They didn't understand what the hell Xiao Yun and his group were doing, and Zhunti didn't seem to have been coerced.

However, the death of a Heavenly Dao Sage still frightened many people.

Like Yuanshi Tianzun, and those quasi-sages, they are now all huddled in their own nests, and they are too scared to come out.

Anyone with a discerning eye can already see that Xiao Yun's strength is too strong, he will kill whoever he wants. At this time, he should stay at home honestly, so as not to accidentally provoke Xiao Yun and the others.


Chaos world!

Xiao Yun and his party returned to Dou Sheng's dojo again.

This place is very close to the world of Jiuxiao Continent, and it is not far from the battlefield of the two realms. With Xiao Yun's speed, he can appear on the edge of the battlefield of the two realms at any time.

"What's your situation now? Haven't Heavenly Dao in the prehistoric world suppressed you? Even if Zhunti is a waste, with the power of Heavenly Dao, he can still be comparable to ordinary world masters, and he will be instantly killed by your sword. It's over." The Dou Sheng corpse looked at Xiao Yun with a puzzled face.

Tongtian Sect Master also looked at Xiao Yun, and Xiao Yun's previous sword made him very shocked.

That kind of kendo is too perfect and too terrifying. It seems to be the beginning and end of kendo, explaining the ultimate meaning of kendo.

Perhaps, that is the prototype of eternal kendo.

"My Eternal Body has been completed, and it can offset part of Heavenly Dao's suppression, so now Heavenly Dao's suppression of me is very weak. Even in the prehistoric world, I can still exert the power of the peak world master." Xiao Yun explained with a smile.

The Dou Sheng Evil Corpse was shocked when he heard the words: "Terror, with such strength, even if you go to the battlefield between the two realms, those supreme gods will not be able to suppress you."

Before the Supreme God was able to suppress him and Yang Mei ancestor, it was because in the battlefield between the two realms, the combat power of him and Yang Mei ancestor was severely weakened.

If they also have the combat power of the peak world masters in their heyday, it is impossible for the supreme god to suppress them. After all, even if they can't beat them, they can escape. Unless the four supreme gods act together, they will be able to suppress the two of them in an instant.

"When my time and space avenue is complete, I feel that Heavenly Dao will not be able to suppress me at all." Xiao Yun had a hint of confidence in his eyes.

The Dou Sheng corpse was full of amazement, and if he was not suppressed by Heavenly Dao, Xiao Yun was truly in Wudi, the Chaos Realm, and he could go anywhere.

"Huh? Boy, Yang Mei's ancestor has something to tell you." The Dou Sheng Evil Corpse suddenly changed his face.

He got some information from the deity.

"What?" Xiao Yun snorted coldly. He didn't like Yang Mei's ancestor. After all, he was an enemy before. Although he doesn't need to be an enemy now, he still holds grudges.

"This old guy is begging you for mercy!" The Dou Sheng corpse laughed.

Although the ancestor Yang Mei was suppressed, he could still see the situation in the prehistoric world. When he saw Xiao Yun kill Zhunti with one sword, he knew that Xiao Yun had surpassed him.

At this time, the ancestor Yang Mei naturally had to worry that Xiao Yun would deal with him in the future.

"Begging for mercy? Let him cut half of the source of his body to me, and I will reconcile with him." Xiao Yun sneered.

Seeing that he was weak before, he would destroy Jiuxiao Continent.

Now that he has become stronger, I want to reconcile, how can there be such a good thing in the world, I want to eat shit.

The Dousheng Evil Corpse said with a smile: "You kid is really cruel. His body is the first hollow willow tree in the Chaos World. If he cuts half of his origin for you, his combat power is estimated to be regressed by a level."

"I don't want to cut the source, let him give me a Chaos Treasure!" Xiao Yun said coldly.

Anyway, he made up his mind not to let Ancestor Yang Mei go.

This guy had no hatred with their Jiuxiao Continent at first, but after a deal with Hongjun, he was going to destroy them. For this kind of person, Xiao Yun has always killed Wushe. After all, it was you who provoke me first.

"That old guy doesn't have the Chaos Treasure, but he has an important piece of news to tell you, which may help you prove the Eternal Dao." The Dou Sheng Evil Corpse was rarely serious, and he said dignifiedly.

When it comes to Proving Dao Eternity, Xiao Yun's expression became much more serious.

The Tongtian sect master on the side couldn't help but interject: "It has something to do with the Eternal Proof of Dao? Isn't this old guy fooling you?"

"It shouldn't be!" The Dou Sheng corpse shook his head.

Xiao Yun snorted coldly and said, "Let him say, if it really helps me to prove Tao Eternal, I will spare his life."

"Okay, my grandson asks him!" The Dou Sheng corpse nodded, and then contacted the deity.

After a while, a look of surprise appeared in the eyes of Dou Sheng's evil corpse, and then he looked at Xiao Yun and said solemnly: "When this old guy returned to the Chaos World, he once passed by the Great Puppet World. The world was destroyed, so he wanted to get the "Book of Heart" in the big puppet world, so he has sneaked into the big puppet world many times."

"The Great Puppet World?" Xiao Yun's eyes moved. He has been famous for this Great Puppet World for a long time. After all, even a world as powerful as the Great Puppet World was destroyed by the Great Puppet World. Among the worlds he knew , this big puppet world is the strongest.

In the big puppet world, the Immortal powerhouse can become an 'army', which is too terrifying.

After all, you wouldn't be embarrassed to call it an 'army' without tens of thousands of Immortals.

Although Xiao Yun is now Wudi's world master, he can easily kill ordinary Immortals in seconds, but if these Immortal armies form a formation and some Innate treasures help him, they can still suppress him.

What's more, there are definitely not a few world masters in the big puppet world.

"What does Zhengdao Eternal have to do with the Great Puppet World?" Xiao Yun asked immediately.

The Dou Sheng corpse also got information from the deity at this moment, and immediately said: "When Yang Mei's ancestor sneaked into the world of the big puppet many times, he accidentally discovered a big secret, and this secret is related to the Eternal Demonstration, He originally wanted to continue his search, but he was discovered by the powerhouses of the big puppet world, so he could only escape first."

Xiao Yun snorted coldly, "What secret?"

"Eternal Ruins!" The Dou Sheng evil corpse said solemnly.

"The Ruins of Eternity? Is this somewhere?" Xiao Yun frowned and his expression became a little dignified. It must not be simple to be able to refer to the word 'eternity'.

Fighting Saint Evil Corpse continued: "We know that the restart of Chaos World can destroy all worlds and return everything to its original state. But only the way of eternity is not destroyed by the power of this restart."

"The ruins of eternity are the ruins formed by the accumulation of the incomplete eternal way left by a group of eternity losers who prove the way."

"This ruin is full of incomplete Eternal Way, but even the incomplete Eternal Way will not be destroyed by the power of Chaos World's restart."

Xiao Yun sneered after hearing this: "It turned out to be the remains of a group of losers."

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