Mystery: I Have An Epiphany Of The Chaotic Body

Chapter 1285 The Strength Of The Big Puppet World

Hearing Xiao Yun's question, several people looked towards the gray-robed world master and Yang Mei's ancestor. After all, they were the only ones who knew something about the world of puppets.

"I only know that there are two emperors, and at least one emperor." The gray-robed world master sighed. After the world of the mind was destroyed, he was locked in the seventh prison, and the information he knew was very limited.

Ancestor Yang Mei had a serious face and said, "I know one emperor and four emperors, that emperor is called Tai A Huang, and the four emperors include Emperor Haoyu, Emperor Haoxuan, Emperor Baxuan, and Emperor Jiuyan. Three soldiers."

"The emperor I know is also the emperor." The gray-robed world lord nodded. For this emperor, he only heard the name, and it was what the emperor of the seven prisons said.

When Xiao Yun, Hongjun, and Dou Sheng heard the words, Dou Sheng's expression became solemn.

Ancestor Yang Mei also said just now that an emperor cooperates with the army of puppets under his command, and he can exert a strength comparable to that of the Wudi world master.

Four emperors, isn't that the four Wudi world masters?

And that emperor must also have the strength of Emperor Wudi.

This kind of power is really shocking, no wonder it can destroy many big worlds.

"Ancestor Yang Mei, do you know what Realm the emperor is? I'm talking about him, not with the army of puppets under his command." Xiao Yun asked suddenly.

Ancestor Yang Mei shook his head and said, "I don't know, I haven't seen them before, but the four emperors are all top world lords. It is expected that their emperors must be peak world lords, and possibly Wudi world lords."

"It doesn't have to be the Wudi world master!" Dou Sheng coldly snorted: "Do you think Wudi world master is Chinese cabbage? Except for the pervert Xiao Yun, Hongjun also relies on good fortune jade plate, cultivation for countless years to have this strength , other world masters, just like you and me, at best have reached the peak world master level.”

Ancestor Yang Mei didn't care about Dou Sheng's rebuttal, and said with a smile: "You are right, I have traveled many great worlds, and I did not find a Wudi world lord. But the great puppet world is different, they have Eternal Ruins, maybe There is a chance to give birth to the Wudi world master."

The gray-robed world lord smiled bitterly: "Is it interesting to argue about this? No matter what, they cooperate with the puppet army under their command, and they can exert the strength of the Wudi world lord. In this way, they have five Wudi world lords, and we only have Xiao here. Yun and Hongjun have such strength, how can they compete with them?"

At the beginning, he was besieged by the puppet army under the Seven Prison Emperor. Even if the virtual world was weak and time passed, he was forced to collapse.

"That's right!" Ancestor Yang Mei nodded and sighed: "I was almost planted by the previous Emperor Hao Fu, among the few of us, apart from Xiao Yun and Hong Jun, I am afraid that there is only Doudou. The saint can barely resist the attack of an emperor."

"My old grandson can?" Dou Sheng was a little surprised when he heard the words.

Ancestor Yang Mei nodded and said, "Although there is not much difference between you and me, but you have demonstrated the Dao with your strength, your body has become holy, and your defense is very powerful. In addition, the weakening of the virtual world of "The Book of Heart" can resist the attack of an emperor. , it's not a problem at all. If I can also cultivate out of the virtual world, I can also be sure to resist an emperor."

"Give me an Innate Treasure, or an Innate Treasure at the Innate Treasure level, and I'll teach you the "Book of Heart"." The gray-robed world master heard the words and immediately sent a voice transmission to the ancestor Yang Mei.

Anyway, "The Book of Heart" has already been known to everyone by Xiao Yun, so there is no need for him to continue to hide it. He might as well take the opportunity to exchange the benefits, or let Xiao Yun exchange it first, then he can only stare blankly.

"Okay!" Ancestor Yang Mei was overjoyed when he heard the words, and responded immediately.

Although he does not follow the spiritual path, the virtual world is a good method, which can weaken the enemy's attack power and greatly enhance his own defense.

