Mystery: I Have An Epiphany Of The Chaotic Body

Chapter 519 Entering The Beginning Of Time

After thinking about it again and again, Xiao Yun decided that the deity would go to the Sacred Land in the early days and go to the Sword God Mountain.


Dugu Qiufu has been lurking in the Sacred Land in the beginning of time for so long, and he is naturally familiar with the Sacred Land in the beginning of time.

In fact, he had no choice at all.

"Retired elder of the Transcendent realm?"

And he only has two holy pills left. If the deity goes to the Sacred Land in the early days, he has to ask for one more, which is not enough at all.

"Eat the Holy Pill, and I will be able to sweep the Sacred Land in the early days, and the key is to kill Li Chengdi and Gu Tianyi!" Xiao Yun thought as he put the last remaining Holy Pill in his mouth.

Xiao Yun's deity immediately rushed to Taichu Sacred Land with Dugu Qiufei's identity token, while Dugu Qiushi went to a nearby sect that had a good relationship with Taichu Sacred Land.

Therefore, Xiao Yun flew directly to the Great Hall in the beginning just like he came to his own home.

Besides, now that the ancient gods brought digital quasi emperors to siege the Chaos Sacred Land, anyone with a discerning eye could see that the ancient gods were sure to win.

Therefore, even if Xiao Yun went to attack Taichu Sacred Land alone, Xiao Yun would never retreat.

But Xiao Yun is different. He and Dugu Qiubai are one body and share the same soul and soul, so he can also activate this identity token.

In the very beginning, Sacred Land was the first Sacred Land in Middle-earth. Unlike Chaos Sacred Land, there was only one younger brother of Shanshui Sect. It had many younger brothers. It was not a problem at all to escort Dugu Qiu to Eastern Wasteland by a great sage.

Because he had to rush to Eastern Wasteland from China, he couldn't get there in a short time with his current strength. By the time he arrived, it was estimated that the daylilies would be cold.

This kind of Cultivation Base used to make him unattainable, but now he feels that he is completely sure to kill the opponent.

"Hello, brother!"

Xiao Yun burst out suddenly, the chaotic body activated, a powerful aura shot up into the sky, a pair of golden fists smashed the Shattering Void, and slammed into the retired elder in front of him.

Looking at Taichu Sacred Land not far away, Xiao Yun was also a little nervous.

After all, people with discerning eyes can see that Chaos Sacred Land is about to end. Even if Shanshui Sect and Chaos Sacred Land are on good terms, Xiao Yun does not dare to trust them at this time.

After all, this is an important place, and everyone who comes will be probed by the Sages.

Xiao Yun looked at the retired elder of the Sacred Land in front of him. As a Nirvana realm, he could see that the very long Cultivation Base in front of him was just a level higher than him, a Transcendent realm.

"Hello, brother!"

They knew, but for the sake of Chaos Sacred Land, they resolutely chose desperately.


The Sage who discovered Xiao Yun also thought that Xiao Yun was a disciple of Sacred Land in Taichu. After all, Sage didn't know all the disciples of Sacred Land in Taichu.

The disciples of Sacred Land in the early days glanced at Xiao Yun, but then turned to look at the mirror image in the sky, because it was showing the image of the ancient god attacking Chaos Sacred Land.

However, in order to save Chaos Sacred Land, he had to do it.

Even the younger brothers of Sacred Land in the beginning are rushing to send the Great Sage to escort Dugu to Eastern Wasteland. This is a good opportunity to make friends with Dugu Qiu, the "rising star" of the original Sacred Land.

Because these identity tokens are tailor-made, others cannot be motivated.

Xiao Yun carried his hands on his back, nodded his head one by one, and looked at the Great Hall of Taichu not far away, getting closer and closer.

Therefore, he can only go to the Sword God Mountain in Eastern Wasteland, because the clone is the Holy Son of Sacred Land in the beginning, and he can borrow the Great Sage.


In Xiao Yun's mind, the image of Zhan Zu stepping up into the air and facing the six quasi-emperors alone appeared in Xiao Yun's mind.

The inextinguishable ancestor also summoned the power of the Demon Lord and rushed to the six quasi emperors.

However, the emptiness of Sacred Land in the beginning gave him a wonderful opportunity.

However, when approaching the Great Hall in the beginning, Xiao Yun was discovered.

