Mystery: I Have An Epiphany Of The Chaotic Body

The 10200 And 18th Chapter Exposure

In the Water Curtain Cave, Li Yun and Dou Sheng had a good conversation, and they discussed each other's perception of "Xin Dian". They were the same in Cultivation Base in "Xin Dian" cultivation, and there was not much difference.

"You're not being kind, you have used a variety of mental power secret techniques on the battlefield between the two realms." Dou Sheng suddenly remembered something, snorted coldly, and glanced at Li Yun.

Xiao Yun's battle in the battlefield between the two worlds, he also paid attention to it, and naturally understood.

In addition to the soul slaying thorn, there is also a mind power secret technique that opened his eyes.

"Hehe, Dou Sheng, it's no wonder I, when I made an agreement with you, I really only only had two kinds of mind power secret techniques, namely Soul Punishment and "One Thought Becomes Death". As for the rest of the mind power secret techniques, it was me who was promoted After the Spirit Immortal, I got it from the powerhouses in the Great Spirit World." Li Yun was stunned, and then explained with a smile.

When Dou Sheng heard the words, he suddenly realized.

If so, then Xiao Yun can't be blamed, it can only be considered unlucky for him.

"Forget it, my old grandson is not the kind of person who cares about everything. However, what are you doing here this time, you won't just talk to my old grandson so simple, right?" Dou Sheng snorted and asked immediately.

Li Yun said with a smile: "Dou Sheng's eyes are like torches, Junior is here this time, and I want to borrow your hand to experience "One Thought Becomes Sad"."

"You asked my old grandson to cast "One Thought Becomes Death" on you?" When Dou Sheng heard the words, he couldn't help but raise his brows.

Is this masochism?

He was a little puzzled.

Li Yun nodded and said, "Yes, this Illusion Art magical power can arouse the greatest fear in my heart. If we can overcome the fear, we may gain something."

Although he himself can "One Thought Becomes Death", but he can't do it to himself.

As for those in the Seventh Prison Building, they were all locked in the prison and could not use it against him.

So he can only come to Dou Sheng.

After all, Xiao Yun is now at the Immortal level of the mind, and only the Dou Sheng who has the same Immortal level of mind casts "One Thought Becomes Death" on him.

"Tsk tsk, you really have ideas, but unfortunately, my grandson's spiritual Realm is not much higher than yours. Even if you use "One Thought Becomes Death", it will not work for you." Dou Sheng shook his head and said.

Li Yun said stunned: "No way? You are the most holy!"

"My old grandson is the most holy and true, but he is strong in the perception of the Dao Law. In terms of spiritual Realm, it is only Immortal Realm, and it is not comparable to that Amitābha."

Dou Sheng looked at Li Yun and continued: "The realm of the mind has reached the Immortal level, and it has almost come to an end. If you want to reach the world master level, you can't rely on time to accumulate, like that Amitābha, who has cultivated countless years and has a dream. Samsara helps, and his spiritual Realm is only at the Immortal level."

When Li Yun heard the words, he fell into deep thought. In fact, during this period of time, he was unable to make progress in cultivating "Heart Canon", as if he was stuck in a bottleneck and stagnant.

Even if he uses epiphany, it's hard to help.

If you can't find the direction of cultivation, the epiphany is useless.

Maybe you can ask the gray-robed world master in the Seventh Prison Building.

After thinking about it, Li Yun looked up at Dou Sheng and said, "In that case, Junior will not disturb Dou Sheng." He stood up and was about to leave.

"Wait a minute!" Dou Sheng suddenly said.

Li Yun was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at Dou Sheng.

Dou Sheng frowned and said solemnly: "My grandson reminds you that after you defeated the saints, Hongjun immediately summoned the saints, but what makes my grandson a little puzzled is that Hongjun doesn't seem to be at all. Concerned about your rise, he still seems to be confident, my old grandson guessed that he might have some cards, you better be careful."

Li Yun also frowned upon hearing this. His rise can be said to have completely destroyed Hongjun's plan to invade Jiuxiao Continent. How could Hongjun not be in a hurry?

Even if Hongjun is in a good mood and calm, at least he has to act.

But recently, those Sages were all in Closed Door Training, and Li Yun didn't see any action from Hongjun.

Did he really give up?

But Heavenly Emperor was still suppressed by Hongjun.

For a while, Li Yun couldn't think of a reason, so he could only bid farewell to Dou Sheng and leave Huaguo Mountain.

After all, this is Dou Sheng's dojo, and Hong Jun may be constantly monitoring, but he can't stay for a long time.


Seven prisons.

After chatting with Dou Sheng, Xiao Yun came to the seventh floor of the Seven Prison Building.

The gray-robed world lord and the others all opened their eyes and looked at Xiao Yun.

