Heaven, the holy city of chaos.

"Master, I have learned from the Immortal sword formation for many years."

However, seeing the Sacred Heart this time made Xiao Yun a little surprised.

But to kill the Immortal formation... Li Yun was helpless.

"Xiao Yun fellow daoist, this Cultivation Technique is somewhat similar to "Nine Nine Mysterious Art", why don't you directly cultivate "Nine Nine Mysterious Art"?" Sacred Heart looked at it for a while, then asked suspiciously.

"Oh?" Sacred Heart reached out and touched the light group in front of him, and suddenly received a huge message.


"Xiao Yun fellow daoist has something to do with me? If it's about "The Book of Heart", please forgive me for my inability to do anything." Sacred Heart looked at Xiao Yun and said.

Hearing this, Sacred Heart looked at Xiao Yun in surprise, then smiled and praised: "It seems that fellow daoist is also a great genius in your great world, you are right, the Cultivation Technique that you created is more suitable for you. It's just that this road is very difficult, and there are not many people who really dare to walk, admire, admire."

Xiao Yun looked at the Seven Prison Tower in his hand, his eyes flashed, and people had already entered it.

Although the version of Cruel Hongjun gave him a lot of inspiration, it also took time to digest and comprehend.

After all, the strength of this Sacred Heart is close to Immortal, and he is good at deduction. It should not be difficult for him to deduce the Cultivation Technique of the Heavenly Venerate level. What's more, Xiao Yun is also perfecting himself.

Lingbao Tianzun smiled and said: "My teacher can help you refine the Immortal Array. It is impossible for Innate to be at the supreme treasure level, but it is comparable to some powerful Innate Lingbao, and it is still possible for my teacher to do it."

Xiao Yun once again saw the strongest genius in the world of the mind.

Level 6, where the Sacred Heart is located.

This is the "Chaos God and Demon Body" created by Xiao Yun. He has always wanted to break out of the Cultivation Technique of the Heavenly Venerate level, but was stuck in one place.

Moreover, these four pieces of Divine Armament are all on the same level as the Innate Treasure, and in terms of quality, they are slightly stronger than the Four Immortal Swords.

After all, Li Yun threw the Donghuang Bell to Lingbao Tianzun.

As for the Immortal Four Swords, his Eastern Emperor Bell, Supreme Divine Sword, Ten second rank Karmic Fire Red Lotus, and the Sword of Time and Space can all be replaced.

Li Yun smiled embarrassingly, he really went to slaughter the saint, after all, the master of the realm of the gods is also a strong Sage level.

Xiao Yun played with the Seven Prison Towers in his hand, and immediately received a message from the doppelganger 'Hill' of the Realm of the Gods.

"I can tell that your soul level is the pinnacle of the true god. In your words, it's the pinnacle of Heavenly Venerate. Why hasn't your Cultivation Base reached the level of Heavenly Venerate?" Sacred Heart looked at Xiao Yun opposite, and asked with some doubts.

"The deity's side has also been promoted to Tianzun, and it's time to set out to hunt and kill the master."

But anyway, this is also a small hope, better than no hope at all.

Obviously, he also saw a trace of the shadow of "Nine Nine Profound Art" from "Chaos God and Demon Body".

The two of them have similar levels of soul, and they are both geniuses in the strongest ranks. When they discuss each other, they will naturally be of great help to each other.

""One Thought Becomes Sad" has finally been practiced!"

In fact, in just half a year, Xiao Yun and Sacred Heart have deduced the Cultivation Technique of the Heavenly Venerate level of "Chaos God and Demon Body". It is simply too easy for two peerless geniuses to join forces.

In the Great Wilderness World, Biyou Palace.

In the Great Hall, Lingbao Tianzun sensed Li Yun's arrival and asked with a smile, "Teacher, you spent time accelerating cultivation in the Eastern Emperor Bell. It's only been two thousand years now, why did you leave so soon?"

To ask him to do things like a dignified Sage, he is still in such a hurry, and that's why Li Yun has the courage.

Hearing this, Sacred Heart smiled and said, "I'm also cultivating "Nine Nine Profound Techniques", helping you deduce "Chaos God and Demon Body", which is also helpful for my cultivation "Nine Nine Profound Techniques", and you and I are discussing together, and each other better."

Li Yun got up and walked towards the main hall of Biyou Palace.


"Is it the Lord of the Earth System or the Lord of the Fire System?"

"I said that you are in such a hurry, are you in a hurry to slaughter the saint?" Lingbao Tianzun looked at Li Yun and couldn't help joking.

Xiao Yun sighed helplessly, then Lotus Position sat down, looked at the Sacred Heart inside the prison, protruded a circle of light, and said, "I want you to help me deduce this Cultivation Technique, the power of your spiritual world. The player is the best at deduction, and this should not be difficult for you."

in prison.

