises template.

On the contrary, the first two roads are safer, but they are also very difficult.

A time spanning millions of years, even an ordinary emperor could not do it.

Xiao Yun's eyes twitched with golden flames, carefully looking at Zhang Xiaofan's delicate body, Zhang Xiaofan felt a little uncomfortable when Xiao Yun looked at it, and covered his bottom in shame and stammered: "Senior, are you alright?"

You know, this is a Sage-level Cultivation Technique. Even if it is easier in the early stage, it is impossible to understand it so quickly, right?

Zhang Xiaofan is right when he thinks about it, no matter what his own background is, he has to talk about Ascension's strength first. He looked at Xiao Yun and asked, "The senior, what should I do now?"

"Senior..." Zhang Xiaofan's neck turned red when he heard the words, and stared at Xiao Yun with shame and indignation.

Xiao Yun glanced at Zhang Xiaofan and wrote casually on the ground, "It's too short!"

According to the law of conservation of energy, it is impossible for the absorbed Spiritual Qi to disappear.

Maybe not a ring, he thought, but some rune tattoos.

Xiao Yun watched from the side, a little surprised.


Although emperors coexisted in this era, it was a glorious and prosperous age, but Xiao Yun did not have much nostalgia.

Third: Self-destruct the body of time and space, use the trick of 'time and space exile' on yourself, enter the long river of time and space again, and then go back by luck.

"With such understanding, he shouldn't be a waste. Is there something wrong with his body? Is it a kidney deficiency?" Xiao Yun thought to himself.

"Cold salad!"

What's more, entering the long river of time and space is random, and there is no way to guarantee that you can go back to a million years later.

Moreover, he still has many relatives and friends in Jiuxiao Continent, which is really hard to let go.

It is too difficult to go back a million years from now.

Soon, Zhang Xiaofan began to absorb the surrounding Spiritual Qi.

However, Xiao Yun did not dare to choose this third path.

"Senior, I naturally know that cultivation doesn't happen overnight, but the problem is that after I cultivated overnight, all the Spiritual Qi I absorbed has disappeared." Zhang Xiaofan said with a wry smile.

"Former... senior, are you saying that my parents may not have died?" Zhang Xiaofan immediately looked at Xiao Yun with some excitement.

"First: Your body was sealed by the strong, so all the Spiritual Qi you absorbed was absorbed by the seal, but my soul is injured now, so I can't be sure."

Xiao Yun looked at Zhang Xiaofan and continued to write: "According to my speculation, your parents may be a big person in a rubbish rising genre like you, but they should have a powerful enemy, so they sealed it off in order not to implicate you. Your Talent, left you in a small place like Qingyun Town."

"Second: You have a certain special constitution, but you haven't awakened yet. Spiritual Qi, the world you cultivated, has been absorbed by your special constitution."

Zhang Xiaofan sat on the ground with his head down and said with a wry smile, "Senior, our Zhang family's kitchen has already been looted by you, and now I can't help you find the blood of Demonic Beasts."

"Rings? Earrings?"

"Maybe it's your parents. You said that your parents died when you were young. Have you seen your parents? Have you seen their bodies? Have you confirmed that they are dead?"

Zhang Xiaofan's pupils shrank upon hearing this, he really hadn't considered this before, but now that he thinks about it, it is indeed a doubt.

Hearing this, Zhang Xiaofan looked at his empty wrist, shook his head with a wry smile and said, "My parents died when I was young, and my family was impoverished.

"Senior, have you figured out the reason?" Zhang Xiaofan said, at this time he was already dressed, and he even wore a few extra clothes.


"Senior, you...what do you want to do?" Zhang Xiaofan quickly covered the chrysanthemum and looked at Xiao Yun with a wary expression, he couldn't help but take a few steps back.

Zhang Xiaofan was overjoyed when he heard the words, he quickly knelt on the ground and hugged Xiao Yun's thigh: "Senior is like my reborn parents, so kind and great, Junior can't repay it, it's better to promise him..."

Zhang Xiaofan nodded and said, "I have been in this situation all the time, I have cultivated for several years, but all the Spiritual Qi I absorbed has disappeared, and I have not been given any Ascension Cultivation Base, so I ended the path of cultivation. "

Therefore, Xiao Yun still wanted to go back to his own era.

Xiao Yun smiled confidently and wrote on the ground: "I don't need your help, I have regained some of my strength now, and we can go hunting Demonic Beasts. You just need to lead the way. By the way, I will pass you another body training Cultivation. Technique, although you can't absorb Spiritual Qi from Heaven and Earth yet, you can use the energy contained in Demonic Beasts meat to temper your body and make your body stronger by eating Demonic Beasts meat."

