After merging with his past body, Xiao Yun's strength became even stronger, sending Yuanshi Tianzun flying into the air, shocking the saints.

"What did you say?"

"These are just his side words, don't be frightened by him." Yuanshi Tianzun said solemnly.

Xiao Yun immediately entered the virtual world, suddenly appeared near Lingbao Tianzun, looked at the saints in the distance, and sneered: "I want to leave, you can't stop me at all?"

The eyes of the saints became particularly complicated at this moment.

"Destroy the Immortal sword formation!" Tianzun Daode's eyes narrowed.

A scream came.

When the saints heard the words, they all subconsciously glanced at the direction of the battlefield between the two realms.

"Yes, he just wanted to deceive us not to shoot him." Zhunti also said.

Suddenly, all the saints felt a terrifying peerless edge.

The terror of the four supreme gods before has left a deep shadow in their hearts.

But Yuanshi Tianzun, who was blown away in the distance, had an extremely gloomy face, staring at Xiao Yun opposite, with a cold light in his eyes.

The expressions of Tianzun Daode, Amitābha and the others changed again.

And the supreme god of destiny in front of Tianmen looked in the direction of the world of Jiuxiao Continent. Suddenly, the Law of Ten Thousand Dao continued to roar, and the entire world of Jiuxiao Continent was shaking.

It was Hongjun's voice.


"I advise you to learn from my master, and quickly strip away the purple qi of the primordial aura to become the real Immortal Realm. Otherwise, you will be the first to die when the army of the Realm of the Gods arrives later." Xiao Yun sneered.

"Master, quickly cut the obsessive corpse." Xiao Yun quickly reminded upon seeing this.

Xiao Yun finally confirmed that Lingbao Tianzun was not joking with him, f*ck, he really killed Lingbao Tianzun this time, no, it was the Dou Sheng pit, at least he had a share.

Xiao Yun continued: "In the realm of the gods, there are four other rule masters, all of them Realm. Moreover, they are not ordinary realm, and each of them is stronger than that waste of Rahu."

After all, it was his apprentice who beat up.

Xiao Yun stared at them coldly: "Idiot!"

Daode Tianzun stared at Xiao Yun and said solemnly: "How can you be sure that the Realm of the Gods will attack our prehistoric world and not be the first to attack your other world?"

Xiao Yun sneered when he heard the words: "Why can Heavenly Dao in the realm of the gods suppress your Heavenly Dao in the prehistoric world? It's because Hongjun devotes all his strength to suppressing Heavenly Dao in our world of Jiuxiao Continent. Once the realm of the gods is destroyed If you kill the creatures of our Jiuxiao continent world, our Heavenly Dao in Jiuxiao continent world will be weakened to the extreme. At that time, Hongjun will be able to free up his hands to resist the suppression of Heavenly Dao in the realm of the gods. Do you think they will be so stupid? Don't? In a dream, the supreme god of fate is also Heavenly Dao, and in charge of the law of fate, he is much smarter than you."

"You said so much, do you want us to let you go?" Yuanshi Tianzun suddenly sneered: "No matter how strong the realm of the gods is, do they dare to enter our prehistoric world? Here, their strength will be suppressed, Not our opponent at all."

Xiao Yun was very calm, he sneered and looked at the saints, and sneered: "I'll tell you a piece of news for free, the world connected by the gate of heaven on the battlefield of the two worlds is called the realm of the gods, and they have four supreme gods, all of them The existence of the same way as Hongjun, you all saw it just now."

Suppressing the realm of the gods above Heavenly Dao in the prehistoric world Heavenly Dao's power has been strengthened again, completely blocking Hongjun in the origin of Heavenly Dao, making him unable to convey his voice to the saints.

Lingbao Tianzun feels very cool now, and his thoughts are somewhat mastered.

I saw Lingbao Tianzun's face was pale, and his breath plummeted. In his dim primordial spirit, a Hongmeng purple air was forcibly pulled out by him, and then merged into the void and completely dissipated.

The Hongmeng Purple Qi, once regarded as a treasure by them, is now regarded as an imprisoned existence by them.

Four swords suddenly appeared beside Xiao Yun, and there was also a picture of the Immortal Array, imprisoning the surrounding thousands of miles of void.

Yuanshi Tianzun and Zhunti glared at Xiao Yun with murderous aura, and the surrounding void trembled, as if the whole world was angry.

"Master, you can't joke at this time. The army of the realm of the gods must be gathering now. There is not much time left for you to advance to Immortal." Xiao Yun sweated on his forehead, staring at Lingbao Tianzun, thinking. To determine whether Lingbao Tianzun is joking with him.

