The mighty army of the Realm of the Gods rushed towards the direction of Biyou Palace.

High in the sky, the four rule masters and the six ordinary masters also stared at Xiao Yun and the others.

In their observation, Xiao Yun, Tongtian Sect Leader, Zhang Xiaofan, Pingxin Niangniang, Taishang, Wujie were the strongest.

As for the others, being in the Immortal Realm is not on their radar at all.

"Leave the leader to me, and you will distribute the rest!" The Master of Destruction's murderous eyes had already locked on Xiao Yun. He took a step forward, and his stature continued to rise, like an unparalleled demon god, hitting Xiao Yun Terrible light of destruction.

The black beam of light was surrounded by countless divine chains of order, and countless law symbols flickered radiantly around, and wisps of terrifying power shattered the surrounding void.

"This guy is too arrogant!" Tongtian Sect Master coldly snorted.

"Master, be careful of yourselves!" Xiao Yun knew that this kind of top world lord was not something that Tongtian Sect Master could handle. He immediately stepped forward, and a dazzling Sword Ray turned into a peerless sword in the sky. , slashed towards the opposite Destruction Lord.

At this moment, Xiao Yun is filled with eternal light, and the chaotic airflow stretches for hundreds of millions of miles. He is like a god king who has existed for a long time. He overlooks the realm of the gods, and his aura is extremely terrifying. Void, the beam is bright, and it is extremely stunning!


When Xiao Yun's Sword Ray collided with the black beam of light of the Lord of Destruction, the surrounding time and space were annihilated like a dream bubble, and the two were suddenly drawn into the deep space and time, and they fought even more intensely.

When the masters of the realm of the gods saw this scene, they couldn't help showing shock.

Because in their induction, Xiao Yun is on the same level as their ordinary masters.

But now, Xiao Yun's displayed strength is not inferior to that of Destruction Master at all, which is too terrifying.

"This person is terrifying, but I don't know if there is still such an existence among you."

Even the Master of Destiny couldn't help but be moved, his eyes were like two golden lamps, staring fiercely at the Tongtian Cult Master.

The Tongtian Sect Master and others just looked at him, and they felt that the surrounding time and space were shattering, countless time fragments were flying, and the fateful hand began to kill them from different time and space.

Such a method made Tongtian Sect Master, Zhang Xiaofan and the others very terrified.

This is the power of destiny, which is even stranger than the power of time and space. Even if the powerhouse of the same level encounters it, it will feel troublesome.

What's more, they themselves are one level lower than Destiny Master, and they are simply unable to defend against such a strange attack.

"Soul Punisher!" The three of Wujie also felt the threat, and the three of them joined hands to perform the secret technique of mind power and attacked the master of fate.

However, the Master of Destiny just glanced at them indifferently, and the three soul-killing thorns slowly dissipated until they disappeared.

"Very strange power, but unfortunately it's useless to me!" Destiny Master looked at the Wujie trio in surprise, then changed the attack target and moved all his power to the Wujie trio.

Because he found that the attacking tricks of these three people are very strange, I am afraid that except for the rule masters, ordinary masters are difficult to resist.

Therefore, he had to kill these three people first.

"Your opponent is me!"

But at this moment, an icy voice came through layers of time and space.

Destiny Master shrank his pupils, and in his sight, a picture of Shrouding the Heavens blocked the sun, and four divine swords cut time and space, trapping him in a peerless killing array.

It was Xiao Yun's copy of the Immortal Sword Formation.

However, at this moment, it is not Xiao Yun who is in charge of the Immortal Sword Formation, but his past body.

His deity is still containing the Lord of Destruction.

"Stealing the power of the past, I didn't expect your time and space attainments to be so high." The Master of Destiny also saw through Xiao Yun's past body, and at the same time he spoke, he had already killed Xiao Yun from the past through fate.

But soon, the Master of Destiny was forced back by the four killing swords of the Immortal Sword Formation.

As the No. 1 kendo killing formation in the prehistoric world, at the same level, it cannot be broken by only four people.

Although Xiao Yun's past body is not as strong as Destiny Master, it is impossible for the opponent to break the Immortal Sword Formation.

"It's time for us to do it!"

Seeing that the two strongest ones were restrained by Xiao Yun, Tongtian Sect Master couldn't help but glance at Taishang who was not far away.

Taishang nodded and flew to the Death Lord first.

The Master Tongtian killed the Master of Life. He immediately sacrificed the Immortal Sword Formation, cutting space and time like Xiao Yun, trapping the Master of Life in it.

"The Master of Life is proficient in soul attack, and her material attack is the weakest among the four rule masters, but with her endless vitality, she is almost indestructible."

The Master Tongtian stared at the Master of Life trapped in the Immortal Sword Array, and recalled some information about the Master of Life that Xiao Yun had told him in advance.

Heavenly Dao Sage is not afraid of soul attacks, because soul attacks are no strangers to the prehistoric world, and these Heavenly Dao Sages have long had means to deal with them.

As for the material attack of the Master of Life, after being partially weakened by the Immortal Sword Formation, it is difficult to cause heavy damage to the Master of Tongtian.


In the Immortal Sword Formation, a supreme divine sword suddenly appeared in the hands of the Master of Life, exuding dazzling brilliance, and under a single strike, the Immortal Sword Formation shook violently.

The Tongtian Sect Master, who was hiding in the sword formation, could not help but vomit blood.

"She has the weakest attack power among the four rule masters?" Tongtian sect master widened his eyes, looking at the life master who was trapped in the Immortal Sword Formation in disbelief.

Is this attack weak?

If the Immortal sword formation had not been executed, he would have been beheaded by this life master soon.

"Fortunately, the injury is not too serious. I have a Medicine Pill to recover, which should be enough for a long time." The Master Tongtian hurriedly swallowed the Medicine Pill to recover the injury. He caused minor injuries, and it would take a long time to break through the Immortal Sword Formation with this kind of injury. He had time to spend with the Master of Life.

What the Tongtian sect leader is worried about now is, how long can Taishang last?

After all, Death Lord's attack power is stronger than Life Lord's, and Tai Shang can't kill Immortal Sword Formation.

"Boom boom boom!"

As the leader of Tongtian was worried, at this moment, Taishang was being attacked frantically by the Lord of Death, and the situation was almost one-sided.

Taishang had almost no power to fight back, and could only hide in the Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda of Heaven and Earth, driving the Taiji map, constantly wandering through the void, and leading the Death Lord out of the Biyou Palace area.

"These two layers of turtle shells are too hard." The Death Master slammed Taishang, frowning deeply.

Taishang's strength is not to put in one's eyes at all, but the defense of the opponent's two treasures is terrifying.

The Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda of Heaven and Earth is a treasure of acquired merit and virtue. It only has two functions, one is to suppress the luck, and the other is to defend. In terms of defense, among the many treasures in the prehistoric world, it is estimated that few are stronger than it.

The Tai Chi map is even more extraordinary. This is the treasure of Innate. It can set Feng Shui fire, and it can also transform Yin & Yang's life and death, and its defense power is even more abnormal.

With these two tortoise shells guarding him, Death's master couldn't take it too far for a while.

"Tai Shang's defense is strong, but if the Death Lord pulls away and doesn't entangle with him, then we will be in trouble." Zhang Xiaofan noticed the situation on the field and his expression was extremely solemn.

He secretly and quietly planned with the Wujie three, preparing to kill one of the enemy's masters first.

At this moment, the masters of the six realms of the gods on the opposite side have already killed them.

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