But the question is, how to go back?

After watching Zhang Xiaofan for a while, he was still in cultivation, Xiao Yun didn't think about it anymore, he was going to think about his own future.

After all, entering the river of time and space is too dangerous, if Zhang Xiaofan hadn't summoned him this time, he would have died in the river of time and space long ago.

His Primordial Spirit was seriously injured and he had to recover as soon as possible, otherwise he would always rely on sending messages to communicate with Zhang Xiaofan, it would be too troublesome, there is no easy way to speak directly.

"This is weird..." Xiao Yun was puzzled, then looked at Zhang Xiaofan and wrote on the ground, "You took off your clothes."

This kid entered the cultivation state so quickly?

After all, the world was too foreign to him.

Xiao Yun was shocked when he heard the words, then looked Zhang Xiaofan up and down for a while before writing, "Do you have any rings, earrings, bracelets, etc. on your body?"

Xiao Yun was a little confused.

"For the time being, I can only take one step at a time. Maybe in the future, when I get a little fame, I can have a chance to meet Heavenly Emperor." Xiao Yun thought to himself, and immediately began to close his eyes.

Because it is very difficult to meet human emperors in this era, let alone Heavenly Emperor, Xiao Yun is a small person, how can he have the qualifications to see Heavenly Emperor.

"Ah, it still won't work..." Zhang Xiaofan opened his eyes in dejection, turned to look at Xiao Yun, smiled bitterly, "Senior, I still haven't made any progress."

Zhang Xiaofan looked ashamed and angry, but considering his own future, he finally took off his clothes, revealing his delicate and beautiful body.

"It's still speculation? The rise of the waste I've seen is not ten thousand, but eight thousand."

Xiao Yun wrote on the ground: "If I want to solve your problem, I have to restore my strength."

Xiao Yun shook his head and wrote: "This is just my speculation, but your identity should be unusual, but none of this has anything to do with you for the time being. Solve your physical condition first, and becoming stronger is the foundation."

Second: directly ask Heavenly Emperor for help. Through Zhang Xiaofan's narration, Xiao Yun knows that there really is a Heavenly Emperor in Heavenly Emperor city in this world, that is the supreme belief of the human race, a great being stronger than ordinary emperors, Maybe it's the master who created the "Heavenly Emperor Sutra" trilogy, beg him for help, maybe go back.

Hearing this, Zhang Xiaofan said with a puzzled face, "I'm just an ordinary person, which strong person would arrange a seal for me inexplicably?"

Xiao Yun pondered for a moment, then wrote on the ground: "There are probably two conditions in your body."

Zhang Xiaofan hurriedly hid under the quilt to get dressed, like an angry little daughter-in-law.

Although Xiao Yun thinks he is arrogant, he still has self-knowledge.

Xiao Yun pouted and continued to write: "Are you an idiot? Although your parents are dead, do you have no other relatives? Does your father have no parents and brothers? Does your mother have no parents and brothers? It's impossible for you to be like this. Are all the pulses dead?"

Xiao Yun glanced at him and wrote on the ground: "Do you think cultivation is as simple as eating and drinking? Cultivation is not an overnight thing, it has to last for a long time, unless..." Unless you also have an epiphany system.

"Gone?" Xiao Yun was stunned for a moment, then squinted at Zhang Xiaofan and wrote on the ground, "Have you had this situation before?"

Zhang Xiaofan's eyes widened when he heard the words, and curiously said, "senior, where did you come up with so many speculations? It's the same as the truth, but I did not meet my parents, the patriarch told me that they were born when I was born. At that time, our Qingyun Town was attacked by the Demonic Beasts, and my parents died in that battle."

Xiao Yun waved his hand and motioned Zhang Xiaofan to put on his clothes.

The first: cultivate hard, be promoted to the emperor, and even become Heavenly Emperor. With the power of his chaotic body, coupled with the power of swordsmanship, not to mention that he still has a body of time and space, it may not be impossible for him to span a million years. But obviously, this is destined to be a long time.

The sun was rising, and the warm sunlight came in from the window, bathing Xiao Yun and Zhang Xiaofan in golden light.

Unless this guy also has an epiphany system, or else his comprehension is already very high.

Xiao Yun rolled his eyes and wrote on the ground: "My soul is injured now, so I can't check you, I can only see through my eyes. You are not a woman, so what are you afraid of, a big old man, acting like a bitch. "

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