The attention of the saints was attracted back and looked at Lingbao Tianzun not far away.

When the saints heard the words, their pupils shrank.

Empress Pingxin glanced at Xiao Yun and said to Daode Tianzun, "Now is not a good time to deal with him!"

"That's right. No matter how strong the Realm of the Gods is, they will be suppressed when they come to our prehistoric world. Even if they have ten world masters, they are not our opponents." Zhunti also laughed.

The four world masters, and they are still stronger than Luohu, this is too shocking for them.

"Boy, are you looking for death?"

But at this moment, a familiar voice sounded in their minds: "He's right!"

"Oh, I almost forgot, Empress Pingxin is different from you fake saints. She is a real Immortal. However, once Heavenly Dao in the prehistoric world is isolated, the powerhouses from the realm of the gods will not come. Suppressed. They have four world masters, um, and six or seven Immortal-level existences." Xiao Yun said with a smile.

All Saints: "..."

Hearing this familiar voice, all the saints looked shocked, and all looked in the direction of the battlefield of the two realms.

Xiao Yun scolded Yuanshi Tianzun, and said to Daode Tianzun and the others: "Have you seen the figure in front of Tianmen? They are guarding Tianmen now. When the powerhouses from the realm of the gods come out, do you think he will? Won't you free up your hand? If he does, what do you think he will do?"

"Attack our another world?"

Yuanshi Tianzun even angrily scolded towards Lingbao Tianzun not far away: "Tongtian, look at your good deeds, you even passed the Immortal sword array to the people of another world."

Yuanshi Tianzun and Zhunti's faces suddenly became gloomy. Just now, Xiao Yun moved through the virtual world. They didn't feel it at all. With just one hand, they would leave if they wanted to.

"I'm not joking with you, I really can't cut the obsession for the teacher." Lingbao Tianzun was also caught off guard at this moment. He didn't expect that Hongmeng Ziqi was not his own obsession. What exactly is his own obsession?

The faces of the saints changed when they heard the words, as if they were judging the truth of what Xiao Yun said.

Yuanshi Tianzun was so angry that he turned his head to look at Xiao Yun, his face gloomy and said: "We have six Sages here, even if you have the Immortal Sword Formation, you are not our opponent."

"Is this Li Yun's deity? It's really terrifying, my apprentice is so strong?" Lingbao Tianzun was shocked, but couldn't help but feel proud.

"I passed it on to my apprentice to execute the Immortal sword formation, what are you doing?" Lingbao Tianzun sneered.

After hearing the words, Daode Tianzun, Amitābha and the others surrounded Xiao Yun one after another.

"What exactly are you trying to say?" Daode Tianzun asked, staring closely at Xiao Yun.

Swish swish!

"Want to kill me? Do you think you can do it?"

And the one who was beaten was also his big enemy.

"Do you still want to watch the show? This man from another world is a great disaster for our prehistoric world. Since he dares to come to our prehistoric world now, then take this opportunity to destroy him." Yuanshi Tianzun said to Daode Tianzun and the others .

"Hahaha, Yuanshi, don't you often say that my followers are mostly rabble? Even you, Heavenly Dao Sage, are not my apprentice's opponent. You are also worthy to be compared with my teaching?" Lingbao Tianzun laughed loudly at Yuanshi Tianzun, A look of satisfaction.

Not far away, Lingbao Tianzun, who was stripping away the purple energy of Hongmeng, was stunned.

When the saints heard the words, their expressions changed drastically.

Zhunti was the first to agree, he looked at Xiao Yun with cold eyes, and said, "Yuanshi fellow daoist is right, this person has such strength in our prehistoric world, he must be a big threat in the future, and we can't let him go today. Leave alive."

However, Lingbao Tianzun suddenly changed his face: "Teacher, you have been pitted by you for being a teacher. I can't cut off the obsessive corpse. Hongmeng Ziqi is not obsessed with being a teacher."

There, the stalwart figure of the supreme god of fate still stood beside the Tianmen, as if the laws of ten thousand ways were condensed, exuding a terrifying breath, even if they were separated from the battlefield of the two worlds, they felt the tremors.

When people escape to the Chaos Realm, will they dare to chase it out?

They all felt that their own obsession was the Hongmeng Purple Qi, but Lingbao Tianzun was the only one who really had the courage to strip away the Hongmeng Purple Qi.

"Calling you an idiot is flattering you. Do you think other Sages are as idiots as you?"

Xiao Yun sneered: "Now your Heavenly Dao in the prehistoric world has also been suppressed. As long as the supreme god of fate takes action, he will be able to isolate the remaining Heavenly Dao power in your prehistoric world. At that time, you Heavenly Dao Sages, How much power do you have left?"

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