Biyou Palace Great Hall, with the departure of the saints, the hall also fell into silence.

Lingbao Tianzun looked at Li Yun below with complicated eyes.

Yuanshi Tianzun's words also made sense, but he didn't want to doubt his own apprentice.

"Master, I am indeed from the Nine Heavens Continent." In the Great Hall, Li Yun, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly spoke up.

He is not going to hide Lingbao Tianzun.

After all, all the saints have already suspected him this time. If he deceives Lingbao Tianzun again, when Hongjun investigates it, then Lingbao Tianzun will be unlucky.


When Lingbao Tianzun heard Li Yun's words, his face changed, and he sighed.

"Why did you suddenly tell the teacher?"

"This time the saints have doubted the disciples. Maybe they will know the ancestors, and the ancestors will also blame the master."

Li Yun raised his head and looked directly at Lingbao Tianzun.

Lingbao Tianzun's heart warmed, but then he was full of helplessness, but it was a pity that Li Yun was not one of them.

"You are smart, let the deity leave Biyou Palace first, but I am curious, why can't I calculate your Karma?" Lingbao Tianzun asked.

In the past, he suspected that Li Yun was the protagonist of Destiny in the prehistoric world, and it was Heavenly Dao who deliberately hid Li Yun's Karma information.

But now, since Li Yun is from another world, he is definitely not the protagonist of the prehistoric world.

"This matter is complicated, it involves Dou Sheng..."

When Li Yun heard the words, he told some plans of Dou Sheng and Heavenly Emperor, and now there is no need to hide these things.

As for whether or not it will pit Dou Sheng...

Last time, he also saw the main body of Dou Sheng, which was hidden near the world of Jiuxiao Continent. The one in Hongjun was just a clone. Even if Hongjun knew about it, it would be fine.

"Hmph, Dou Sheng is a big plan, no wonder he can be promoted to the Holy Realm so quickly." Lingbao Tianzun snorted coldly.

Immediately, Tianzun Lingbao looked at Li Yun below, and said solemnly: "So, you are the creature of our prehistoric world after all, otherwise you will not be able to merge with the one who escaped."

"Yes!" Li Yun did not refute.

Lingbao Tianzun frowned and said, "If that's the case, why would you help another world?"

"Master, after all, another world has my relatives and friends. I can't give up these Karmas. What's more, I just want the two worlds to coexist peacefully, which is not harmful to the prehistoric world." Li Yun said.

Lingbao Tianzun shook his head with a wry smile and said, "We, Sage, are not really interested in invading another world, but the Taoist ancestors need to prove the Tao for eternity and fight against that boundless calamity."

"Devouring a big world can prove the eternal Dao?" Li Yun sneered when he heard the words, and continued: "Master should already know the Dao heart spiritual world, right? This big world is very powerful, and they rely on strange and unpredictable mental strength. Attacked the secret technique and conquered hundreds of great worlds, but who among them has proved the Tao for eternity?"

Lingbao Tianzun was silent for a moment when he heard the words, and then sighed: "The Dao ancestor's mind has been set, and it is not something we can change."

"With me, he can't invade Jiuxiao Continent." Li Yun sneered.

Lingbao Tianzun took a deep look at Li Yun, his eyes hesitated for a moment, and then whispered: "Ancestor Yang Mei is coming back."

"What!" Li Yun's expression suddenly changed.

Not long ago, Dou Sheng's reminder came to my mind.

After his rise, why does Hongjun still not give up like Jiuxiao Continent, why is he so confident?

Now Li Yun understands.

Hongjun actually asked Yang Mei's ancestor to take action, no wonder he was so confident.

"Master, is Patriarch Yang Mei strong?" Li Yun looked at Lingbao Tianzun and asked.

