After talking with Sacred Heart about the great destruction, Xiao Yun pulled back the topic, he looked at the Sacred Heart in front of him, and persuaded: "Sacred Heart fellow daoist, your spiritual world has been destroyed, continue to cherish the Book of Heart. What's the point? If you are willing to teach it to me, I can carry forward it in our big world, so that the inheritance of your spiritual world will not die, isn't it beautiful?"

The Sacred Heart was silent for a moment, then shook his head and sighed: "If you want other Cultivation Techniques, I can pass them on to you, but the "Cultivation Technique" is the supreme Cultivation Technique of our spiritual world, without the permission of the master, I will not Dare to pass it on to you."

After that, the Sacred Heart looked at Xiao Yun outside the guardrail, and condensed a ball of light and flew over.

"Remember, the dragon who defeated you was called Ao Jiujiu. That's how Xiao Yun was defeated by me back then. With your strength, you deserve Xiao Yun to follow? It's really vulnerable."

"Sacred Heart fellow daoist, the world of the mind doesn't exist anymore, so why bother with these rules. If you want, I can teach you the most powerful Cultivation Technique in our world." Xiao Yun said, his mind moved, A light group flew into the prison.

After all, for him, "Nine Nine Mysterious Art" is not his Cultivation Technique, no matter how high the value is, it means nothing to him.

"Amazing, so magical, combined with the spiritual world, almost Wudi at the same level."

Zao Wou-Ki yelled angrily, he was almost beaten by the golden dragon, after all, the other party was already a Heavenly Venerate, and he was simply not something he could contend against.

Xiao Yun opened his eyes and was filled with emotion, admiring the great spiritual world powerhouse who created this magical power.

Xiao Yun rolled his eyes when he heard the words, if I could get the "Book of Heart" from those four old monsters, would I still need to come to you?

"Amazing, really amazing, this is the strongest Cultivation Technique I've ever seen, and it can even point directly to the eternal level."

It also made him more confident.

"I have something in my heart, and I have something in my mind... A single thought becomes a death!" Xiao Yun realized the magical power of Illusion Art, and his mind became more and more shaken.

"Unfortunately, although our spiritual world has reached the pinnacle of Realm in the practice of mental power, we are restrained when encountering those strong people who are not afraid of mental attack."

"Sacred Heart fellow daoist, I have some Immortal wine and Immortal fruit here, and this is the only thing I can make up for you."

"If you really want to get the "Book of Heart", you can go to the 7th floor of the Seven Prison Tower, where there should be the ancient gods and ancestral gods of our spiritual world, only they have the right to teach you the full version of "Book of Heart" ."

After a long time, Sacred Heart opened his eyes, his face full of shock and wonder.

The wounded Zao Wou-Ki thumped the ground hard, glared at Ao Jiu-Nine's back, and cursed, "Wait for me, when I'm promoted to Heavenly Venerate, you must be skinned and cramped."

Sacred Heart also nodded and said: "Yes, only a lot of exchanges and discussions can make progress. That Yang Mei ancestor is indeed very powerful, and he did not lose in the battle with the strongest in our spiritual world, especially when he was in the world. The achievements in the space origin law are too high, even if he is chased by many powerhouses in the big puppet world, he can easily escape. We all estimate that unless he encounters a powerhouse at the eternal level, no one can kill him. "

But then, he encountered a terrible enemy.

Ao Jiu-Nine gave Zao Wou-Ki a pain and swaggered away.

Zao Wou-Ki's Closed Door Training had the strongest impact. Heavenly Emperor Realm succeeded. After exiting the game, he began to challenge Lieyang Bow and many other immemorial geniuses, almost sweeping Wudi.

"It's so lonely Wudi!"

Xiao Yun immediately took out an Interspatial Ring and threw it into the prison, and said goodbye to Sacred Heart.

Those four old monsters had no idea how many years they had lived, and they were better than ghosts. It was too difficult to get some benefits from them.

"Sacred Heart fellow daoist, when we come to our Realm, Cultivation Technique magical powers are all empty, Cultivation Base is the foundation, if everything is cherished, how can we make progress? Like our ancestor Yang Mei in the great world, he is traveling through chaos. He has come into contact with countless Cultivation Technique inheritances, and I guess his Cultivation Base is unfathomable now." Xiao Yun continued to persuade him.

