In the early morning, Katerina leaned on Hill's shoulder and looked at the handsome face who was next to Ye Dadao. She smiled and said, "Catherine and Sophia are still single, especially Sophia Little Sister. I'm thinking about you, do you want them to come over to accompany you?"

Hill was a little speechless when he heard the words. Is this still helping him find a lover? It's really open here. Speaking of which, Zhao Chongma has also come here. I wonder if there is a group of Zhao family soldiers left at this moment?

Hill has also probed before, and there is no trace of Zao Wou-Ki in the wizarding world. Obviously, this guy has already 'ascended' to the realm of the gods, but he doesn't know where he has ascended to.

"Don't disturb them." Hill shook his head at Katarina. His great Xiao Heavenly Emperor was not a Zhao stallion. Even with Katerina, it was to save people. After all, saving a life is better than making seventh. -level Buddha, Xiao Heavenly Emperor is still very kind.

"Well, I understand." Katerina nodded thoughtfully after hearing the words. She had known Hill for so long, and she knew that Hill was a little 'shy'. After all, she was the one who pushed Hill down. It seems It's still up to my lady to call the shots.

Wait, what do you understand?

Hill looked at the thoughtful Katarina, and couldn't help but have a headache. This bitch must have made up her mind.

Speechless in his heart, Hill took out two upper-level godheads from the Interspatial Ring and gave them to Katerina and Wilson.

One of the two godheads is of the water system, which is suitable for Katarina, and the other is of the dark system, which is suitable for Wilson.

"These are two high-level gods. You are also a sanctuary wizard now, and you are qualified to refine your gods. As long as you refine them, you are a high-level god." Hill said to Katerina.

Katerina watched the ancient books left by the temple, and naturally knew the use of the godhead, and her eyes lit up.

Although she has been promoted to the sanctuary wizard for many years, she still has no certainty about igniting the fire to become a god, because it is too difficult.

But with a godhead, becoming a god is easy.

"Dear Hill~" Katerina happily kissed her, but she didn't refuse, after all, in her opinion, she belonged to Hill.

"The rest of the dark godhead, please help me give it to Teacher Wilson." Hill added.

Katerina nodded, and then seemed to think of something, and said quickly: "There are two Little Sisters, Katherine and Sophia. Although they are only ninth-level wizards now, they will soon be promoted to sanctuary wizards."

"..." Hill was speechless, did he make up his mind to find a concubine for himself?

Afterwards, Hill still took out two high-level godheads. Anyway, he still has a lot of these things. After all, after conquering the blood shadow main god, he also obtained countless treasures of the blood shadow main god. The godhead is very important to the blood shadow main god. Say, it's too much.

"There are also some mid-level gods and lower-level gods. You can decide for yourself. If you have trustworthy ones, you can give them as appropriate." Hill gave Katerina another Interspatial Ring.

He is not going to give Katarina more of the upper-level godhead. After all, if Katerina loses sight of it in the future and gives it to a certain white-eyed wolf, wouldn't that threaten her.

"'re leaving?" Looking at Hill, who seemed to be explaining the funeral in front of him, Katerina suddenly trembled and asked nervously.

Hill didn't hide Katarina either, nodded and said, "I'm going to the realm of the gods."

"Then I'll go with you too!" Katerina said without thinking.

Hill shook his head and said: "You can't go, the realm of the gods is too dangerous, where the upper gods are like ants, and I have no ability to protect you, it is safest to stay in the wizarding world."

Of course he is not incapable of protecting Katarina. The main reason is that this time he went to the realm of the gods to hunt the master. Once the hunt is successful, it will definitely cause a huge sensation. Maybe other masters will join forces to deal with him as an outsider. , and may also attract the attention of the Most High God.

Therefore, Hill has made up his mind that once the hunt is successful, he will return to Jiuxiao Continent immediately.

"But don't worry, I will return to the wizarding world when I have time." Hill immediately comforted Katerina, he still has many god clones, and it's a big deal to send a god clone over.

After comforting Katerina, Hill went to the ruins of the gods.

Before leaving, he prepared to explore the most mysterious ruins in the wizarding world.

With the strength of the upper Lord God, Hill easily crossed the Hengsha River area and entered the core of the ruins.

There's a dark blue passage here, and I don't know where it leads.

At the entrance of the passage, there is a giant snake-like divine beast lying on its face, exuding the breath of the median god, and it is still the kind of extremely strong existence in the median god.

However, for the current Hill, it is naturally an ant.

"Sleeping!" Hill glanced at the sleeping giant snake and entered the dark blue passage.

It is said that some temple powerhouses entered the passage while the giant snake was sleeping, otherwise, when the giant snake woke up, those temple powerhouses would not be able to enter.

However, with Hill's current strength, even if the giant snake wakes up, it cannot sense Hill's existence, and the gap between them is too great.

call out!

Through the dark blue passage, Hill came to a hall with rune stone pillars erected around it. There are some grooves on the stone pillars. hall.

But there are also some godheads in the grooves that seem to have been pried away.

Hill guessed that the reason why the powerhouses in the temples were able to obtain the godhead in the past was to pry away the godhead here.

However, these godheads embedded in the stone pillars are protected by rune. The stronger the godhead, the harder it is to be pryed away. Some of the upper godheads on it have not been pryed.

As soon as Hill waved his hand, he put away these upper gods and godheads. As for the other gods, they should be left to the destined people behind.

As long as there is no higher godhead, Katarina will not be threatened.

Keep going.

Hill saw a stone gate, and there were no other passages around. There was a gray frog in front of the stone gate, exuding the breath of a higher god. It did not sense Hill's arrival, but just opened its eyes with some doubts, because it found the stone pillar. The upper gods above have disappeared inexplicably.

"Strange, why did those upper gods suddenly disappear?" The gray frog muttered.


At this moment, the spiritual world came.

The soul of the gray frog was dragged into the spiritual world in an instant, bewitched by countless illusions, and immersed in it.

Hill asked, "Tell me the secret of this ruin."

The gray frog didn't have the slightest resistance, and said quickly: "This is the sleeping place of my master Magnus, my master Magnus is a great superior god Dzogchen powerhouse, who once helped the fire master to go to hell. The Material Plane robbed half of the Supreme Divine Order, but then my master and the Fire Element Master turned against each other. The Fire Element Master attacked my Master. My Master was seriously injured and fled into the turbulent space, and he fell to this plane and soon fell. already."

The gray frog was obviously not taken seriously by Magnus, and there was not much information, but it was enough to surprise Hill.

"There is actually half of the Supreme Divine Token here, and since the Fire Element Master has attacked Magnus, it means that he probably already has another half of the Supreme Divine Token in his hand."

Thinking of this, Hilton was very excited.

You don't need to choose a target anymore, just choose to hunt and kill the fire-type master, maybe you are lucky, and you can get a supreme artifact, then you will make a lot of money.

At the moment, Hill pushed open the stone door.

A blond old man sat cross-legged in the stone gate. He had already lost his soul fluctuations, but he still exuded a huge aura.

This should be the Magnus.

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