In the prehistoric world, Biyou Palace, Lingbao Tianzun suddenly opened his eyes.

"That Xiao Yun appeared?"

Lingbao Tianzun's eyes suddenly became extremely solemn.

After all, Xiao Yun is a realm master level existence.

And with another world's cultivation system, once it reaches the level of a world master, its strength will be unfathomable.

For example, the 'Heavenly Emperor' from another world.

Of course, the reason why that 'Heavenly Emperor' is strong is mainly due to the help of the origin of the world of Jiuxiao Continent.

But even without the help of the source of the world, Lingbao Tianzun would not dare to underestimate the other world master.

"We have been practicing the four major killing formations for a long time. This time our deity and the three corpses will go to the battlefield of the two realms, and strive to kill this Xiao Yun in the first battle." Lingbao Tianzun sent a message to the other Sages.

Immediately, every Heavenly Dao Sage rushed towards the battlefield between the two realms.


The west.

Amitābha also woke up from cultivation. He looked at the deity Zhunti not far away and asked, "How about Xiao Yun's strength?"

"My good corpse is about to start... eh?"

Before Zhunti finished speaking, his pupils shrank, and then a look of disbelief appeared on his face.

how is this possible?

At this moment, he couldn't sense his own good corpse.


So fast?

The last memory that Zhunti Shan corpse passed on to Zhunti's deity was that Xiao Yun's eyes glowed with blazing light, like a scorching sun.

Then, Zhunti couldn't sense his own good corpse.

"Senior brother, I... my good corpse is already dead!" Zhunti looked at Amitābha not far away, his eyes were still full of shock and disbelief.

Amitābha was also stunned when he heard the words.


Didn't you just say try it out? How can it be so fast?

Even if their deity were to kill one of Sage's three corpses, it wouldn't be so fast.

"Senior brother, that Xiao Yun just glanced at me, and my good corpse died." Zhun Ti took a deep breath and said with a very solemn expression.

Hearing this, Amitābha frowned and pondered: "Soul attack? Impossible, your spiritual Realm is not weak, even if I use soul attack, I can't kill Quasi-Saint, let alone you."

Among the saints, he Amitābha and the moral deity are the strongest in terms of soul attack.

But even they can't use soul attack to kill the quasi-sage powerhouse in seconds.

After all, the strong people who can cultivate to the quasi-sage Realm have lived for countless years, and the spiritual Realm has already been extremely powerful.

"Let's go to the battlefield of the two realms first, Lingbao Tianzun and the others also went, I don't believe that we have so many Sages, and we are afraid of him alone?" Zhunti stood up gloomily.

Although he just died of a good corpse, he can still cultivate back in the future, but this is too much for him to lose face.

After all, he was instantly killed by the enemy.


The battlefield of the two worlds.

Xiao Yun groped the corpse of Zhun Tishan and scoured some loot.

Not far away, Zao Wou-Ki still stared at Xiao Yun in a stunned manner.

died? Are you going to die? That's Sage!

Although it is only a good corpse of Zhun mention, it is also better than the general Wudi Zhunsheng, and it is estimated that it is comparable to that of Yang Jian.

But Xiao Yun killed Zhun Tishan corpse with just one look.

This made Zao Wou-Ki really hard to understand.

How long has it been?

How could Xiao Yun become so strong?

Did those rumours come true?

"What are you looking at? Haven't seen the handsome guy before?" After Xiao Yun put away the relics that Zhun mentioned, he glared at Zhao Wuji in the distance angrily.

Only then did Zhao Wuji come back to his senses. He looked at Xiao Yun in disbelief and asked, "What happened just now? You just glanced at him and he died? What kind of trick is this?"

"Haven't you heard from the people in the prehistoric world? This seat is the reincarnation of the eternal power. Now that the Half step Eternal Cultivation Base has been restored, the three corpses of the little Sage are naturally vulnerable in front of this seat." Xiao Yun said with a look of disdain. .

Zao Wou-Ki's face was full of black lines. Those were just rumors. Do you think he was an idiot?

"Huh? What a fast speed!" Xiao Yun suddenly turned his head to look, a strong aura rushed into the battlefield between the two realms, and was sensed by his virtual world.

It's those Sages from the prehistoric world who have come.

Even his cheap master Lingbao Tianzun also came, and these Sages brought the deity and three corpses with them, so the whole army was dispatched.

"Who is so fast?" Zhao Wuji was flying towards Xiao Yun with a puzzled look on his face.

