"Xiao Yun, you were finally defeated by me."

This is Zao Wou-Ki's Hearts Demon.

Void vibrates.

Xiao Yun was discussing the eternal kendo with Jian Zun when he suddenly felt something and looked outside.


Until this time, Xiao Yun cast a single thought, the strongest Illusion Art supernatural power in this world of mind is different from other Illusion Art supernatural powers, it triggers the greatest fear in the depths of the heart.

"I finally did it!"

Xiao Yun walked all the way, sweeping all the opponents, Wudi world. He didn't know if he had fears too, or rather, what was his greatest fear?

Samsara Avenue is no different.

until today……

Regarding the cultivation path behind Tian Zun, Zao Wou-Ki has not found any clues, and he is completely confused.

The cultivators who were watching the excitement on the city wall in the distance were immediately stunned and looked at Zao Wou-Ki, whose temperament had changed drastically, in disbelief.

What is his greatest fear?

It was only at this moment that Zao Wou-Ki truly surpassed other Heavenly Venerates, like the Three Sovereigns, like Zhang Xiaofan, and had the potential to impact the Immortal Realm.

"I don't know what the biggest fear in my heart is?" Xiao Yun suddenly raised a curiosity.

In his virtual world induction, Zao Wou-Ki's transformation at this moment was completely visible to him.

"Samsara... The Pingxin Empress in the prehistoric world incarnates Samsara, who is in charge of the life and death of all beings. Samsara."


Because with Xiao Yun's removal of the Illusion Art supernatural power of Yi Nian Cheng Shang, Zao Wou-Ki finally saw clearly the true face of Ao Jiu-Nine.

Zao Wou-Ki looked into the distance, his eyes were bright, and his whole body was emitting bursts of golden light, like a rising sun.

You know, the same Dao, everyone's understanding is different.

At this moment, Zao Wou-Ki's temperament changed.

Cultivation for many years, and experienced the tempering of the prehistoric world, Zao Wou-Ki finally created his own Samsara Avenue.

"Find a chance to let Du Dousheng cast Illusion Art on me once, maybe overcoming the fear in my heart will give me a big harvest." Xiao Yun thought to himself.

What would happen if someone cast a single thought on him?

The golden golden ant that was originally behind Zao Wou-Ki suddenly turned into a huge wheel of death, spinning the world and destroying all realms.

at the same time--

The crowd was shocked.

The Dragon Emperor widened his eyes and said in shock, "This kid's Dao is actually so strong, not weaker than Zhang Xiaofan's Chaos Dao."

The same is the Chaos Avenue, the Chaos Avenue that Zhang Xiaofan understands and the Chaos Avenue that Xiao Yun walks are also different.

Xiao Yun knew that Zao Wou-Ki had always believed in defeating him.

"He fell into an epiphany!" Jian Zun also noticed the movement outside, and couldn't help showing surprise.

It's a pity that Xiao Yun is too strong and progresses too fast, Zao Wou-Ki is destined to be unable to break this Hearts Demon.

Looking at the vast world in front of him, Zao Wou-Ki had such an epiphany.

"Empress Pingxin has great compassion, and her path is not suitable for me."

Outside Heavenly Emperor, Zao Wou-Ki had already withdrawn from the Epiphany Realm. After all, he had no human door and could not stay in this Realm forever.

Zao Wou-Ki's eyes became brighter and brighter, he seemed to see an incomparably huge wheel of life and death, connecting the great worlds, in charge of the heavens and the world Samsara, and he was the supreme god king of the world.

Xiao Yun couldn't help but exclaim when he saw the Wheel of Life and Death behind Zao Wou-Ki.

"I, Zhao Wudi, want to take charge of the heavens, Samsara, and be the supreme king of the heavens and the world!"

"This is not the Samsara I want."

Of course, under the influence of "One Thought Becomes Death", Ao Jiujiu was Xiao Yun's appearance in Zao Wou-Ki's eyes.

"So strong, what is that? What magical power is he cultivating?"


But at this moment, Zao Wou-Ki was not in a good mood.

"My Zhao Wudi is the strongest!"

Zao Wou-Ki looked at Ao Jiujiu who had passed out with a bruised nose and a swollen face on the ground. His eyes were very complicated.

"Yes, my Samsara should not be limited to one world and one domain, all the worlds should be in my Samsara."

"This guy still has talent, it was just that Hearts Demon was too deep in the past." Xiao Yun smiled and nodded.

But at this moment, in the epiphany Realm, Zao Wou-Ki finally merged many insights from the two worlds, and gradually saw a new path.

I step on, I step on, I step on you to death...

Yes, Zao Wou-Ki has entered the supreme Realm dreamed of by practitioners - epiphany.

In the realm of Tianzun, the most important thing is to create the own road.

Seeing Xiao Yun finally being defeated by himself, Zao Wou-Ki was so relieved, he could be said to have a clear mind.

This Illusion Art can kill and help.

A supreme domineering, overlooking all living beings, radiated from him.

Just like kendo, Xiao Yun created the universe kendo, and what Jian Zun comprehended was the ultimate kendo.

For Zao Wou-Ki, not long ago, he broke through to the middle stage of Tianzun by relying on the quasi-sacred clone that merged with the prehistoric world.

"That's not magical power, that's his way, he's enlightened."

Xiao Yun is very clear about Zao Wou-Ki's little thought.

The Hearts Demon of many years was broken by his own hands, which made Zao Wou-Ki's mind undergo a transformation.

Defeat Xiao Yun, break the Hearts Demon in his heart, let Zao Wou-Ki understand his thoughts, fit his mind and the Dao, and fall into an epiphany.

But his accumulation was exhausted after he was promoted to the middle stage of Tianzun.

This is not Xiao Yun who was defeated by him at all, but the shameless dragon of Ao Jiujiu.

Heavenly Emperor Palace.

Moreover, this Illusion Art was so real that it deceived Zao Wou-Ki's mind and made him not know that he was immersed in the illusion, so he thought that he had really defeated Xiao Yun and broke his own Hearts Demon.


"I didn't expect that "Illusion Art" has such an effect!" Xiao Yun's heart moved, and he had a deep understanding of this strongest Illusion Art.

But this epiphany also made him gain a lot and created his own Samsara Avenue.

This is a big chance.

Ever since he was subdued by Xiao Yun in the True Dragon's Nest, Zao Wou-Ki has been holding back his energy and has been trying to surpass Xiao Yun, but he has not succeeded.

The Samsara Avenue that Zao Wou-Ki walked before was just scripted, without his own characteristics at all.

It was not until this epiphany that Zao Wou-Ki created his own Samsara Avenue.

Damn Xiao Erniu, one day I, Zhao Wudi, will surpass you.

"His Dao is very strong. It seems that it won't be long before we have another Half step Immortal in Jiuxiao Continent." Jian Zun said with a smile on his face, he was about to be reincarnated, and now seeing the birth of another master from the human race, Is there anything he can't let go of?

"It turns out that everything is an illusion!"

Outside Heavenly Emperor, Zao Wou-Ki straightened his back a little embarrassedly, staring at a pair of swollen eyes, looking at Ao Jiujiu who was knocked unconscious under his feet with a smug look on his face.

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