Mystery: I Have An Epiphany Of The Chaotic Body

Chapter 1150 Rumors Are As Fierce As Tigers

"For Xiao Yun, the new world lord, we must be vigilant, and we must not be overshadowed by them like Jianzun last time. Luo Hu, keep an eye on this person for me, don't cheat on me. Play slippery, or don't blame me for letting you sleep for a few more epochs."

In the Zixiao Palace, Hong Jun's stern voice sounded.

All the saints nodded solemnly.

"About Xiao Yun's Cultivation Base, it must be tightly sealed, otherwise it will inevitably cause turmoil in the wild!" Finally, Hongjun reminded again before leaving.

and many more……

Some stunned fighting saints below, watching the figure of Hongjun leaving, there are 10,000 grass and mud horses galloping in his heart.

Does this treat Xiao Yun as a realm master?

Dou Sheng felt depressed in his heart, but he didn't know how to explain it to Hong Jun and others. He couldn't say that Xiao Yun was a chess piece made by himself, so he wouldn't be beaten to death by Hong Jun and others.

Besides, he doesn't know how strong Xiao Yun is.

Maybe Xiao Yun might have reached the realm, the realm.

"Hongjun is right, the Cultivation Base about this person must be tightly sealed, otherwise it will be spread out, and the entire prehistoric world will panic." Luo Hu rarely became serious and reminded the saints again.

All the saints nodded, their faces serious.

Afterwards, the saints also left Zixiao Palace.


After Sage Dojo, after Daode Tianzun came back from Zixiao Palace, the eldest disciple of his family, Master Xuandu, hurried over to meet him.

"Master, I heard that there is a new Immortal in another world. Is this true? Is it true that the master summoned all the saints to go to the Zixiao Palace for this person?" The Grand Master Xuandu asked curiously.

Thinking of Hongjun's reminder, Tianzun Daode couldn't help but said to the Grand Master Xuandu with a serious face: "Xuandu, this Xiao Yun has already been determined to be the realm master, they deliberately released the news of Immortal to smite us, you will be in the battlefield of the two realms in the future. Be careful and run away when you see this person."

"Jie...Jiezhu!" Archmage Xuandu took a deep breath when he heard the words.

If someone else said this, he would definitely not believe it, but since it was said by Daode Tianzun, then Grand Master Xuandu naturally believed it.

Unexpectedly, another superpower appeared in another world after Jianzun.

World Lord, that is a peerless powerhouse comparable to Rahu.

This another world is really hidden. It must be the same as what the master said. They want to be like Jianzun last time, and they want to overwhelm us again.

"Xuandu, Master wants us to strictly seal the information of this person's Cultivation Base to prevent people from panicking. You must not spread this person's true Cultivation Base." Daode Tianzun reminded.

Archmage Xuandu nodded quickly.


Western Lingshan.

Because of the threat of Xiao Yun, the world master, Zhunti Sage and the deity who received Sage were allowed to return early by Hongjun, lest the two of them be killed by Xiao Yun, the world master, in a sneak attack on the battlefield between the two worlds.

As soon as he returned to Lingshan, Zhunti Sage summoned the Wudi quasi-sages such as Tathagata Buddha and Lantern Buddha, and said solemnly, "Listen carefully, that person named 'Xiao Yun' is not really Immortal."

Tathagata Buddha breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, and said with a smile, "I'll just say, how could there be an Immortal powerhouse so easily in another world..."

"After repeated confirmation by Taoist ancestors, Xiao Yun's real Cultivation Base is the real world master Realm. If you encounter this person on the battlefield between the two worlds, you must flee quickly." Zhunti Sage did not wait for Tathagata Buddha to finish speaking, then interrupted.

Tathagata Buddha was suddenly stunned: "..."

All the Buddhist dignitaries were also stunned, and their hearts were full of shock.

Although they were surprised by the news.

But this is what Zhunti Sage said after all, and there is also the confirmation of Hongjun Daozu, so they can't doubt it.


Kunlun, Yuanshi Tianzun summoned Yang Jian, Guangchengzi and others to remind them to be careful about this Xiao Yun.

Empress Nuwa waved the demon flag and reminded the only remaining strong person in the demon clan.

Empress Pingxin reminded several King of Hell in the underworld.

