Holy King.

The back mountain is where the Emperor Muqi Closed Door Training is located.

At this moment, a hazy shadow appeared in front of Mu Qi, and said lightly, "Brother Mu Qi, what are your thoughts?"

Mu Qi glared at the shadow in front of her, gritted her teeth and said, "I want to know if the Heavenly Demon body called 'Tian Yi' is from Sacred Land in the very beginning of your life?"

Jiang Haoran wouldn't have died if Tianyi hadn't set up the swallowing barrier, so Mu Qi hated that guy to death.

"Uh, brother Mu Qi, why did you say this? He was clearly from the Chaos Sacred Land that day, how could he be from the Sacred Land in the very beginning?" Heiying said solemnly.

Mu Qi snorted coldly and said, "There are rumors outside now that Tianyi is your grandson, and his real name is 'Gu Tianyi'. And your name is Gu Shenyi, the names are too similar."

Hei Ying heard the words with a black line on his face, grandson? Holy crap, if my grandfather heard this, wouldn't he kill me? Although he can't beat me now, it's too unreasonable.

Hei Ying said gloomily: "Brother Mu Qi, you are not stupid, you should know that this is a rumor that Chaos Sacred Land deliberately spread, don't you believe it?"

"It's hard to say, after all, Chaos Sacred Land has already placed a bounty on that day, and the bounty is still an emperor scripture." Mu Qi coldly said.

The shadow taunted: "Do you believe the Chaos Sacred Land? They are just diverting their eyes. If Tianyi always hides in the Chaos Sacred Land, can you kill him? Wait a little longer, wait for Xiao Yun and Tianyi was sanctified, and with their Talent, they could compete with the Great Sage, who else killed them at that time?"

Mu Qi was silent when he heard the words. Once the Chaos Body and the Heavenly Demon Body were sanctified, they would definitely be stronger than the average Great Sage. Even if the Emperor Zhun made a move, he might not be able to kill them.

At that time, Xiao Yun and Tian had already achieved a great deal, and I am afraid that no one would be able to get the Chaos Sacred Land again, and they could only watch one of them, the Great Demonstration Emperor, rule the world.

This is not the result that Saint King Sect wants to see.

After all, the Holy King Sect and Chaos Sacred Land had a big feud, and once Xiao Yun and the others became emperors, they would definitely not let them go.

"Okay, I promise you, I'll take action when the time comes. However, the Chaos Bell of Chaos Sacred Land must be given to me." Mu Qi considered for a moment, then said solemnly.

Heiying shook his head and said, "I can't promise you this. After all, if you want to deal with Chaos Sacred Land, you can't do it without seven or eight quasi-emperors. At that time, there were other people present, and I wasn't sure to snatch the Chaos Clock."

Mu Qi heard the words and said in a deep voice: "Okay, I won't be difficult for you. I will snatch the Chaos Bell at that time, but you must not compete with me, and if you can help, you must help me. I can guarantee that once I After winning the Chaos Bell, our Holy King Sect will be your hard-core ally of Sacred Land in the beginning."

"That's no problem!" Sombra smiled slightly, the Chaos Clock was not his anyway, so let's deal with Chaos Sacred Land first.

"Brother Mu Qi, wait for my news, I will send you a signal when the time comes."

After the words fell, the shadow collapsed directly, turning into a ray of light and disappearing, apparently a clone.


Meanwhile, in the Eastern Wasteland sword pavilion.

Lei Zhan looked at the shadow on the opposite side, and said coldly, "Your Excellency hides his head and shows his tail, and ran to my sword pavilion, why?"

Hei Ying smiled slightly: "As expected of the strongest Sword Saint, your Sword intent makes me feel tremendous pressure, but I am not your enemy, and I am just a clone, there is no threat to you at all, you don't have to do this. ."

"Let's go!" Lei Zhan snorted coldly when he heard the words, but still put away the Sword intent on his body.

Hei Ying said with a smile, "I'm here to tell Brother Lei some good news, maybe I can help Brother Lei win an imperial soldier."

