Heaven, the holy city of chaos.

Xiao Yun didn't hide him either, saying: "The Nine Heavens Continent has always had the legend of the ten supreme bodies, and not long ago, I finally got together the ten supreme bodies, so that my chaotic body can evolve."

Dou Sheng heard the words with envy, jealousy and hatred: "With the body of eternity, your cultivation of the Law of Chaos Dao is as simple as eating and drinking."

"Hehe, that's true." Dou Sheng said with a smile: "Now Hongjun is eager to find your eternal body. He knows that the eternal body cultivator is fast, and he is worried that after you achieve Immortal, he will be arrested. Kick the Realm out of the lane."

"Because the prehistoric world is a big world evolved by the Pangu god-tier, once you enter the eternal body, as long as cultivation, it will resonate with the Heavenly Dao of the prehistoric world, then you are a big light bulb, unless the Sage of the prehistoric world I'm all blind, so I won't see you." Dou Sheng shrugged.

Xiao Yun's heart moved when he heard the words.

However, Zhang Xiaofan, the Chaos Emperor, spent an era in Wudi in the lower realm. If he discovered the other nine supreme bodies, it is possible to gather them together.

"Uh, no!" Zhang Xiaofan explained quickly, "Brother Xiao, I have already gathered the top ten supreme bodies, but it only made my chaos body a little stronger, and there was no evolution."

Man, this is hidden deep enough.

"Yes, I feel at most 10,000 years, I can be promoted to the world master with the Chaos Dao." Xiao Yun nodded.

Xiao Yun and Zhang Xiaofan turned their heads to look, Dou Sheng came out of the virtual world.

Xiao Yun nodded, and a wild hope rose in his heart, wanting to prove the Tao for eternity.

"That's because he is not a creature from the prehistoric world!"

"Let me see your Chaos Body!"

"It's also the ten supreme bodies, why didn't Zhang Xiaofan transform?" Xiao Yun retracted his hand and frowned.

After Xiao Yun merged into the body of the Ten Thousand Buddhas, his chaotic body source completely disappeared and completely merged into his body.

Dou Sheng laughed and said: "Do you think anyone can give birth to an eternal body? Only our prehistoric world can, because our prehistoric world is the evolution of the Pangu god-tier, so only the creatures of our prehistoric world can be born eternal. the potential of the body.”

Zhang Xiaofan also gathered the ten supreme bodies?

"Dou Sheng, do you know why my physique has changed?" Xiao Yun's eyes lit up, staring at Dou Sheng.

Xiao Yun smiled. In fact, not only is he cultivating the Law of Chaos Dao faster, but he is also cultivating other Dao Laws much faster now, because he is in a state of epiphany at all times.

Although he had an epiphany in the past, the human door needs energy supply, and after all, there is still a limit, and it is impossible for him to have an epiphany all the time.

In the past, he felt that he didn't have enough time, and it was difficult for him to reach the standard of proving the eternity before the restart of the chaos world, but now that he has the body of eternity, then he will not lack time.

"Brother Xiao!" Seeing Xiao Yun coming out, Zhang Xiaofan was instantly overjoyed and hurried up to meet him.

The Cultivation Technique of "Undead Magic" is located in Chaos Sacred Land, which itself is collected by Zhang Xiaofan.

Zhang Xiaofan didn't dodge, but his pupils shrank, because of Xiao Yun's speed just now, he couldn't feel the slightest fluctuation, as if he was integrated with this world.

Xiao Yun walked out of the palace and saw Zhang Xiaofan anxiously waiting outside the palace at a glance, not far away there were Xiao Tianci, Zao Wuji, Jian Zun and others.

Seeing this, Zhang Xiaofan asked curiously, "Brother Xiao, did you find anything?"

"Ten supreme bodies? Chaos body evolution?" When Zhang Xiaofan heard the words, his face suddenly became strange and he looked at Xiao Yun suspiciously.

Xiao Yun suddenly realized, no wonder Zhang Xiaofan was not born with an eternal body.

Xiao Yun pondered: "It's still unclear, I feel that this Eternal Body is still in the growth stage, and it is estimated that it will not be truly complete until I become a World Lord."

Xiao Yun was stunned when he heard the words.

Xiao Yun looked at Dou Sheng and wondered, "Why?"

"It's weird!" Xiao Yun shook his head and said, "You and I have gathered the top ten supreme bodies, but they haven't transformed. I don't know why."

"I'm in the world of Jiuxiao Continent, what does it have to do with him?" Xiao Yun asked in confusion.

"Eternal characteristics?" Xiao Yun was lost in thought.

Dou Sheng continued: "Proving the Tao is a test of life and death for eternity. At that time, you need to sacrifice all your flesh to the own avenue. Once it is successful, it will be fine, but if you die, it will disappear, the true spirit will be annihilated, and there will be no reincarnation. Possibly. But having the body of eternity is different. You can see the Pangu god-tier. After he fails to preach the Tao, he can still evolve into the prehistoric world, and his own primordial spirit transforms into the creatures of Sanqing and many prehistoric worlds. This is because eternity The body contains a trace of eternal characteristics."

Xiao Yun rolled his eyes and said, "What kind of eyes are you looking at? Do you suspect that I lied to you?"

Xiao Yun nodded to him and smiled: "I'm fine."

Yes, in the prehistoric world, there is a hundred times faster time. The prehistoric world is 10,000 years old, and the Jiuxiao Continent is only 100 years old.

"Boy, besides the fast cultivation speed, is there anything special about your eternal body?" Dou Sheng asked curiously at this time.

"The body of eternity definitely contains a trace of eternity. You have to understand it a lot. Maybe in our chaotic era, the one who has the most chance to prove the eternity is your kid." Dou Sheng said with emotion.

At this moment, Dou Sheng's voice suddenly came.

Dou Sheng nodded, looked at Xiao Yun with some envy, and said, "According to the old man Hongjun, your physique is called the 'eternal body', which is the same physique as the Pangu god-tier. World Lord, although you are close, you will soon be able to cultivate to the World Lord Realm."

"Huh!" Xiao Yun suddenly exclaimed in surprise, in his investigation, Zhang Xiaofan did integrate the sources of the other nine supreme bodies, but for some reason, these sources just gathered together to make the source of the chaotic body even stronger , but did not find the ultimate metamorphosis.

"Don't think about it, your body can't go to the prehistoric world now." Dou Sheng suddenly said.

It wasn't teleportation, it was as if Xiao Yun was by his side originally.

"It's a pity!" Zhang Xiaofan felt a little regretful at the moment, he couldn't enter the prehistoric world, then he could only wait ten thousand years.

Xiao Yun's thoughts flashed, and a man appeared beside Zhang Xiaofan with one hand on his shoulder.

After Dou Sheng got the news from Zixiao Palace, he immediately notified the deity to come.

"Brother Xiao, what happened just now?" Zhang Xiaofan asked curiously.

"Brother Xiao, if you go to the Great Desolate World to cultivate now, wouldn't you be able to be promoted to the World Lord soon?" Zhang Xiaofan said at this moment.

Xiao Yun didn't care much. He smiled and said, "Ten thousand years is ten thousand years. Ancestor Yang Mei hasn't come back for a while. Chaos world is so big, maybe he won't come back in ten thousand years."

Moreover, when he was in the lower realm, if he wanted to deprive the opponent of his special physique, in addition to swallowing the Heavenly Demon body, there was also Demon Venerable's "Undead Magic Art".

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