Given the white beam of light shot from the Supreme Tower, Xiao Yun's body could not move, but his mind could still function. He was a little anxious, wouldn't he die here today?

No, since he left a message to him in the future, saying that he could die and live, then it should be safe and sound.

Xiao Yun rolled his eyes and looked at Li Chengdi.

Li Chengdi had already been injured by him, and he was severely injured by Heavenly Tribulation. Can he still kill him now?

"Li Chengdi, hurry up!" The ancient god shouted loudly as he looked at Li Chengdi in Heavenly Tribulation.

He was also in a hurry at the moment, because the time he had to immobilize Xiao Yun was very limited, Heavenly Tribulation was not so easy to be deceived, not even the Emperor.

Gu Shenyi also relied on the Imperial Armament of the Supreme Tower to be able to barely deceive the Heavenly Tribulation, but it couldn't last for long.

Moreover, he could only hold Xiao Yun, unable to attack Xiao Yun.

Because once a little attack fluctuation is leaked, it will be sensed by Heavenly Tribulation.

At that time, Heavenly Tribulation senses the attack fluctuations of the imperial soldiers, hehe, then Heavenly Tribulation will ascend to the level of the emperor's robbery.

This level of Heavenly Tribulation is enough to destroy the entire Sacred Land in the beginning, even the quasi-Emperor Gu Shenyi cannot escape.

"Old Ancestor, both of the Supreme Body, do you want to give up on me?"

Li Chengdi suddenly turned his head to look at Gu Shenyi, his face extremely gloomy.

She was brought up by Sacred Land in Taichu since she was a child, and she has deep feelings for Sacred Land in Taichu, but she did not expect to be sacrificed by Sacred Land in Taichu one day.

"Kill Xiao Yun, you won't necessarily die, I can guarantee that I will do whatever it takes to help you recover from your injuries." The ancient god shouted in a deep voice.

Li Chengdi smiled miserably: "In my current situation, even if I kill Xiao Yun, it will consume a lot of energy. What chance do I have to pass through the Heavenly Tribulation?"

The ancient god's face was cold and unmoved.

In terms of relationship, Gu Tianyi is his grandfather, and in terms of talent, Gu Tianyi's Heavenly Demon body is also stronger than Li Chengdi.

Therefore, Gu Shenyi must choose to keep Gu Tianyi.

"I didn't expect that I, Li Chengdi, did not die in the hands of the enemy, but would be forced to death by my own people, hehe!"

When Li Chengdi saw the cold-looking Ancient God One, and the expressionless Sacred Land saints in the beginning, he was very sad and couldn't help laughing miserably.

"Li Chengdi, think of your family!" The ancient god said in a low voice when he looked at Li Chengdi.

Li Chengdi was shocked.

That's right, he, Li Chengdi, didn't jump out of the stone. He still has a family, and their Li family is very powerful.

After all, with the existence of Li Chengdi, the Li family also rose with the tide.

However, no matter how powerful the mortal power is, in front of the behemoth Sacred Land in the beginning, it is still an ant, vulnerable to a single blow.

As long as Sacred Land is willing in the beginning, the Li family can be destroyed in an instant.

"Hehe, the ancestor is really cruel!"

Li Chengdi took a deep breath, laughed miserably, flew towards Xiao Yun, and hit him with a palm.

At the beginning of the Sacred Land, everyone in Sacred Land was relieved.

And Xiao Yun just looked at Li Chengdi lightly, and said, "You are so pitiful!"

Li Chengdi's pupils shrank, and then said coldly: "You and I are also old enemies, and dying with you is not a humiliation to me."

There was a mocking smile in Xiao Yun's eyes.


The huge palm landed on Xiao Yun, Li Chengdi struck with all his strength, Xiao Yun's body trembled violently, because he was restrained by the Supreme Tower, Xiao Yun could not move, and could only resist Li Chengdi's attack. .

However, when the light dissipated, everyone found that Xiao Yun was unscathed, and his body was still dazzling and dazzling, like an Immortal golden body, immortal and immortal.

"how is this possible?"

The people in Taichu Sacred Land, who were watching from a distance, all widened their eyes, and their faces were full of disbelief.

Gu Shenyi also showed shock.

Such a powerful body is unimaginable.

"How can your physical body be so strong?" Li Chengdi was also shocked, looking at Xiao Yun with a face full of disbelief.

Xiao Yun sneered and said, "Who gave you the courage to break my body? No matter how strong your attack is, is it stronger than Heavenly Tribulation? Even Heavenly Tribulation can't destroy my body, you think you can do it get?"

"Impossible, if you had this kind of strength, you could have killed me and Gu Tianyi long ago, why wait until now?" Li Chengdi wondered.

Xiao Yun glanced at the ancient god in the distance and said with a sneer: "Of course I forced the ancient god to come back. If I killed you earlier, would the ancient god come back? Killing you is not important. In my eyes, you are not at all. I'm not qualified to be my opponent, I just want to force the ancient gods to come back and save the Chaos Sacred Land."

"No...I don't believe..." Li Chengdi was a little annoyed when he heard this. For so many years, he had regarded Xiao Yun as his biggest opponent, but in the eyes of the other party, he didn't even have the qualifications to be his opponent. Makes him a little unacceptable.

"Boom boom boom!"

