Mystery: I Have An Epiphany Of The Chaotic Body

Chapter 1246 The Arrival Of The Supreme God

"Boom!" The silver giant Tianmen continued to rise, and the void in front of him seemed to be torn out of a huge portal, and terrifying energy surged out from it, quickly strengthening the Tianmen.

Xiao Yun's face was ugly, he no longer built the Tianmen, but at this time the Tianmen was beyond his control, and there was a powerful presence on the opposite side that was quickly strengthening the Tianmen.

His strength is already close to the peak world master, but the power coming from the opposite side of Tianmen makes him feel as unfathomable as the vast ocean.

Could it be that the four supreme gods of the realm of the gods shot together?

Xiao Yun thought to himself.

"Boy, you're crazy. You are actually connected to the realm of the gods. It's a mess. The Heavenly Dao in the realm of the gods is even more terrifying than the Heavenly Dao in our prehistoric world." Dou Sheng's anxious voice sounded in Xiao Yun's mind. .

Xiao Yun's face is gloomy, and he is not connected to the realm of the gods. Could it be that the ancestor Yang Mei slaughtered all the creatures in the world of Jiuxiao Continent?

Although the situation is now out of Xiao Yun's control, he has no regrets.

"Close the gate of heaven!" Dou Sheng urged, and at the same time he rushed over from Chaos Realm.

"It can't be closed!" Xiao Yun shook his head, and quickly left this place to meet the past body not far away.

He felt that the powerhouses of the Realm of the Gods were coming, and he didn't want to stay near Tianmen and be the first to be targeted by the powerhouses of the Realm of the Gods.

Ancestor Yang Mei didn't shoot Xiao Yun again. He crossed the void and quickly appeared in front of the huge silver portal.

Looking at the giant Tianmen in front of him, Ancestor Yang Mei's eyes were full of solemnity.

At the same time, a willow branch protruded from the void where Yang Mei's ancestor was located, like a divine chain of order, piercing through layers of void and reaching the giant gate of heaven in front of him.


A terrifying energy erupted from the giant Tianmen, and then swept in, shaking the surrounding space to pieces.

This force is so powerful that it cannot be described in words, as if a big world collided with it on the opposite side.

Ancestor Yang Mei's complexion suddenly changed, and his body quickly faded, as if he was about to disappear into this space and time.

However, that terrifying force was still following him.

"Damn it, this is the power of destiny!" Yang Mei's ancestor traveled through the long river of time and space, constantly dodging, but he couldn't get rid of the pursuit behind him.

After a while, a terrifying force bombarded Yang Mei's body, causing him to vomit blood, and the past and future bodies were dimmed.

Ancestor Yang Mei hurriedly summoned the future body and the past body to be one with himself, so that his own combat power could be maintained at the peak world master level.

"What's the situation?" A golden light descended from the sky, and then the figure of Dou Sheng appeared.

Ancestor Yang Mei looked at the giant Tianmen not far away with a solemn expression, and said solemnly: "The Heavenly Dao on the opposite side seems to be stronger than the Heavenly Dao in the prehistoric world. I made a move, and my strength is very strong, even stronger than Hongjun."

When Dou Sheng heard the words, he said with a gloomy expression: "My old grandson probably knows a little about that world. It is called the Domain of the Gods.

"Four combined Taoists? How is that possible?" Ancestor Yang Mei shook his head, and then seemed to have thought of something. His expression changed and he said in shock, "Did they give up their self-awareness and completely merge with Heavenly Dao?"

"Not bad!" Dou Sheng nodded.

Ancestor Yang Mei's face became more and more ugly when he heard the words. He immediately rushed to the Chaos Realm and shouted: "Hongjun fellow daoist, our transaction is over."

After all, he rushed towards the Chaos Realm as fast as he was fleeing.

Dou Sheng was stunned, and quickly shouted: "Old guy, where are you going? Stay and help, or when they invade, our prehistoric world will be in danger."

"Help me, those are the four powerhouses, and they gave up their self-awareness and perfectly integrated with Heavenly Dao, they can use all the power of Heavenly Dao. Hongjun is strong, but he needs to suppress Heavenly Dao, it is impossible. Using all the power of Heavenly Dao, he is not the opponent of the four powerhouses." Yang Mei ancestor Half step did not stop, and quickly fled into the Chaos World, wanting to stay away from the prehistoric world.