The battlefield of the two worlds.

Sacred Heart heard the words and smiled bitterly: "For example, those puppets in the Great Puppet World, our Illusion Art is useless to them. And your ancestor Yang Mei, his Dao heart has long been perfect, ours Illusion Art is equally useless to him."

"Your name is Zao Wou-Ki? I heard that Xiao Yun once followed you?" A huge golden dragon was lying on the ground. It was even taller than the nearby mountains. His two huge dragon eyes stared at him with disdain. Zao Wou-Ki was as small as an ant.

High in the sky, Ao Jiujiu was filled with emotion, broke through the void, and flew into the distance.

The Cultivation Technique that Xiao Yun gave to the Sacred Heart is called "Nine Nine Mysterious Art". It is definitely the first Cultivation Technique in the prehistoric world.

"What is the same level, you and I are both young geniuses, naturally of the same level, don't talk nonsense, come on, let Xiao Yun see who is the strongest he has followed." Jin Jinlong roared and rushed.

Obviously, he has already read "Nine Nine Mysterious Art", and with his Cultivation Base Realm, he can naturally judge the "Nine Nine Mysterious Art" is powerful.

The people in the great world of their minds suffer because their bodies are too weak, and they are not the opponents of those puppet armies at all.

"who are you?"

Xiao Yun nodded, the practitioners of the world of the mind are too biased, blindly pursuing mental strength, and ignoring their own strength.

"Even if Xiao Yun is now one step ahead of me in being promoted to World Lord, I will surpass him sooner or later."

He didn't expect that the most powerful Illusion Art magical power in the world of the mind is not Illusion Art, but a flaw in the mind, immersing it in the illusion created by him.

After leaving the Seventh Prison Building, Xiao Yun started Closed Door Training and the cultivation of the strongest Illusion Art supernatural power "One Thought Becomes Sad".

Holding the golden spear, Zao Wou-Ki looked at the golden dragon in front of him with contempt, and said lightly, "So what?"


At that time, when several avatars use the spiritual world and 'a single thought to become sad' together, the power will be even greater.

Upon seeing this, Sacred Heart frowned slightly, but then, without being polite, he grabbed the light group in front of him. After all, he was also curious about the Cultivation Technique of the Great World.

The Sacred Heart in front of him is just a 'young' genius. Although he is also very smart and not easy to fool, he is better than dealing with those four old monsters.

"Back then Xiao Yun was defeated by me, and now even the master he followed is defeated by me. I, Ao Jiujiu, are the strongest genius."

At the same time, he passed the two Cultivation Technique magical powers to the two clones of Li Yun and Hill.

Xiao Yun's eyebrows were filled with joy.

Xiao Yun was a little disappointed to hear that, but it was a big gain to be able to exchange "Nine Nine Mysterious Art" for the strongest Illusion Art magical power in the world of mind.

"That's such a coincidence. When Xiao Yun came to Taikoo, he also followed me. Today, you and I will fight to see who is the strongest person Xiao Yun has followed." The golden dragon roared and burst out incomparable. The power and the powerful source law are surging.

He looked at Xiao Yun and said, "I don't take advantage of you either. If you give me the strongest Cultivation Technique, then I will give you the strongest Illusion Art supernatural power, "One Thought Becomes Sad". As for "The Book of Heart", I It is absolutely impossible to violate the teacher's orders."

Zhao Wuji's expression changed: "Heavenly Venerable? You are actually Heavenly Venerable, and this time I challenged a powerhouse of the same level."

Because it's attacking the part of your heart that you are most afraid of.

"Unfortunately, if our spiritual world had such a Cultivation Technique back then, it would be difficult for the big puppet world to conquer us." Sacred Heart sighed.

A powerful dragon queen.

This illusion is more real and more terrifying.

Anyway, he is already a prisoner, and he can't get out. If he doesn't acknowledge the account, how can Xiao Yun take him?

"This time the harvest is still very big. With the spiritual world in "The Book of Heart", coupled with the strongest Illusion Art magical power "One Thought Becomes Sad", I will be more confident in dealing with the master of the realm of the gods. "

"What young genius, how many years have you lived since the ancient times?"

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