Mystery: I Have An Epiphany Of The Chaotic Body

Chapter 1254 The Arrival Of Sanxiao

In Biyou Palace, Li Yun tapped the tabletop, thinking about countermeasures.

The next moment, the Qingping sword in his hand was thrown into the sky by him and turned into a bright green lotus leaf.

"White lotus root, red flower, green lotus leaf, Sanqing is a family, how ridiculous!" After a long time, Lingbao Tianzun's eyes were firm and radiant.


Let's just say that the Three Emperors and the Quansheng of the Honghuang World are besieging an Immortal of the Realm of the Gods, but will the Immortal of the Realm of the Gods stand there foolishly and be besieged by you? Don't people know how to run? Don't you know how to break each one?

Yunxiao Immortal heard the words, his face was a little complicated, and he said with disappointment: "When the great catastrophe of the gods was conferred, the master told me to wait for the cultivation of peace, and don't leave the own dojo to participate in this massacre. But Senior Brother Gongming came to ask for help, I When the sisters owe him kindness, it is not easy to refuse. At that time, I thought that I had the Cultivation Base of the quasi-sage, and I could completely rescue the brothers and sisters, but..."

At this moment, Lingbao Tianzun flashed pictures of long-term memories in his mind.


As for his obsession with owning, after this period of meditation, he has vaguely noticed it.

Li Yun knew that this was the obsession of Yunxiao Immortal, so Yunxiao Immortal later saw him as a genius of interception, and saw a prosperous interception. All the brothers and sisters also got out of trouble from the conferring gods list, and Lingbao Tianzun was a teacher. Zun didn't blame her either, all of which caused Yunxiao Immortal to let go of the self-blame in his heart and finally cut off his obsession.

"This..." Yun Xiao Immortal couldn't help turning his head to look in the direction of the main hall of Biyou Palace when he heard the words, looking a little hesitant.

Yunxiao Immortal is indifferent to the world and likes to meditate, so when she watched helplessly as the brothers and sisters around her died tragically on the list of conferred gods, it had a great impact on her, thus forming an obsession.

The main hall of Biyou Palace.

In fact, all of these Heavenly Dao Sages are extremely talented, and coupled with countless years of Heavenly Dao perception, how can they not know what their own obsession is? It's just that they were misled by Hongmeng Purple Qi before, and they didn't realize it until they stripped away Hongmeng Purple Qi.

Until the great calamity of the gods.

But who let the family Sage go personally.

"Senior sister, I have tried my best to isolate this Great Hall. Master, he will not hear what we say." Li Yun said.

Lingbao Tianzun laughed and scolded: "This stinky boy..."

This reminded Li Yun of a TV series "Immortal Sword and Heroes" that he watched on Earth in his previous life. Jiang Yun, the senior brother of Shushan who was trapped in the lock demon tower, also blamed himself for killing his brothers. Finally, seeing that the brothers did not blame him, he was relieved of the self-blame in his heart, and thus attained the Tao.

Even after the three separate families, Lingbao Tianzun still regarded the two as brothers, and only felt that they had different ideas from each other.

It was mainly because he felt a little uncomfortable seeing the gap between Our Lady of Wudang and Li Yun, so he specially asked Yunxiao Immortal's three sons to visit Li Yun. After all, he also hoped that his disciples would be a family who love each other.

On that day, Lingbao Tianzun witnessed the two brothers enter the Nine-Bend Yellow River Great Array and slaughter his disciples.

Li Yun thought to himself.

"Little sister, little junior brother also has his own difficulties." Yun Xiao Immortal said, looking at Li Yun with a soft voice and a smile: "I came to Biyou Palace and didn't come to see our three senior sisters, whether their strength has become stronger. Now, you don't want to recognize us as senior sisters?"

Moreover, morally, it was the Honghuang World who took the initiative to invade the world of Jiuxiao Continent first.

Of course, the masters of the realm of the gods may also have the same idea as Xiao Yun. The four world masters attacked with all their strength and killed Zhang Xiaofan very quickly, which was also the reason why Xiao Yun let Zhang Xiaofan hide his strength first.

"Senior sister, you are the only one in the prehistoric world who has cut off your obsession. What do you think about the obsession of Master?" Li Yun asked suddenly.

After that battle, Lingbao Tianzun was trapped in Zixiao Palace and remained silent for a long time.

Yunxiao Immortal also smiled helplessly, she glanced at Li Yun angrily, and said, "Master is going to scold you now."

If he wants to win this battle, he still has to rely on himself. With his strength, when the supreme god of destiny isolates the power of Heavenly Dao from the prehistoric world, he will immediately have the power of the top realm master, and then he will use his full strength and surprise. A sneak attack on a weak Immortal in the Domain of the Gods can almost kill him in seconds.

