In Li Yun's gloomy eyes, Zhao Youji, who was not far away, twisted his neck, then he supported the ground with both hands, and stood up slowly.


Zhao Youji stared at the punishment above the sky and smiled.

No, now it should be said that he is Hongjun.

As Hongjun got up, the aura on his body became stronger and stronger.

At this moment, Zhao Youji's face gradually transformed into Hongjun's face.

Li Yun's face was ashen, he felt that his connection with Zhao Youji was completely cut off.

This is no longer his avatar, but has become Hongjun's body.

Sure enough, the Cultivation Technique that Hongjun remodeled at the beginning did have a secret hand in the arrangement of Hongjun.

This old yin B...

Li Yun glared at Hongjun, gritted his teeth with hatred.

"Fellow Xiao daoist doesn't have to be like this. You took a treasure of chaos from me, and I just want a clone of you." Hong Jun seemed to sense Xiao Yun's gaze, turned his head to look at him, and said with a smile.

"Go away!" Li Yun looked at the smiling face in front of him, and wanted to punch him.

Fortunately, he was cautious and did not choose the Cultivation Technique transformed by Hongjun, otherwise he would have been completely controlled by Hongjun.

No, it was even replaced by Hongjun.

"Xiao fellow daoist's avatar is comprehending to prove the Dao with strength? In fact, the most important thing to prove the Dao with strength is not strength, but will. Only with a strong will and an unyielding will can you prove the Dao with strength."

Hongjun didn't get angry because of Li Yun's tone, but pointed him: "Dou Sheng had this kind of will back then, he refused to accept the sky and the earth, even in the face of the suppression of Celestial Immortals Buddha, he didn't care, That will transcends everything, and finally allowed him to prove it with force."

Li Yun's expression softened a little when he heard the words. Obviously, Hongjun's guidance was also useful to him.

This old guy is in charge of the prehistoric world, and he has a good fortune jade plate in his body. He has a deeper understanding of the Tao than anyone else.

"Hurry up, or the sky will be punished, and the Biyou Palace will be finished." Li Yun said coldly to Hongjun.

Hongjun nodded and said, "I'm leaving. Heavenly Dao in this prehistoric world has regarded me as the number one enemy, and this world has no place for me."

Li Yun sneered, what have you done, don't you have a B number in your heart?

"Fellow daoist Xiao, I'm looking forward to the day when you will use your strength to prove the Dao. Now it's time to see your body." After Hongjun finished his words, he walked outside the main hall of Biyou Palace.

Li Yun snorted coldly from behind: "This deity won't talk like me."

Hongjun took his doppelganger, but he also gave him pointers on preaching with strength, so Li Yun was no longer angry.

But the deity may not be so.

Although they are all the same person, their thoughts are not necessarily the same. This is not the opposite character that they produced, but because of their different strengths, they naturally behave differently.

It was as if Li Yun wanted to give Hongjun a punch before, but he didn't have the strength at all. He was even coerced by Heavenly Dao and lay on the ground, unable to move.

And his body has this strength.

When a person is weak, when he is strong, his personality naturally changes.

"Hehe, I also want to see how strong your body is!" Hong Jun smiled indifferently, and then rushed to the sky, preparing to go to the Chaos Realm.


Perhaps he sensed the figure of Hongjun, and the punishment finally came. The terrifying black thunder and lightning, like raindrops, slammed into Hongjun, and the whole sky was in a violent state.

Fortunately, Hongjun left Biyou Palace in time, otherwise Biyou Palace would be in ruins at the moment.

"It's a pity, the Heavenly Dao in the prehistoric world was suppressed by the Heavenly Dao in the realm of the gods, otherwise, maybe he could hack this old guy to death." Li Yun looked up at the back of Hongjun leaving, and thought to himself.

In the black thunder and lightning, he clearly saw that Hongjun left unscathed.

Even the strongest divine punishment could not help Hongjun.

Hongjun didn't even have much defense, so he walked towards the Chaos Realm step by step, like a walk in a garden, not afraid of the black thunder and lightning in all directions.

"Your power has been suppressed by Heavenly Dao of the Realm of the Gods. This power can't deal with me, so give it up." Hong Jun said lightly.

He knew that Heavenly Dao could hear his words.

"Boom boom boom!"

When Hongjun's words fell, Heavenly Dao in the prehistoric world was even more angry, and countless dense black thunderbolts kept hitting Hongjun.

This terrifying power is enough to kill an ordinary world lord.

But when many black lightning strikes Hongjun, it seems to be weakened, and even Hongjun's physical defense cannot be broken.

"The virtual world in "The Book of Heart" is really amazing, but unfortunately, there are no important mental power secret techniques."

Hongjun murmured in his mouth: "Forget it, I'm just a reference after all, those mind power secret techniques are not very useful to me."


The void in front was shattered, and a familiar figure came out of the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda and bombarded Hongjun.

Hongjun raised his head and stared at the other party, waiting until he could clearly see the figure of the person who came, he couldn't help but sighed: "Tai Shang, you are the most like my apprentice, but I didn't expect to come this far in the end."

Taishang did not speak, he was already the spokesperson of Heavenly Dao, and at this moment he just wanted to kill Hongjun.

Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda and Taiji Map were both sacrificed by him, constantly bombarding Hongjun.


Hongjun shook his head, and with just a wave of his hand, the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda and Taijitu flew out, and even the Taishang was blown away by him.

The next moment, Hongjun didn't stay any longer, he took a few steps and left the prehistoric world and entered the chaos world.


When Hongjun entered the Chaos Realm, a vast world of kendo swept in. The blazing Sword Ray, like Pangu's creation of the world, carried terrifying power.

"Xiao fellow daoist, why bother!" Seeing this, Hong Jun couldn't help but smile wryly.

In the distance, Xiao Yun stared coldly at Hongjun, the divine sword transformed from the good fortune jade plate in his hand slashed towards Hongjun without reservation.

The power of Universe's kendo is vividly displayed at this moment.

Hongjun didn't dare to regret the sword, he hurriedly entered the virtual world, and at the same time, he was extremely figure, constantly avoiding the sword.

But Xiao Yun's sword, from different time and space, even from the upper reaches of the river of fate, directly attacked Hongjun, it was impossible to avoid it.

"Such kendo, it's so beautiful!" Hong Jun also had to admire, and then he was divided into three thousand, each avatar was in charge of a law of the avenue, more than three thousand laws of the avenue, forming a virtual universe, blocking Xiao Yun's terrifying A sword.

Chaos trembled, and countless time and space were annihilated.

Dou Sheng and others who were watching the battle from a distance could not help but take a deep breath, because the strength displayed by these two people was too strong.

If that kind of attack is replaced by them, I am afraid that it will only take a few times to seriously injure them.

"One of them is for quality, the other is for quantity, but both have reached their peak." Ancestor Yang Mei said with emotion.

"My avenue of power, if I can go further, it must not be weaker than them!" Dou Sheng's eyes were full of fighting intent.

The gray-robed world lord shook his head and sighed. He felt that if he encountered these two people, he could only hide in the virtual world to save his life.

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