The deity looked at the familiar Sacred Land in the very beginning. This was the second time his deity came to the Sacred Land in the beginning. When he first came, he brought the power of the Chaos Emperor and directly and comprehensively suppressed the Sacred Land in the beginning.

Xiao Yun scolded in his heart and stepped into the Sacred Land of Taichu in front of him.

At the beginning of the Sacred Land, powerful figures rushed out, including Gu Tianyi and Li Chengdi.

There is always a perseverance in everyone's heart.

Furthermore, they are full of confidence in the guardian formation of the Sacred Land in the beginning. People who are not from the Sacred Land in the beginning cannot enter the Sacred Land in the beginning.

"I'm Xiao Yun, I'm going to wash your Sacred Land today." Xiao Yun turned into a bolt of lightning and quickly rushed to the retired elder. Taking advantage of the heavy damage, he killed him.

But he still needs to crack the formation that Lei Zhan left on the top of Jianshen Mountain, and he also needs a Holy Pill.

Therefore, there must be a great saint to escort him.

Such a huge movement naturally attracted the attention of the Sacred Land Sages in the early days, and suddenly an angry shout came from the sky.

Just like that, Xiao Yun swaggered into the Sacred Land in the beginning.


A powerhouse in the Transcendent realm would not be so bad at first, mainly because he thought Xiao Yun was a disciple of the Sacred Land in the early days, and since this was inside the Sacred Land in the early days, he never thought that the enemy would kill here.

This battle attracted the attention of many people, and the disciples of Sacred Land were also watching the excitement in the beginning.

Of course, using a Holy Pill and possessing the strength of a Great Sage would allow Xiao Yun to rush to Eastern Wasteland quickly.

Along the way, there were passing disciples of Taichu Sacred Land saluting Xiao Yun. After all, Xiao Yun showed a very high Cultivation Base.

"Feng Xiaoxiao and Yi Shuihan, the strong man will never return once he's gone...Bah, how did I think of this..."

As for Xiao Yun's fame? Being famous doesn't mean that everyone recognizes him. Most of the people in Sacred Land in the early days have only heard of his name. They are not even qualified to participate in the Sacred Land exchange meeting, so how can they recognize Xiao Yun.

"What are you doing..." The retired elder's pupils shrank suddenly. He didn't expect that the disciple of Sacred Land in front of him would suddenly attack him.

No, after making up your mind.

By the time he reacted, it was too late.

Now that Chaos Sacred Land is in crisis, how can there be a Great Sage to escort him? Even if it was the Shanshui Sect who had a good relationship with Chaos Sacred Land, Xiao Yun would not dare to ask them to borrow someone.

But this time, he was just a small cultivator in the Nirvana realm, fighting against the behemoth Sacred Land in the beginning.

As for Xiao Yun, a stranger who came suddenly... I'm sorry, there were too many disciples in Sacred Land in the beginning, and it was normal to meet someone you didn't know.

"Why do I feel like a 'hero' now?" Xiao Yun suddenly laughed at himself, took a deep breath, and flew towards Taichu Sacred Land not far away.

Xiao Yun flew towards the Great Hall in the early days like this, with the memory of Dugu seeking defeat, and the map of the Sacred Land in the early days also appeared in his mind.

Don't they know that the gap between the enemy and us is huge?

If it is someone else, even if they get the identity token of the disciple of Sacred Land in the beginning, they will not be able to enter the Sacred Land in the beginning.

Therefore, as the holy son of Sacred Land in the beginning, a genius who was mainly cultivated, the identity of Dugu Qiuwei has also risen, and it is not a problem to be escorted by a great sage.

Without the power of the Great Emperor, attacking a Sacred Land alone, it is a lie to say that you are not nervous.


In his hand, the identity token of Dugu Qiuqiu was urged, and the guardian formation did not fluctuate in the slightest, so he entered the Sacred Land in the beginning.

"Who are you? Why did you come to the Great Hall in the early days!" A retired elder from Sacred Land in the early days flew towards Xiao Yun after receiving Sage's order, and he scolded in awe.

In the beginning Sacred Land.

After staying in Chaos Sacred Land for so long, Chaos Sacred Land has become his home, there are too many people and things he can't give up.

And as long as the ancient gods win and successfully destroy the chaos Sacred Land, then the power of Sacred Land in Middle-earth will be even stronger in the beginning.

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