Li Chengdi continuously bombarded Xiao Yun, palm prints, holy soldiers, all of them slammed towards Xiao Yun, the blazing light was dazzling, and the surging energy drowned Xiao Yun's body.

However, when the rays of light dissipated, Xiao Yun still stood there unscathed, but his clothes were a little torn, revealing his powerful body wrapped in the endless chaotic airflow.

"I am not a simple chaotic body. I have passed through the Heavenly Tribulation many times, and cultivated many emperor scriptures to enhance my physical body. No one in Realm can destroy my physical body."

Xiao Yun sneered.

What he is most proud of is his own body. No one with Realm can break his body, not even Li Chengdi.


"how so?"

"His body is actually so strong!"


In the distance, the people in Sacred Land who were watching in the beginning were all stunned, and their faces were shocked.

The ancient god's expression was extremely gloomy, and the fear of Xiao Yun in his heart also reached the extreme.

This son must be killed today, otherwise who can stop this son, the Great Emperor Zhengdao in the future?

Only at this moment did the ancient god really feel Xiao Yun's terrifying Talent, and he shouted at Li Chengdi: "Li Chengdi, quickly explode the body of time and space, I can guarantee that your Li family will always be blessed by our Sacred Land in the beginning. "

"Remember your promise!"

Li Chengdi snorted coldly, then looked deeply at Xiao Yun, and said solemnly: "Although I can't kill you directly, I am sure to kill you indirectly, Xiao Yun, no matter what, you are the biggest in my life. I hope we can fight again in the next life."

When the words fell, Li Chengdi blew his body of time and space, and a powerful breath burst out from him.

At the same time, a space-time Realm formed around, a powerful space-time mystery, and even shook the Supreme Supreme Tower and rescued Xiao Yun from the 'fixed body'.

"Are you joking?" Xiao Yun raised his fist and looked at Li Chengdi in amazement.

Is Li Chengdi committing suicide?

Standing still, Li Chengdi can't hurt himself. Now that he can do it, Li Chengdi can still be his opponent?

"Xiao Yun, see you in the next life—"

Li Chengdi looked at Xiao Yun and shouted suddenly, "Exile in time and space!"

When the words fell, the entire space-time Realm exploded, and a powerful space-time storm engulfed it and swept Xiao Yun into it.

After Li Chengdi performed this move, he suddenly knelt on the ground like a deflated balloon, all his body was weak, his seven orifices were bleeding, and he was seriously injured.

"Xiao Yun, without the strength of the Great Emperor, you cannot survive in the long river of time and space, and you will surely die." Li Chengdi looked at the place where Xiao Yun disappeared, and sighed softly.

His body of time and space is completely abolished, and he will die under Heavenly Tribulation, and Xiao Yun, the chaotic body, will also die in the river of time and space.

Is this the end of the two rivals?


Li Chengdi suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood, he looked down at a black fist pierced through his chest, and his pupils shrank.

"Li Chengdi, instead of waiting for you to die under Heavenly Tribulation, give me your space-time body." Gu Tianyi's voice came from behind.

Gu Tianyi punched through Li Chengdi, urging him to swallow the Heavenly Demon body and swallow Li Chengdi's body of time and space.

Although the body of time and space has been self-destructed by Li Chengdi, this special physique is innate and will not disappear at all. It just turns into the source and is scattered in Li Chengdi's body.

Therefore, his Heavenly Demon body can still swallow Li Chengdi's space-time body.

"Despicable--" Li Chengdi turned his head with some difficulty, looked at Gu Tianyi with indignation, and then looked at Gu Shenyi resentfully.

Gu Tianyi laughed and said: "I'm just using it as waste, although I lost my Chaos Body, but it doesn't matter, with your Space-Time Body, plus my Heavenly Demon body, without Xiao Yun, Who can compete with me for the throne in this life? I will surely prove the Dao and rule the world."

"call out!"

At this moment, a blazing sword light suddenly flashed from the void, and in the shocked eyes of Gu Tianyi and everyone, a sword cut off Li Chengdi's head.

" turns out to" Li Chengdi's eyes froze on the flying head. Before he died, he seemed to remember something, and he suddenly realized.

The sword of years, this is the supernatural power of Sacred Land in the beginning, and it involves the mystery of time. In the entire Sacred Land in the beginning, only he Li Chengdi and Dugu Qiufeng cultivated.

Therefore, at the last moment, Li Chengdi finally realized that Xiao Yun and Dugu Qiufeng were the same person.

"Do not--"

Gu Tianyi's roar came.

Looking at the dead Li Chengdi, the smile on Gu Tianyi's face suddenly solidified, and his eyes were full of incredible, because he found that with this sword beheading Li Chengdi, Li Chengdi's body was shriveled, as if he had lost his entire body. flesh.

And Li Chengdi's body of time and space could not be swallowed up by him, as if it had suddenly disappeared.

"what happened?"

"Could it be that Xiao Yun made that sword?"

"Is he not dead?"


The crowd of Sacred Land in the distant primordial time also fell into a sluggishness.


The author says:

The role of Li Chengdi has finally come to an end. This is the most important villain in the early stage. I don't want to write that kind of mindless villain, so I have a lot of portrayals of Li Chengdi. I hope everyone remembers Li Big sis.

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