The gray-robed world lord specializes in the spiritual path, and all his strength is in the mental attack, so even if the virtual world is weakened, he cannot withstand the attack of the emperor of the seven prisons.

But Dou Sheng and Yang Mei's ancestors are different. They are more than one step stronger than the gray-robed world master in material defense. Coupled with the weakening of the virtual world, even if they encounter Wudi world master, they can protect themselves.

"Hongjun, what do you think?" Xiao Yun looked at Hongjun opposite.

To be honest, the five powerhouses comparable to Wudi's world master did bring him a little pressure.

Although Xiao Yun was sure to protect themselves, they went to the big puppet world this time, not to protect themselves, but to be able to intimidate the big puppet world.

This requires them to be stronger than the big puppet world.

"The Wudi world masters are also divided into levels. They rely on the power of the puppet army to deal with the peak world masters, but it is not enough to deal with our Wudi world masters."

Hong Jun looked at Xiao Yun and said lightly: "The attack power of the four emperors barely reaches the Wudi world master level at most, you can use the power of the good fortune jade plate to hide in the virtual world, you can easily destroy some puppets, thereby destroying Their formation, it is not difficult to destroy them."

"I can do it, and you can do it too!" Xiao Yun snorted coldly.

Hong Jun smiled indifferently, and then said: "The key is the 'Emperor'. If he is the peak world master, it's okay to say, if he is also the Wudi world master, and if he cooperates with the puppet army, the two of us probably can't help him."

"I don't believe that Wudi World Lord is so easy to reach." Xiao Yun shook his head. He didn't believe that Wudi World Lord was Chinese cabbage, and he could meet one casually.

He has the door to the ground, the body of eternity, and has opened three doors to have this kind of combat power.

In a situation like his, it is impossible for the second to appear in the Chaos World.

And Hongjun, also relying on the good fortune jade plate, and with the help of the Heavenly Dao power of the prehistoric world, has more than 3,000 kinds of Dao laws, and has this kind of combat power.

There is no second person in this instance either.

After all, there is only one good fortune jade plate, and it is not possible for anyone to conquer Heavenly Dao alone for countless years.

Although the big puppet world is powerful, because of their power, the Heavenly Dao in their world is even more powerful, and it is impossible to be overwhelmed.

It can be said that those who can become Wudi's world masters are all unique and almost irreproducible.

Like Xiao Yun's master Heavenly Emperor, he can be said to be very similar to Xiao Yun, and he also has three doors, but even if he cultivates for a period of time, he can only reach the peak world master level at most. Landing door, he is slightly stronger than the ancestor Yang Mei, but if you want to enter the Wudi realm, just relying on a ground door is not enough.

Xiao Yun also has the blessing of the Eternal Body and the Chaos Avenue, and only has the fighting power of the Wudi World Lord.

"Xiao Yun, even if you are sure to deal with those emperors and emperors, if they hide in the big puppet world, how can we deal with them? You know, Heavenly Dao in the big puppet world must be very powerful." said suddenly.

As a result, as soon as he spoke, several people looked at him like an idiot.

"What's wrong?" The gray-robed world lord was a little confused, did I say something wrong.

Ancestor Yang Mei shook his head and smiled and said: "We don't need to enter the big puppet world at all, we just need to stay outside and block them. If the strong people in the big puppet world want to enter the Eternal Ruins, they must leave the big puppet world, and they are too big. How arrogant the puppet world is, how could it be willing to block the entire big puppet world by us."

"They don't know our strength. When the time comes, we can lead out a few emperors, catch them, and then force the big puppet world to reveal the location of the Eternal Ruins." Xiao Yun coldly said.

Hongjun pondered: "I need a period of time to recover, and we will set off after a thousand years."

Everyone had no objection, except for Xiao Yun, Dou Sheng, Yang Mei ancestor, and the gray-robed world master were suppressed by the supreme god of life. They were all injured more or less and needed time to recover.

Especially the ancestor Yang Mei, who also cut a quarter of the origin to Xiao Yun, can be said to be severely damaged.

Xiao Yun was not in a hurry, he went straight back to Kendo Universe to Insight Time and Space Avenue.

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