Mystery: I Have An Epiphany Of The Chaotic Body

Chapter 1281 The Unusual Situation Of Hongjun

"what happened?"

The abnormal situation of the battlefield between the two realms also attracted the attention of many experts in the prehistoric world. They looked at the battlefield of the two realms one by one, and then they were all stunned.

Because they saw a perfect divine sword, the body of the sword was spinning with the sun and the moon, the star was infinite, the universe was opening up, and chaos was swirling. The other side is the terrifying scene of chaos restarting, all things withering, and the heavens returning to the ruins.

When the Divine Sword broke through the space barrier of the battlefield between the two realms, all kinds of magnificent visions emerged, and the sound of the avenue was like a sea, deep and vast.

When the Divine Sword entered the battlefield between the two realms, an invisible wave swept out, filling the entire prehistoric world.

At this moment, everyone who saw this sword fell into a state of prohibition.

Their bodies, and even their souls, froze at this moment.

This moment is short, like an instant, but also like an eternity.

It was not until the Supreme God of Life shot and collided with the divine sword that the forbidden state was broken.


Many powerhouses in the prehistoric world took a long breath one after another, feeling a chill behind their backs and sweating all over their bodies.

That sword was so terrifying, just looking at it, almost made their souls freeze.

This is also in the battlefield between the two realms. If this sword appeared in the prehistoric world, it is estimated that they would all die tragically in an instant.

"Is that Xiao Yun's Universe Kendo?" In front of an Immortal's Immortal Cave, Lu Dongbin stared at the direction of the battlefield between the two realms, and he couldn't calm down for a long time, because the image of the divine sword always appeared in his mind.

He has pursued kendo for many years, but he has never seen such a perfect and shocking kendo.

Even the swordsmanship of Jianzun back then was only powerful.

But this kind of swordsmanship has surpassed the power, and it is more like the manifestation of the Dao.

Just looking at it, Lu Dongbin had a lot of kendo insights in his heart. He felt that if he could witness this kind of kendo every day, maybe he would soon be able to cut off his obsession and become Immortal.

"What is obsession? I don't know, but I know, I should pursue my own heart!"

Lu Dongbin took a deep breath, he decided to immigrate to Xiao Yun's Kendo Universe.

Because he found his own kendo on the divine sword just now.

Only by going to Kendo Universe can he pursue the peak of Kendo.


The battlefield of the two worlds.

The majestic figure of the supreme god of life stands tall in the sky, and the whole body is formed by the power of Heavenly Dao, and is covered with the Dao patterns of the law of life.

When Xiao Yun's Divine Sword came, he slowly raised his hands and pushed forward. The entire Realm of the Gods trembled. Countless Heavenly Dao's power swarmed in like a tsunami. rushing forward.

"Come on, use your strength to suckle!" Dou Sheng shouted loudly.

Ancestor Yang Mei was speechless, this monkey was too uncivilized, but at this time he was too lazy to tangle, and while Xiao Yun was fighting with the Supreme God of Life, he immediately used all his strength to resist the suppression of the Supreme God of Life.

Only the gray-robed world master sat there and watched the play. He was very helpless. His virtual world could weaken the enemy's attack, but it was useless at this time.

However, the gray-robed world master is also praying that they can succeed, after all, he does not want to be imprisoned here.

After being locked up in the Seven Prison Tower for so long, the gray-robed world master is now desperate to be free.


It seems that the prayers of the gray-robed world lord had an effect. When the Supreme God of Life was fighting against Xiao Yun, the strength to stay behind to suppress Dou Sheng and Yang Mei ancestors was running out.

Under the desperate resistance of Dou Sheng and Ancestor Yang Mei, the Heavenly Dao power in the Realm of the Gods is losing ground.

"Ah!" The Dou Sheng shouted, his eyes were bright as golden light, as bright as the sun, as bright as a silver man, and as vast as the sea.

He opened the door to the ground, erupted with the strongest combat power, and slammed into the sky with a stick, and the world was collapsing.

On the other side, Yang Mei's ancestor was three in one, holding a strange Innate object, bursting out with unparalleled power.

This Innate strange object is like a cone, the tip of which was aimed at the Supreme God of Life by the ancestor Yang Mei, and just pushed it into the eyebrows of the Supreme God of Life.

At this moment, the stalwart body of the supreme god of life trembled, as if it had fallen into prohibition.

But soon, the supreme god of life was restored.

However, even at this moment of prohibition, Xiao Yun's divine sword had already submerged into the body of the Supreme God of Life.


Universe kendo broke out completely, and countless kendo laws raged in the body of the supreme god of life, wanting to destroy the body of the supreme god of life.

At this moment, the supreme god of life also seemed to be in a weak state, but he immediately borrowed more of the power of Heavenly Dao, the realm of the gods, to keep his body from collapsing.

"Good guy, what kind of Innate thing was that just now?" Dou Sheng couldn't help being surprised by Yang Mei's ancestor when he saw this scene.

As expected of an old guy who has been in the chaos world for countless years, the means he has are mysterious and unpredictable.

"I don't know, I only know that there is a small imprint of the eternal incomplete way, which will dissipate after only one use." Ancestor Yang Mei shook his head and said that he could no longer sense the Innate strange object cone. Obviously, this Pieces of Innate Curiosities have dissipated.

"That's a pity!" Dou Sheng felt a little regretful. If he did it again, perhaps the supreme god of life would collapse.

But at this moment, the supreme god of life has borrowed more Heavenly Dao power from the realm of the gods, and the power to suppress Hongjun and the others on the Jiuxiao Continent has weakened.

Hongjun and Heavenly Emperor obviously also felt something, and the two contributed more.

Especially Hong Jun, he spit out a mouthful of blood, and his whole body shriveled like a balloon with a hole in it.

But at this moment, the power that Hongjun burst out has far surpassed the peak world master.

At this moment, Heavenly Emperor even saw Heavenly Dao in the realm of the gods trembling rapidly, but then he frantically suppressed Hong Jun, and he didn't even bother to pay attention to him Heavenly Emperor.

"What does this old guy want to do?" Heavenly Emperor was puzzled.

In the beginning, Hongjun was trying to fish and didn't make a move with all his strength, but now, he is trying his best. Why is this?

Moreover, Hongjun's current state...

Heavenly Emperor turned his head to look at Hongjun, his pupils shrank suddenly, because the shriveled Hongjun had turned into a piece of paper, and it was still slowly dissipating, as if he was completely lost.

"Fellow daoist, I'll go first!" Hong Jun also looked at Heavenly Emperor, a mysterious smile on the corner of his mouth.

The next moment, Hong Jun's body completely dissipated.

Heavenly Emperor's face sank. He didn't believe that Hongjun died like this. Did this old guy take this opportunity to escape?

But how is it possible? There are three supreme gods suppressing here, how could he escape?

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