"Let's go, those Sages are here, if you don't leave, you'll be dead." Xiao Yun said, grabbed Zao Wuji, and threw it directly through the virtual world to a far place.

In the virtual world, Xiao Yun's control is very strong.

At this time, the entire battlefield of the two realms was shrouded in his virtual world, and Xiao Yun could reach anywhere with a single thought.

It is precisely because of such means that Xiao Yun is not afraid of the Heavenly Dao Sages who came.

Because no matter how many opponents there are, it is difficult to kill him.

"Xiao Yun!"

In the distance, the saints came, Zhunti saw Xiao Yun and shouted angrily.

Lingbao Tianzun, Daode Tianzun, Yuanshi Tianzun, and Amitābha all stared at Xiao Yun.

Even the most holy man, Luo Hu, came.


A terrifying ultimate Sword Intent cut through the void, pierced through layers of space, and quickly approached this place with a strong aura wrapped around it.

Xiao Yun turned his head to look and recognized that the person who came was the Sword Sovereign of Jiuxiao Continent, as well as the peak powerhouses of Jiuxiao Continent such as Chaos Tianzun, Dragon Emperor, Sanhuang, etc.

Obviously, they also felt the arrival of the saints, and they came one after another.

"Xiao Yun!"

"It's really Xiao Yun!"


When the people on the Jiuxiao Continent saw Xiao Yun, they immediately showed excitement and disbelief.

Xiao Yun's appearance has not changed, Zhang Xiaofan and Emperor Chu can recognize it.

"It's really Brother Xiao!" Chaos Heavenly Venerate Zhang Xiaofan stared at Xiao Yun with excitement and joy in his eyes.

"Huh? Didn't the surnamed Zhao say that Xiao Yun has just been promoted to Tianzun Realm? Why do I feel that he is already a peak Tianzun?" Beishan Human Sovereign looked at Xiao Yun, a legendary figure, with some doubts.

Xiao Yun's Cultivation Base Realm is indeed the pinnacle of Heavenly Venerate. He is a spiritual realm that has stepped into the Immortal level, but the spiritual realm cannot be sensed, only the strong in the spiritual world can sense it.

"As expected of the direct disciple of that guy from Heavenly Emperor, he has been promoted to the peak of Heavenly Venerate in such a short period of time, and stepping into Immortal Realm in the future is just around the corner."

"Be careful, those Sage deities are here." Jian Zun glanced at Xiao Yun, then turned to look at Lingbao Tianzun waiting for Sage not far away.

It's just Xiao Yun from the Peak Heavenly Venerate Realm, Sword Sovereign doesn't care much, he can only be regarded as a good genius Junior, but it will take a while to really take up the responsibility of Jiuxiao Continent.

"Sword Sovereign!"

In the distance, Lingbao Tianzun also looked at Jianzun with extremely sharp eyes. This is his old opponent, and they have fought many times.

"Tongtian, use the Immortal Sword Array to stop them. Let's work together to get rid of this Xiao Yun first." Tianzun Daode said solemnly.

Lingbao Tianzun nodded. When they came, they had already judged that the Jiuxiao Continent would come, so they had already allocated their combat power.

Let his Immortal sword formation and the three corpses of the saints stop the strong men on the side of Jiuxiao Continent.

As for the other deities of Sage, join forces to deal with Xiao Yun.

After all, in their hearts, Xiao Yun, the world master, was the most threatening.

"Jianzun, can you dare to break into my Immortal Sword Formation again?" Lingbao Tianzun urged the Immortal Formation to turn into a world, shrouded in a party of people and horses towards the Jiuxiao Continent not far away.

"Three Emperors, let's fight off Lingbao Tianzun, and the rest will save Xiao Yun." Jianzun shouted.

The three emperors nodded and were about to start, just at this moment——

Not far away, when Xiao Yun saw Lingbao Tianzun's move, he immediately thought about it, urging his majestic mental power to perform the secret magic of mental power - the dark abyss.

A huge and incomparably dark abyss, it was pitch black inside, without the slightest sound and light coming out, as if it was eternal darkness, reflected in the minds of the saints.

There is no change in the outside world, no energy fluctuations.

But in the hearts of the saints in the prehistoric world, a darkness swept over, trying to drag their consciousness and fall toward the boundless dark abyss.


Almost at this moment, the three corpses of the saints all lost consciousness, and fell collectively, falling to the ground like dumplings, motionless.

Even the deity of the saints, there are still a few unstable, who are fully resisting the invasion of the dark abyss.

Jian Zun and others who were about to start in the distance were all stunned, not knowing what happened.

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