The three god-tier bodies of the future, the present, and the past are all at the world master level. The power of Yang Mei's ancestors shocked Xiao Yun.

"By the way, I still have seven prisons!"

"Boy, you should find a way to help Tongtian be promoted to Immortal, this is your only chance." Dou Sheng looked at the silent Xiao Yun and said.

Xiao Yun frowned. He had also heard the gray-robed world master say that this Yang Mei ancestor had sparred with the powerhouses in the world of the mind, and he didn't fall behind.

Xiao Yun shook his head and said, "Although Hongjun can't make a move, there are those Heavenly Dao Sages, and Luo Hu, they are no weaker than Immortal in the prehistoric world."

"Dou Sheng thinks that a mind power world master and three mind power Immortals, plus you and me, can compete with Yang Mei's ancestor?" Xiao Yun asked.

"Then my old grandson can't do anything, boy, you can only figure out a way for this matter." Dou Sheng spread his hands and said helplessly.

Besides, it was a catastrophe that all creatures in the Chaos World had to face. Even when the sky fell, there were tall people on the back. Although Xiao Yun was very confident, he did not think that he was the savior of the Chaos World.

Dou Sheng Lotus Position sat and said with a smile: "It must be related to Proving Dao Eternal. When it comes to the realm of Yang Mei's ancestor, only Proving Dao Eternal will attract him."

"Saint Dou, I'm curious about one thing, what was the Pangu god-tier Realm back then?" Xiao Yun asked suddenly.

As for the oath, at the level of the world master and Immortal, the binding force of the oath is already very small and can be ignored.

Dou Sheng shook his head and said: "Everyone's way is different, Yang Mei's ancestor was a space god and demon back then, he reached the peak on the space road, and finally Insight time avenue, and then merged into the space-time road, thus ascending to the critical master Realm. But eternity The level of time and space should include the entire Chaos Realm, and Yang Mei's ancestor probably chose to travel in the Chaos Realm because of this."

At that time, after they come out, who can guarantee that they will definitely help to deal with the ancestor Yang Mei?

Besides, when Xiao Yun communicated with the gray-robed world master, they had threatened them. There was no 'friendship' between the two sides.

However, Xiao Yun also thought about the fact that he once summoned the future body and the past body to merge into one, but that was when he was weak and summoned in the long river of time and space in Jiuxiao Continent.

"My old grandson heard from old Hongjun that this world of the mind is very strong. Why are their Immortal and the world master imprisoned? Who is the owner of this Seven Prison Tower? How can it be so strong?" Dou Sheng immediately Doubt asked.

After Dou Sheng's reminder, he realized that he had no way to restrain the gray-robed world lord and the others.

"Who knows? Maybe you will know after you prove the Tao is eternal." Dou Sheng shook his head, but looked into the depths of the sky, and there was a look of yearning in his eyes.

Dou Sheng was full of surprise when he heard it: "I didn't expect the puppet world to be so powerful. In our place, there are only a handful of Immortal levels. In the puppet world, many people can form an army."

"Will devouring the world of Jiuxiao Continent help Hongjun to prove the Tao for eternity? If so, why did the ancestor Yang Mei choose to go out alone instead of joining the Tao?" Xiao Yun sneered.

"By the way, boy, don't ignore one more thing!" Dou Sheng suddenly looked at Xiao Yun and asked with a sneer, "Why do you think that if you release those powerhouses from the world of the mind, they will definitely help you deal with them. Ancestor Yang Mei?"

Perhaps the Sacred Heart can be used to blackmail the Immortal 'Unbounded'.

"This..." Xiao Yun's expression froze when he heard the words.

"Tongtian's courage is still not enough. Now Hongjun is going to suppress Heavenly Emperor. What is he afraid of? Hongjun, does he dare to free up his hand to kill him? Once Hongjun is freed, your master, Heavenly Emperor, can do it. To get out of trouble, it will be impossible for old Hongjun to suppress him again." Dou Sheng disdainfully said.

Dou Sheng sneered and said: "That's right, but there are so many big worlds in the Chaos World, there are so many Heavenly Dao, which Heavenly Dao do you think has been promoted over the years? The world master is only one step away from eternity, but this step But so far no one has been able to step out.”

But the gray-robed world master and the other two Immortals would not be threatened by Xiao Yun.