Lingbao Tianzun said solemnly: "Ancestor Yang Mei and Ancestor Dao belong to the three thousand chaotic gods and demons. They were both severely damaged by Pangu god-tier. Among them, Ancestor Dao chose to be reincarnated in the prehistoric world, but Ancestor Yang Mei was He did not choose to integrate into the prehistoric world, but chose to heal his wounds in chaos. Before Daozu did not testify, he was already a Sage Realm. No one knows how strong he is now. However, since Daozu invited him back, he must have perfection. grasp."

Li Yun's face was ugly.

He thought that he had achieved Immortal and had destroyed Hongjun's invasion plan, but he did not expect Yang Mei's ancestor to suddenly appear.

"Looks like I'll have Ascension's strength as soon as possible!" Li Yun thought to himself.

In fact, he is now fused with the Hill clone of the Realm of the Gods, and he is still confident that he will be promoted to Immortal.

Before, he thought that there was still more time, so he did not choose to fuse, but now it seems that he must fuse.

After all, who knows when the ancestor Yang Mei will come back.

Maybe he will come back in a few days, Li Yun dare not gamble.

"Master, haven't you thought about becoming a real Sage?" Li Yun suddenly said to Lingbao Tianzun.

Lingbao Tianzun's eyes flashed, and he stared at Li Yun and asked, "What do you mean?"

"The disciple once talked about the saints with Dou Sheng, and most of your obsessions are Hongmeng Purple Qi. As long as you give up Hongmeng Purple Qi, you can cut off the obsession." Li Yun said honestly.

At this moment, he thought of the words of the gray-robed world master.

If he can help Lingbao Tianzun become holy, then Hongjun will no longer be able to control Heavenly Dao in the prehistoric world.

At that time, even if the ancestor Yang Mei came back, it would be useless.

Lingbao Tianzun smiled faintly: "In fact, the teacher has already prepared to give up the purple qi, but now is not a good time, I plan to give up when Yang Mei's ancestor attacks another world, then no one can care about it. as a teacher."

Li Yun's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he had to say that Lingbao Tianzun was really smart.

"Since that's the case, Shizun still kills my evil corpse, lest Daozu suspect you." Li Yun said quickly.

Lingbao Tianzun waved his hand and said, "There's no need for that. You and Xiao Yun are just the same as cultivation Cultivation Technique. Daozu will not be implicated as a teacher because of this."

After speaking, Lingbao Tianzun gave Li Yun a deep look and said, "You should also leave the Biyou Palace, if there is one who escapes, even Daozu will not be able to find you. Although the corpse is not important, there is no need to lose it. ."

"Master, I..." Li Yun was moved for a while.

"Remember, you Li Yun will always be my apprentice." Lingbao Tianzun waved his hand, and before Li Yun could speak, he sent him away from Biyou Palace.

In the void, one after another powerful spiritual sense came to visit.

It's those Sages who left earlier.

They have been monitoring outside.

But Lingbao Tianzun was also prepared. He shouted loudly and swept out the Immortal Four Swords. The huge Immortal Immortal formation was even more obscuring the sun by Shrouding the Heavens, which shook the Sage Spiritual Minds who were visiting.

"Dare to peep at my Biyou Palace, do you want to be my enemy?" Lingbao Tianzun's cold words resounded through the world.

"Tongtian!" An angry shout came from Kunlun's direction: "I have already reported to the teacher, let's see how you explain it."

"Humph!" Lingbao Tianzun glanced in Kunlun's direction disdainfully, and then withdrew the Immortal Sword Formation.

Sensing the blurred Li Yun, a smile appeared on the corner of Lingbao Tianzun's mouth.

"Xiao Yun is actually my apprentice, hehe, my Lingbao actually taught an Immortal apprentice, and even defeated the saints, it's really better than the blue, haha!"

Lingbao Tianzun was very happy in his heart.

He had lost to Xiao Yun before, which he regarded as a shame, but now that Xiao Yun was his apprentice, his mind suddenly understood.

What happened when you lost to your apprentice?

This can only prove that he can teach disciples.

When the apprentice surpasses himself, he appears to be more powerful.

Of all the saints, besides him, who can teach an Immortal?

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