The entire Biyou Palace was shrouded in a bright green brilliance, like a dream, very beautiful.

Li Yun hurriedly said: "Junior brother doesn't mean that, it's just..."

Sisters Bi Xiao and Qiong Xiao immediately covered their mouths and snickered, and only this little junior brother dared to do so.

Li Yun was moved and nodded quickly, "The three senior sisters will always be Li Yun's senior sisters."

Li Yun smiled shyly.

"Li Yun has met three senior sisters!" Li Yun said respectfully, these three senior sisters still took good care of him at the beginning.

At that time, he could stop it, but he couldn't figure it out, and he never thought it would be like this.

But sometimes, wars don't happen in the direction you think.

Gun hit the bird.

In fact, these three Immortal sons are inherently kind, and they have been trapped in the Conferred God List these years, and they have never participated in the battle between the two worlds.

"Haha!" Li Yun laughed.

This is somewhat similar to the example of Yunxiao Immortals.

Although Hongmeng Purple Qi is not their obsession, the existence of Hongmeng Purple Qi has indeed affected their exploration of obsession, which is probably a secret trick of Hongjun.

Li Yun pouted, Yunxiao Immortal didn't think wrong. At that time, apart from a lantern, none of the disciples of the saints was a quasi-sage. With Yunxiao Immortal's strength, combined with the nine-curved Yellow River array, they could naturally sweep.

"Young junior brother, don't think too much, since the master agrees with you, my sisters and I will naturally agree with you." Yun Xiao Immortal said with a smile, his tone was still soft, as if a breeze was blowing his face.

"If that guy from Zao Wou-Ki can be promoted to Immortal, and there are also several Immortals in the pseudo-sage, then the winning rate will be great." Li Yun thought.

In his estimation, even if Lingbao Tianzun achieves Immortal, it will only barely block the invasion of the realm of the gods.

If it weren't for the rush of the army, the masters would have already come over by now.

He was indeed eavesdropping.

Suddenly, Li Yun's mind moved and looked outside the hall.


Therefore, Yunxiao and the Immortal sons naturally wouldn't blame Li Yun for deceiving them.

"Obstinence..." Lingbao Tianzun suddenly sighed, looked at Shouyang Mountain, and then looked at Kunlun, with mixed thoughts in his mind.

Seeing this, Li Yun quickly mobilized his energy to isolate this Great Hall.

What's more, there are many strong people in the realm of the gods, and those masters are not without men.

When he was just born, he saw the joy of seeing the two brothers, Daode Tianzun and Yuanshi Tianzun. At that time, the two brothers took great care of him. The three brothers cultivated together, and traveled the wild world together, so they were happy.

Especially Yunxiao Immortal, Li Yun specifically asked him about the experience of Zhan Zhinian.

His two older brothers actually took the shot personally, and they didn't care about brotherhood at all.

Of course, this is also related to Yunxiao Immortal's personality. He is also one of the three Immortals. Bi Xiao and Qiong Xiao also had this experience, but they did not cut off their obsession.

"Okay, don't stand at the door, let's go in and talk!" Bi Xiao Immortal said, looking at Li Yun with a smile in his eyes, and there was no gap like the Virgin Mary.

When they were in Kunlun, they discussed Taoism together and recruited disciples together. Although Lingbao Tianzun and Yuanshi Tianzun often had disputes due to different ideas, the three were still three brothers.

Seeing this, Li Yun felt a lot better. He entered the Great Hall and chatted with Yunxia Immortal.

"My strength is an advantage. Even the supreme gods don't know my true combat strength. At most, they think I am a relatively powerful world lord."

The three shadows came from the sky, like a dream, as if the three peerless Immortal sons who walked out of the picture scroll were the three sisters of Yunxiao.

"Little Junior Brother, it's so miserable that you lied to us!" Qiong Xiao Immortal pouted.

Li Yun quickly greeted him.

Of course, Zhao Gongming is also a virgin bitch. It's okay if you are anxious for justice, but you have to take Yunxiao and the three to give away the head. In the end, he was crucified by Lu Ya, which was really retribution. "After the catastrophe, my brothers and sisters died tragically, and I have been blaming myself." Yun Xiao Immortal sighed.

Fortunately, Yunxiao Immortal still did not disappoint him.

After all, war is not a competition, if you want to use Zhang Xiaofan to contain the other's realm master, will the realm master be ready to fight with you? People can also use a powerful Immortal to contain Zhang Xiaofan.

It's still two Sages who end up together, which is really bullying.

"This battle is difficult!" Li Yun sighed.

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