Yes, he needs a picture of the Immortal Array, so he can set up the Immortal Sword Array.

"As for the Four Immortal Swords, Tu'er has his own plans, only this Immortal Array, Tu'er can't refine it," Li Yun said.

Li Yun looked at Lingbao Tianzun who was sitting cross-legged above, and said with a smile, "So, I want to ask Master to help me refine the Immortal Array."

"Since the goal has been determined, the most important thing now is Ascension's strength."

But now, Xiao Yun urgently needed Ascension's strength.

"Thank you so much, Master." Li Yun quickly thanked him, and continued: "Master, my disciple is in a hurry, and I also ask Master to use the Eastern Emperor Bell to accelerate the time."

Sacred Heart didn't hide Xiao Yun's purpose, because he also knew the difficulty of cultivating "Nine Nine Mysteries", and it was too difficult to prove the Dao with strength.

Sacred Heart opened his eyes and looked at Xiao Yun outside, and said with a smile: "With such a powerful Cultivation Technique, of course I have to give it a try, and this Seven Prison Tower is a big puppet world specially used to imprison us. For those who are strong in the spiritual world, all the facilities in it are aimed at cultivators like us. If I can practice the "Nine Nine Mysterious Art", prove the Tao with my strength, and become an ancient god, maybe I can break through. The sleepy locks of the Seven Prison Towers, freedom."

Lingbao Tianzun looked at Li Yun below and said with a smile: "Do you want to create a copy of Immortal Sword Formation? Well, it's easy, but how powerful it is depends on what you want to replace. How powerful are the Immortal Four Swords and the Immortal Array Magic Treasures."

"Thank you Sacred Heart fellow daoist for your help." Xiao Yun waved his hand.

"Are you cultivating "Nine Nine Mysteries"?" Xiao Yun's clone, Li Yun, is also cultivating the strongest Cultivation Technique, so he could see at a glance that the Sacred Heart in front of him is also cultivating the Cultivation Technique.

Because Li Yun has reached the Wudi Quasi-Sage Realm, Xiao Yun's soul level has also reached the Ascension level, which makes Sacred Heart mistakenly think that his Cultivation Base is also very high.

"To tell the truth, fellow daoist from the Sacred Heart, I created this "God and Demon Body of Chaos" myself. I always thought that the Cultivation Technique I created was more suitable for me." Xiao Yun said with a smile.

"The Immortal Array?"

Lingbao Tianzun sighed helplessly, and Li Yun said this to him. If it was someone else, he would have slapped him long ago.

"The Sacred Heart fellow daoist really has perseverance. In fact, in our great world, there are people who cultivate this "Nine Nine Mysterious Art" to prove the Tao. Once he proves the Tao, he is the strongest in Immortal, and he can even rival the realm master. If you I can really prove the Dao with strength, maybe I can really break through the sleepy locks of the Seven Prison Towers." Xiao Yun said with a smile.

However, the power of "One Thought Becomes Death" is terrifying, and Li Yun is very satisfied.

So, Xiao Yun thought of the Sacred Heart.

After all, people have to bow their heads under the eaves. If he angers Xiao Yun, Xiao Yun still has a way to kill him. Although Sacred Heart is trapped and locked in the Seven Prison Tower, he is not in despair, and he does not want to die. .

Li Yun slowly opened his eyes, a pair of deep eyes reflecting the disillusionment of countless worlds.

This thing cannot be replaced by anything else, and the vast formation contained in it can only be refined by the Lingbao Tianzun who has been in the Immortal sword formation for countless years.

He also doesn't care about the Sacred Heart cultivation "Nine Nine Mysterious Art", let alone the other party is difficult to succeed, even if it does succeed, it will be countless years later. At that time, Xiao Yun is estimated to have already been the realm master, and he is still afraid of one. Sacred Heart?

"Thank you Sacred Heart fellow daoist for your help!"

Li Yun is a little sighed. It took more than a thousand years to practice "One Thought Becomes Sad". This most powerful Illusion Art supernatural power is indeed the strongest supernatural power in the world of the mind. Even he, a genius with epiphany, is extremely difficult to cultivate.

Half a year later, Xiao Yun thanked Sacred Heart and gave some cultivation resources to Sacred Heart. Then he left and prepared to go out Closed Door Training to be promoted to Tianzun Realm.

Xiao Yun smiled and said, "The body you see is just a clone of me. My deity Cultivation Base is the same as you."

Xiao Yun nodded, he was having this idea.

"So it is!" Sacred Heart suddenly realized, and then he focused on Insight "Chaos God and Demon Body", and only deduced such trivial things as Cultivation Technique, he was still willing to help Xiao Yun.

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