Lei Zhan squinted his eyes when he heard the words, but he was not an idiot and would not be easily fooled. He sneered and sneered: "Win an imperial soldier? What good thing?"

The shadow said solemnly: "Seven or eight quasi emperors will join forces to destroy the Chaos Sacred Land soon. If Brother Lei is willing to take action, I can help you win the Chaos Bell."


Lei Zhan laughed out loud when he heard the words, looked at the shadow on the opposite side with ridicule, and snorted coldly: "Gu Shenyi, you are so straightforward, do you still need to hide your head and show your tail?"

Hei Ying didn't care about being exposed, he smiled lightly: "Since Brother Lei knows me, you should believe that I won't lie to you."

Lei Zhan snorted coldly: "If you want to fool the Chaos Sacred Land, do you think I'm an idiot? Seven or eight quasi-emperors take action, even if the Chaos Sacred Land is destroyed, will the Chaos Bell still get me?"

Although he is very confident in his own strength, among the seven or eight quasi emperors, many of them must have emperor soldiers. How can they snatch the Chaos Bell?

"Brother Lei, don't worry, I will do my best to help you snatch the Chaos Bell." Hei Ying said, at this time he had forgotten his promise to Mu Qi. Anyway, as long as Chaos Sacred Land is destroyed, it doesn't matter who the Chaos Bell belongs to.

Lei Zhan just wanted to refuse, but suddenly thought of Dugu's defeat, he couldn't help but change his mind, he suddenly looked at the shadow and said, "I don't want Chaos Bell, but I have one condition, as long as you promise me, I will take action for you. once."

Hei Ying's heart moved, and he asked in a deep voice, "What conditions?"

In his opinion, Lei Zhan's conditions should be difficult, but the result surprised him.

"I want Dugu Qiufeng, as long as you hand him over to me, I will help you once." Lei Zhan said, Dugu Qiubai is now a member of Sacred Land in Taichu, and he is worried about how to catch Dugu Qiubai. .

"Dugu seeks defeat?" Hei Ying frowned and looked at Lei Zhan, a little surprised: "Is this a mere junior, is it worth Brother Lei's concern?"

Lei Zhan said lightly: "Don't worry, I won't kill him, I just study his swordsmanship, and I will return him to you later, I can guarantee this."

Hei Ying suddenly realized that he was interested in the kendo of Dugu seeking defeat.

That's right, Dugu Qiufeng has gone out of a new way of swordsmanship, and it is normal for Lei Zhan to be interested in the strongest swordsman.

Even before, Lei Zhan also taught Dugu Qiufeng "The Sword of Thunder", obviously he had a plan for Dugu Qiubai, but Lei Zhan didn't expect Dugu Qiubai to suddenly join the Sacred Land in the beginning.

Hei Ying thought about it in his mind, looked at Lei Zhan and said with a smile: "In this case, you and I sign a contract, and I will hand over Dugu Qiu defeat to you later."

"I want it now!" Lei Zhan looked at the shadow and said solemnly.

Hei Ying smiled slightly and said lightly: "This is not possible. Although there is a guarantee of the contract, Brother Lei is the quasi emperor after all. I can't guarantee that Brother Lei will break his promise and get fat."

"If you don't trust me, then I don't trust you either." Lei Zhan snorted coldly.

Hei Ying smiled and said, "If that's the case, then this matter is over. I'll go back and kill Dugu for defeat. Anyway, in the very beginning of our Sacred Land, we had the body of Li Chengdi, and we didn't care about dying a Dugu for defeat."

After the words fell, the shadow got up and prepared to leave.

Lei Zhan coldly looked at the back of the black shadow leaving, and when the black shadow was about to step out of the door, he coldly said: "Ancient Shenyi, you are really a sinister and cunning guy, you won."

He regretted it a little bit. It was a little sudden when he mentioned Dugu Qiufeng before, but Sombra guessed that he was eager to get Dugu Qiubai.

"Haha, happy cooperation!" Black Shadow laughed and disappeared.

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