Xiao Yun's physical breakthrough Immortal Realm really startled Jian Zun.

But then, Jian Zun was overjoyed.

Xiao Yun's strength is so strong that after accepting his ultimate swordsmanship, his strength will rise to the next level.

"I have some expectations, will you rush directly to the world master level later?" Jian Zun stared at Xiao Yun in front of him.

Xiao Yun shook his head and said, "The World Lord is not so easy to achieve, but if my swordsmanship is strong enough, I can compete with the World Lord at the Immortal level."

The Realm of the World Lord is the perfection of the Law of the Great Way.

Therefore, the Realm of all realms is the same.

However, the strength of the World Lords varies, which is related to the strength of the Dao Law that the World Lord understands, and how much they understand the Dao Law.

Like Hongjun, who has comprehended three thousand Taos, this is terrifying.

And Dou Sheng's avenue of power is also extremely powerful.

Rahu's Devil Dao is relatively weak, so even if he is a veteran of the most holy, he is not an opponent of the fighting saint now.

And Xiao Yun's swordsmanship is no less than the avenue of power, plus the blessing of the avenue of flesh, the power is very terrifying.

"let us start!"

Jian Zun looked at Xiao Yun in front of him, his eyes were blazing with light, and there was a trace of hope in his eyes: "Let me see the perfect Realm's Universe Kendo!"

As the first sword cultivator in the human race, Jian Zun has been very persistent in kendo all his life.

Chao Wen Dao Xi can die.

Sword Sovereign wants to take a look at the perfect Realm's Universe Kendo before reincarnation.


When Xiao Yun heard the words, he directly opened the universe kendo. The powerful kendo of earth, wind, water, fire, thunder, time, and space opened up the void of the universe and evolved into the vast world, as if an initial universe was forming.

Sword intent is surging, Sword Qi is reckless, this empty world is shrouded in it, forming a unique sword world.

"It's so beautiful!" Jian Zun looked at the Universe Kendo in front of him, and only felt that this was the most beautiful thing in the world. Tears flashed in his eyes, and his face was full of excitement.

Xiao Yun was a little speechless, it was difficult for him to understand the mind of such a cheap... sword man, after all, he was not a pure sword cultivator, for him, kendo was just a means, only used for Ascension strength.

But for Jianzun, kendo is more important than his life.


Jianzun suddenly drank, and he began to strip off his own ultimate kendo and graft it into Xiao Yun's universe kendo.

That kind of swordsmanship, turned into various laws of heaven and earth, began to integrate into Xiao Yun's sword world, forming the origin of the structure of this universe.

Xiao Yun suddenly felt something.

He felt that his original 'empty' universe kendo suddenly began to swell, expanding in all directions.

It's like the big bang of the universe. Originally a small initial universe, it is rapidly expanding and getting bigger.

One type of kendo after another is mastered by Xiao Yun, perfectly integrated into his universe kendo.


A tyrannical Sword intent suddenly erupted from Xiao Yun's body, shot straight into the sky, and shattered the sky.

The void collapsed, and the terrifying Sword intent filled out, causing the entire battlefield of the two realms to shake.

At this moment, Xiao Yun discovered that his own Universe Kendo had broken through to Immortal Realm, and he was still continuing Ascension.

Immortal early stage, Immortal middle stage, Immortal late stage…

It wasn't until after reaching the peak of Immortal that Xiao Yun's universe kendo stopped jumping.

"So strong..."

Jian Zun looked at Xiao Yun in front of him. The original black hair had already turned into white hair, and he had stripped away the ultimate swordsmanship. His spirit was passing quickly, and his long life had come to an end.

But his eyes were full of excitement and excitement.

Because he saw the most perfect kendo.

"Chaowen Daoxi can die...I have no regrets, Xiao Yun, I'll leave it to you." After Jian Zun finished speaking, his body collapsed, turning into a little light and disappearing into the long river of time and space.

The Donghuang Bell also disappeared with him.

Seeing this, Xiao Yun hurriedly urged his heart to calculate. He couldn't calculate the trace of Jianzun, but he could calculate the Eastern Emperor Bell. After all, this was the Innate treasure he once controlled, and he could barely calculate a little bit of information.

According to Xiao Yun's calculations, Sword Sovereign's true spirit traveled in the long river of time and space, drifting with the current, and then was involved in the lower world Jiuxiao Continent by the power of Samsara.

"Huh? Where did you go?" When Xiao Yun finally figured out where Jian Zun was reincarnated, his expression changed.

Because he was too familiar with that place, it was the Dugu family.

Nowadays, the Chaos Sacred Land in the lower world dominates the world, and the Dugu Family has become the strongest family because of the Chaos Sacred Land, and it is also the first family of Kendo.

Logically speaking, being reincarnated into such a family is not a bad thing.

It's just this Dugu family... ah, it's hard to say.

Xiao Yun didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he could probably guess, maybe because of the attraction of kendo, so Jian Zun chose to be reincarnated into the Dugu family. After all, the Dugu family is the first family in kendo.

"I hope Jianzun will not regret it in the future!" Xiao Yun shook his head and turned to leave.


Nether, Jiuxiao Continent.

Dugu Yunfeng, the head of the Dugu family, is wandering anxiously outside a house.

From time to time a woman's cry of pain could be heard in the house.

When Dugu Yunfeng heard his wife's painful cry, he was very anxious and walked back and forth at the door.

"Wow!" Suddenly, a loud baby cry came.

Dugu Yunfeng was immediately overjoyed: "It's a son, I have a son, hahaha!"

At the moment, he hurriedly pushed the door and entered the house.

"Boom..." At this moment, a sudden change occurred.

Dugu Yunfeng's spiritual sense swept out, and suddenly found that the swords in the hands of everyone in the family were shaking, and then a sword rose into the sky and worshipped in his direction.

"Wanjian worship! Hey, is my son a natural genius in swordsmanship?" Dugu Yunfeng was surprised and happy when he saw this scene.

"Husband, why don't you name the child soon!" In the house, a beautiful woman lying on the bed saw Dugu Yunfeng coming in, and hurriedly urged.

Only then did Dugu Yunfeng return to God, looked at the beautiful woman and said with a smile, "Mrs. Hard work."

Immediately, he looked at the baby in the midwife's hands. To Dugu Yunfeng's surprise, there was a golden birthmark between the baby's eyebrows, which looked like a small bell.

"My son was born extraordinary, and the ordinary name is not worthy of him."

Dugu Yunfeng thought for a while, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he laughed loudly: "Let's call it Dugu seeking defeat, Xiao Heavenly Emperor used this pseudonym back then to forge a fate with our Dugu family. I hope my son will work hard to practice kendo in the future. Don't humiliate the name."

"Wow!" the baby cried loudly.

Dugu Yunfeng looked at the baby with a face full of reluctance, and then said to the midwife, "Send it to Jianfeng!"

"Husband..." The beautiful woman on the bed suddenly looked reluctant when she heard the words.

Dugu Yunfeng sighed: "This is the rule of our Dugu family. When he becomes a swordsman, he can go down the mountain to reunite with us."

"Wow..." The baby was carried away by the midwife, crying all the way.

Unfortunately, what awaits him will be a cold and lonely sword and a sword.

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