Mystery: I Have An Epiphany Of The Chaotic Body

Chapter 1290 Discuss Tao With Master

The sect master of Tongtian also walks the way of kendo, but he is the way of the sword formation. He studies the four formations of execution, slaughter, trapping, and absolute in the Immortal sword formation, and finally merges them into one, using his own Dao as the carrier to open up an Immortal swordsmanship. array.

In addition to being a teacher and apprentice, Xiao Yun also strengthened his background as a master on his side.

Xiao Yun nodded and didn't refuse. He also knew that his master didn't want to make him suffer too much. Moreover, they are masters and apprentices, and Magic Treasures are the same for everyone, whoever needs to borrow them and use them.

The Master Tongtian shook his head and said: "Forget it, I still continue to understand the way of the sword formation. I don't have the atmosphere of your body, so I can't be distracted. Moreover, even if I become the Master of Mind Power, it will not increase my strength. Big."

Hearing this, Xiao Yun shook his head and said, "Before, the spiritual Realm broke through to the world master level, but my time and space avenue has also been promoted to the peak of the Immortal late stage."

It’s okay to be inferior to Xiao Yun in other aspects, but the longer the spiritual Realm cultivates and the more inscrutable, he is actually not as good as Xiao Yun, which is too embarrassing.

Xiao Yun pondered for a moment, then took out two supreme divine swords, as well as Yang Mei Patriarch's Zhankong Sword, and handed them to the Tongtian Sect Master, saying: "Master, these three swords are given to you, not only to strengthen you The power of the Immortal Sword Array might even help you step onto the world master level as soon as possible."

Because no matter which one of them is missing, the remaining one cannot compete with the big puppet world.

Tongtian Cult Master cooperated with Immortal Sword Formation to be the Peak Realm Master. In this way, Xiao Yun felt that his side was much stronger than Hongjun's group.

Above the formation, the Tongtian sect leader is definitely in the forefront, even in the prehistoric world, there are only two or three people who can match him.

"It's best to find a way to rescue your Master Heavenly Emperor as soon as possible. When we go to the Eternal Ruins, we will have one more helper and one more win rate." Heavenly Sect Master said.

Xiao Yun nodded and said, "I already have a plan. When Senior Sister Yunxiao proves Immortal, the Heavenly Dao in my universe will transform and become stronger. At that time, with the help of Heavenly Dao's power, I will The eternal strength of Half step can be exerted, so that there is a chance to rescue the Heavenly Emperor."

Now, after being reminded by Master Tongtian, Xiao Yun realized that he and Hongjun were in the same boat at the moment.

Although he has now resolved the hatred with Hongjun, the necessary vigilance is still indispensable.

Heavenly Emperor is equivalent to the second ancestor of Yang Mei, plus he has opened three doors, his potential is much greater than that of ancestor Yang Mei. In the future, he will have the opportunity to step into the Wudi world master level.

"Let's see if I can pull Hongjun together to make a move. If he wants to plan the Eternal Ruins, he is destined to be without you. It would be a waste to not use him at this time." Tongtian Sect Master reminded.

"My version is a copy, and it's useless if it's abolished, and now the Immortal Sword Array doesn't help me much anymore." Xiao Yun shook his head and smiled.

On Xiao Yun's side, there are Dou Sheng, Heavenly Emperor, Zhang Xiaofan, Zao Wou-Ki, Tongtian Sect Master, Yunxiao Immortal and others.

As for the gray-robed world master and Wujie, their strength is too weak. Without the advantage of mental strength, even if they join Hongjun's side, they will not pose a threat to Xiao Yun.

"Master, in your Immortal Sword Formation, the three swords of Slaughter, Trap, and Extermination are still too weak, not at the level of Innate Treasure."

The Heavenly Dao Sage, who has been Heavenly Dao Sage for so many years, has already realized the way of killing, slaughtering, and trapping the three sword formations, and he is only short of the last sword formation of 'Absolute'.

After all, if you miss this village, there will be no more shop. After finding out the location of the Eternal Ruins, he and Hongjun will no longer be able to unite.

When you can't tell, everyone will turn their faces.

Xiao Yun listened to it and knew that the way of the sword formation of the Tongtian leader is no trivial matter, and it is definitely not weaker than his universe swordsmanship. Once he succeeds, he will definitely be able to enter the ranks of the top world masters.

The Tongtian sect leader was speechless when he heard the words. His disciple was really open. For only four hundred years, it was only a blink of an eye for him, and he had made so many breakthroughs.

The Tongtian Sect Master pondered for a moment, then stopped rejecting it. He nodded and said, "If that's the case, then I'll accept it. Just while you guys haven't acted yet, I'll sacrifice and refine these three swords, and completely integrate them into the Immortal Sword. Array. At that time, when you go to the big puppet world, bring it with you, it will help you to some extent."

After all, with the three swords sent by Xiao Yun, the Immortal Sword Formation of the Tongtian Cult Master has collected five Innate Treasures, and then combined them through the Sword Formation, even if the power is not as good as the Chaos Treasure, it is not much different.

"Look for a chance to talk to that old guy!" Xiao Yun's eyes twinkled, just as Tongtian Sect Master said, with Hongjun, a free labor force, there is no need for it.

The leader of Tongtian thought that Realm was still trapped at the peak of Immortal, and he couldn't help feeling a little ashamed.

There is a high probability that Hong Jun will collude with the ancestor Yang Mei. After all, they both have a grudge against Xiao Yun, and since they are old friends, some ass transactions are normal.

If you wait until the Tongtian Cult Master is promoted to the World Lord, and cooperate with the Immortal Sword Formation, it may be comparable to the Peak World Lord.

What's more, the Immortal Sword Array is a perfect match for the Master Tongtian.

"Master, I heard the gray-robed world master say that if you want to become the mind power world master, you must use Heavenly Dao to comprehend the hearts of all beings. During this time, you have used Heavenly Dao of Kendo Universe, and you have also learned a lot. With your accumulation, Maybe he will be promoted to the Master of Mind Power soon." Xiao Yun reminded.

Even if they had to cooperate to deal with the big puppet world at that time, it was estimated that they would have to be wary of each other, and no one would stab someone in the back.

Therefore, even in order to go to the Ruins of Eternity, Hong Jun had to compromise with Xiao Yun at this time.

What's more, when they enter the Eternal Ruins, if they find that the opportunity is useful to them, should they expect Hongjun to give it to him?

Xiao Yun sighed with emotion, these old guys are still powerful. Before, he was guarding against Hongjun, but he never thought of using Hongjun.

Tongtian Sect Master also recognized these three swords, and could not help frowning: "Give me these three swords, then isn't your Immortal Sword Formation abolished?"

Xiao Yun always felt that the Immortal Sword Formation was more powerful in the hands of Tongtian Cult Master, after all, the way he walked was the way of the Sword Formation.

"By the way, I heard Yun Xiao say that you have made a breakthrough. Is it about the avenues of time and space?" Tongtian sect master suddenly asked.

Now these masters are simply divided into three groups.

Now that the "Dharma of the Heart" is almost overflowing, and everyone cultivates the "Demonstration of the Heart", the role of the master of the mind force will be weakened. At most, the virtual world is used to save lives, but the virtual world at the peak of Immortal is also enough.

However, the only people who can really help Xiao Yun are Dou Sheng, Heavenly Emperor, and Tongtian Sect Master.

Tongtian sect master still hopes that the way of own sword formation can be promoted to the level of world master, then his strength will advance by leaps and bounds, and he will be among the ranks of Dou Sheng, Yang Mei ancestors, and truly stand at the peak of the chaos world.

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