Now that Xiao Yun was on the same level as them, they didn't dare to neglect.

"You've made great progress recently!" The master of the gray-robed world looked at Xiao Yun for a while, with a gleam in his eyes.

He was not referring to Xiao Yun's spiritual Realm, but Xiao Yun's physical body.

Xiao Yun's physical body has reached the peak of Heavenly Venerate, and it is almost approaching the half step Immortal level. Even the aura that escaped inadvertently shocked the gray-robed world master and others.

In their spiritual world, they have never seen such a tyrannical body, almost comparable to those Immortal-level puppets.

"Senior, my spiritual Realm has progressed extremely slowly since reaching the Immortal level. I don't know why?" Xiao Yun asked with a modest smile.

The gray-robed world lord smiled and said: "This is normal. After the spiritual Realm reaches the Immortal level, it is necessary to enter the source of the world's laws and comprehend Heavenly Dao. Only in this way can you be promoted to the world lord Realm. Otherwise, even if you accumulate time, the most It can only reach the peak of Immortal, and the progress is very slow.”

Having said that, the gray-robed world master reminded Xiao Yun: "Because the great destruction is coming, and what you lack is time, so if you want your spiritual realm to reach the world master's Realm, you must enter the source of the law of the world. Feeling Heavenly Dao.”

Xiao Yun frowned upon hearing this, entering the source of the law of the world? He had been in before, and was kicked out by Hongjun. There was Hongjun guarding there, and he couldn't get in at all.

"What? Is there a problem?" The gray-robed world master couldn't help but ask when Xiao Yun's expression was wrong.

Xiao Yun didn't hide it either, and told the gray-robed world master about Hongjun's situation.

After hearing this, the gray-robed world master frowned and said, "This is troublesome. Hongjun's strength is too strong. With his suppression, even if you reach the realm of the world master, it will be difficult for you to enter the source of the world law."

Xiao Yun nodded, Hongjun's strength had to be admitted. His master, Heavenly Emperor, was already the world master, and even the world origin of Jiuxiao Continent helped him, but he was still suppressed by Hongjun.

This old guy is estimated to be a half step eternal level, and he is difficult to match at this stage.

"Actually, you can change it!"

The gray-robed world master pondered for a moment, looked at Xiao Yun, and said with a smile: "You told me last time that there are already three genuine Immortals in the prehistoric world. As long as you help the prehistoric world to cultivate another Immortal, Na Hongjun will The Realm who will be kicked out of the 'Joint Way', without the help of Heavenly Dao in the prehistoric world, no matter how strong Hongjun is, he will not be able to suppress the source of the laws of your Jiuxiao Continent world."

Xiao Yun's eyes lit up when he heard the words.

He hadn't considered this method yet, and he had to say that to deal with the old guy Hongjun, he had to let the old guy in the gray robe come.

"However, the Immortal of Mind Power is not enough. It must be the Immortal of the physical body or the Immortal of the Dao Law, because no matter how much Immortal of Mind Power is born, it cannot enhance Heavenly Dao. Unless it is the World Lord of Mind Power, it will strengthen Heavenly Dao." The gray-robed World Lord suddenly reminded road.

Xiao Yun nodded, he was thinking about how he could help Lingbao Tianzun become a real Immortal powerhouse, which could be regarded as his repayment of kindness.

However, it is a little difficult to get Lingbao Tianzun to give up the Primordial Violet Qi.

Or, help Yunxiao Immortal to preach and sanctify?


The prehistoric world, Kunlun.

"The disciple pays respects to the master!" Yang Jian walked into the Yuxu Palace and bowed respectfully towards the Yuanshi Tianzun above.

Yuanshi Tianzun smiled lightly: "No need to be too polite!"

For Yang Jian, the Wudi quasi-sage, Yuanshi Tianzun still appreciates it very much. After all, he is the strongest person in his sect.

Yang Jian casually found a futon and sat down, looked up at the Yuanshi Tianzun above, his face was serious, and he said with a serious face: "Master, I heard that you and the Sages lost to Xiao Yun from another world in the battlefield of the two worlds?"

Yuanshi Tianzun's face was gloomy when he heard the words.

In the previous battle, he was very aggrieved. His corpse of good and evil was easily killed by Xiao Yun, and even his deity was almost dragged into the dark abyss.

After suffering such a big loss, Yuanshi Tianzun was naturally very unhappy in his heart.

Yang Jian also saw Yuanshi Tianzun's expression changed, and quickly explained: "Master, it's like this, I had a battle with Li Yun, who taught me before. He had a kind of soul attack secret technique, which made me unable to defend. I heard that before. You Sages were defeated by that Xiao Yun because of some kind of undefendable soul secret technique—"

"Huh?" When Yuanshi Tianzun heard this, a sharp light suddenly appeared in his eyes.

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