"Boom!" Dou Sheng rose into the sky, and the golden hoop stick in his hand also grew rapidly, turning into a divine stick that penetrated the sky and the ground, and slammed into the ancestor Yang Mei.

"Monkey boy, what do you want to do?" Ancestor Yang Mei was shocked and angry when he saw this.

"You old guy wants to slip away? You want to be beautiful!" Dou Sheng chased after Yang Mei's ancestor, and sent a voice transmission to Xiao Yun, asking him to stop Yang Mei's ancestor together.

Xiao Yun wanted Yang Mei ancestors to leave, but now that their opponents have changed, they will soon face the invasion of the realm of the gods together. When there is one less Yang Mei ancestor, that is less A peak combat power.


Xiao Yun traveled through the virtual world and quickly caught up with the ancestor Yang Mei. Of course, this was also because the ancestor Yang Mei had to deal with the attack of the fighting saint.


Dou Sheng and Xiao Yun joined forces to drag the ancestor Yang Mei into the battlefield of the two realms.

At this time, the people on the battlefields of the two worlds were still a little confused.

They had no idea what was going on.

Although the giant Tianmen not far away looks shocking, the practitioners in the prehistoric world do not know what it does.

The powerhouses in the world of Jiuxiao Continent had guessed what was going on. After all, they knew that the other side of Tianmen was the Realm of the Gods. As long as they were not stupid, they guessed that Xiao Yun wanted to attract the powerhouses of the Realm of the Gods to join in.

Soon, Zhang Xiaofan and the others also received a voice transmission from Xiao Yun.

"Fight back to defend the heavens and prepare to fight!" Xiao Yun's tone was also a little anxious. In the face of the powerful Realm of the Gods, there was no advantage in staying in the battlefield between the two realms, because the suppressing power here was not comparable to that in the world of Jiuxiao Continent.

What's more, in the heaven, they also arranged a lot of formations, and they have an advantage in defending.

At the same time, Xiao Yun also sent a voice transmission to Lingbao Tianzun to explain the situation.

After all, he didn't want this cheap master to be killed by him later.


In the distance, after Lingbao Tianzun taught Zao Wou-Ki a lesson, he began to fish in troubled waters, looking for opportunities to be promoted to Immortal.

He was not in a hurry to deprive Hongmeng Ziqi, because the ancestor Yang Mei was still there.

Once he deprives Hongmeng Ziqi at this time, Hongjun will definitely let Ancestor Yang Mei come to kill him.

Only when the ancestor Yang Mei can't make a move, will Lingbao Tianzun deprive Hongmeng Ziqi.

But after waiting for a long time, Lingbao Tianzun did not wait for Yang Mei's ancestor to be restrained by Dou Sheng and Xiao Yun.

Until the giant Tianmen was formed just now, Lingbao Tianzun couldn't help but be surprised.

"What is this? Is it the Tianmen that Hongjun said before?" Lingbao Tianzun looked at the giant Tianmen from a distance, and he faintly felt a dangerous aura coming from the door.

At this moment, Yang Mei's ancestor rose into the sky and fought against Dou Sheng and Xiao Yun.

Xiao Yun also voiced over.

"What! The Realm of the Gods is so strong?" When Lingbao Tianzun received Xiao Yun's voice transmission, his expression changed greatly.

"Master, cut your obsessions quickly, now is the best chance." Xiao Yun urged.

Lingbao Tianzun's face kept changing. Although he had long felt that abandoning Hongmeng Purple Qi would be able to cut out the obsession in his heart, but at this moment, he was hesitant.


The Tianmen in the distance was completely stabilized, and four terrifying auras swept out first like the vast waves.

Immediately, countless fragments of the law rushed out like a torrent, strangling some nearby cultivators into pieces.

Everyone looked at Tianmen in shock. There were four stalwart figures looming in the fragments of the law. The aura on them was constantly getting stronger, and the law of ten thousand ways was constantly getting stronger. That was the power of Heavenly Dao. .

Everyone present is very familiar, because there are two kinds of Heavenly Dao forces entangled in the battlefield of the two worlds, but now, there is a third kind of Heavenly Dao force invading.

And this Heavenly Dao power is extraordinarily powerful, faintly suppressing the Heavenly Dao power of the prehistoric world, it completely broke the balance of the battlefield between the two worlds.

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