Although Hongjun asked them to strictly lock Xiao Yun's Cultivation Base information, they felt that it should not be a big problem just to remind his confidant disciples.

It's just that they ignored that their confidant disciples also have their own confidant disciples...


Heaven Court, Nantianmen.

A group of Heavenly Soldiers guarding Nantianmen are chatting.

"Have you heard? In the battlefield between the two worlds, the swordsman Lu Dongbin and the swordsman from the other world made an appointment. They fought for seven days and seven nights without losing the wind. I heard that they have not yet decided the winner." A heavenly soldier Said with a face full of admiration, obviously Lu Dongbin's little fan brother.

The other Heavenly Soldier looked at him with contempt and said: "You are really ignorant, the most sensational thing in the battlefield between the two worlds is not the battle between Lu Dongbin and Jian Zun, but the appearance of a new Immortal in another world, called Xiao Yun ."

"What! A new Immortal Realm powerhouse appeared in another world?"

"It's horrible, that's Immortal, comparable to our Heavenly Dao Sage."

"And those guys from another world are fighting against Realm like Wudi."

All the heavenly soldiers were attracted.

"Hmph, you frogs in the well, you don't even know Xiao Yun's real Cultivation Base!" A heavenly general suddenly sneered and sneered.

Everyone looked at this heavenly general, with a strong desire for knowledge in their eyes.

This Heavenly General looked at the eyes of all the Heavenly Soldiers, his heart was inexplicably relieved, and then he continued: "Secretly tell you, this Xiao Yun's real Cultivation Base is actually the peak of Immortal, don't believe me, I am from I heard it from the Four Heavenly Kings."

"Hi!" All the Celestial Soldiers sucked in a breath of cold air.


Some Immortal Mountain, where the Eight Immortals gather.

Lu Dongbin had just finished the battle with Jian Zun, and he felt a lot and was so excited that he was drinking heavily.

Seven Immortal next to him was talking about Xiao Yun.

"You said that Xiao Yun's Cultivation Base is Immortal or the peak of Immortal, why do I get different information?" Tieguai Li asked.

Hearing this, Lu Dongbin smiled and said, "You are all wrong, that Xiao Yun is actually a realm master. This is what Archmage Xuandu told me secretly, so that I should be careful of this person in the future on the battlefield between the two realms."

Seven Immortal breathed a sigh of relief upon hearing this.

They naturally believed in the words of Grand Master Xuandu.

"By the way, I only told you this news. You must seal it up tightly and don't spread it out. It will make us panic." Lu Dongbin seemed to remember something and reminded him again.

Seven Immortal nodded quickly upon hearing this.


At the same time, news about Xiao Yun spread everywhere in the prehistoric world.

"A shocking secret, I heard that there is a new Immortal in another world called Xiao Yun. I learned this from my grandfather, and it has been confirmed by the saints."

"Che, your news is outdated. It is said that this Xiao Yun has reached the peak of Immortal. He deliberately hides the real Cultivation Base."

"What? Then Xiao Yun is already the half step world master?"

"You frogs at the bottom of the well, that Xiao Yun is actually attacking the Realm, the realm. I heard that even the three human emperors of another world went to protect him in person."

"You are all mistaken. I heard that Xiao Yun has been promoted to the world master. Before Jianzun deliberately accepted Lu Dongbin's battle, he wanted to divert the attention of the saints, so as to cover up the news of this person's promotion to the world master."

"You may not believe it. When Sword Master killed Yuanshi Tianzun's Sage clone and won a heart of the origin of the world, it was refined by this Xiao Yun. His real Cultivation Base has actually reached the world master. Peak, before refining the heart of the world's origin in the Closed Door Training."

"It's not good, it's not good, the latest news, that Xiao Yun is actually the reincarnation of the eternal god-tier. Now he has restored the eternal Cultivation Base of Half step. He wants to secretly refine our prehistoric world, so he has been keeping a low profile. obvious."

"No wonder the saints gathered in the Zixiao Palace before. It is estimated that Daozu Hongjun wanted to unite the saints to cut off the battlefields of the two realms and secretly took us to Honghuang to run away."


For a while, there were rumors in the prehistoric world.

In Biyou Palace, Li Yun naturally also knew the news, and he was at a loss.

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