"World Prison? A strong person who is imprisoned in the Great Spiritual World?" Dou Sheng was surprised when he heard the words, and then he was a little surprised. No wonder Xiao Yun got the cultivation Cultivation Technique of the Great Spiritual World. He originally thought that Xiao Yun had been to the Great Spiritual World. What about the world.

"But he also failed." Xiao Yun said.

"Isn't Heavenly Dao going a step further than the Eternal Avenue?" Xiao Yun wondered.

Xiao Yun sighed: "The world of the mind is indeed very strong, but in the world of chaos, there is a world that is stronger than it..."

At the moment, he will destroy the world of the puppet world and the world of the mind one by one.

However, once the practitioner has become the Great Daoist and jumped out of the long river of time and space, it is difficult to summon the future body and the past body, which requires a high understanding on the time and space road.

"Since no one has stepped into the level of 'eternity', how do you think there is a realm of 'eternity'? What if the realm is already the pinnacle that all living beings can cultivate?" Xiao Yun wondered.

Dou Sheng pondered: "Ancestor Yang Mei's three god-tier bodies, my grandson can block one, and the mental power world master can also block one, but the remaining one, you and the three mental power Immortal, may not necessarily be It can be blocked. The main reason is that Yang Mei’s spiritual Realm is unfathomable, and the three mental Immortals may not be useful to his attack. If you replace it with other Immortals, you can cooperate with you to cast the Immortal Sword Formation.”

Dou Sheng smiled and said: "He is the son of the Great Dao, and he was the Realm of the Realm when he was conceived, but he is not the same as us. He was born with the blessing of the power of the Great Dao, which can be said to be a half step eternal level."

He suddenly thought that although he himself could not completely refine the Seven Prison Towers, the Dou Sheng was the world master, and the Dou Sheng could.

Although the mental attack is strange, it can ignore the defense.

Xiao Yun also sighed helplessly.

However, if the mental Realm of the enemy is very high, then the spiritual practitioner will not have the slightest advantage when facing the enemy.

Xiao Yun took back his thoughts. For him, how to deal with the returning ancestor Yang Mei was the most important issue.

Xiao Yun suddenly thought of the Seven Prison Tower, and couldn't help looking at the Saint Dou in front of him and said, "Saint Dou, I have a thing called the World Prison, which holds a World Lord and three Immortals, all of them from the Great Spirit World. Cultivators, if you let them out and add them, can you deal with the ancestors of Yang Mei?"

Dou Sheng pointed to the sky and smiled and said, "Although no one has ever stepped into the eternal level, above our heads is the eternal 'Avenue of Chaos', the immeasurable calamity is coming, and chaos is restarted, but the avenue of chaos is still the avenue of chaos, this is not eternity What is it?"

They have already been freed anyway, so why do they have to fight with Yang Mei's ancestors and offend Hongjun?

As for the immeasurable calamities, we will consider it later.

"This ancestor Yang Mei has been out for so many years, but now he ran back inexplicably, how much did Hongjun have to pay?" Xiao Yun said cursingly.

Dou Sheng said with emotion: "Yeah, it is too difficult to prove the Tao, and no one has succeeded in our chaos from the beginning to the present."

Although Xiao Yun has also cultivated the Dao of Time and Space, his progress in the Dao of Time and Space is slow, and even his Chaos Dao is not comparable to that of his Immortal.

What's more, since this ancestor Yang Mei had already seen the strange attacks of mental power practitioners, he would definitely take precautions when he encounters them again. Once the mental power attack is useless to him, no matter how many mental power Immortals are used, it will be useless.

Xiao Yun smiled bitterly and said, "I've already mentioned it to Master, and he can't give up Hongmeng Purple Qi now."

Xiao Yun looked up at the sky, it was pitch black, and there was no edge in sight. He murmured, "Outside the big world is the Chaos Realm, so what is outside the Chaos Realm?"

It's like facing the puppet world, the mental force is useless, and the mental force practitioners can only be captured.

After that, Dou Sheng continued to analyze: "Hongjun was not considered the top among the three thousand gods and demons back then. After he was lucky enough to get the jade plate of good fortune, he took the lead in proving the Tao and becoming holy. This old fellow Hongjun, The greatest courage is to steal the Heavenly Dao in the prehistoric world, and at the same time Insight 3,000 Dao, he thinks that Heavenly Dao goes a step further and is the eternal road."

In comparison, his 'Heavenly Emperor' master's talent is much higher than him. Maybe after he is rescued, he will have a chance to prove the Tao of eternity.

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