Mystery: I Have An Epiphany Of The Chaotic Body

The 10100 And 45 Chapters Protect The Short Master

Li Yun said embarrassingly, "It seems that someone is cursing me!"

"It should be Styx. Lee fellow daoist took away his tenth rank career, and he stepped on him not long ago to become famous all over the world. Naturally, he will not stop there. Fellow daoist will be more vigilant against him in the future." Zhen Zhen Yuanda Immortal reminded with a smile.

Lingbao Tianzun next to him snorted coldly and said with disdain: "If that coward had not been hiding in the sea of ​​blood, this seat would have killed him long ago. Li Yun, you don't have to worry, because the master has already gone to the sea of ​​​​blood, even if you can't kill him. He will teach him a lesson."

"Thank you, Master!" Li Yun quickly thanked him, but thought in his heart that it seemed that after the great tribulation of the gods, Lingbao Tianzun finally learned to protect his shortcomings, otherwise he would not be so protective of his shortcomings if he replaced it with the Lingbao Tianzun before the great catastrophe.

However, is it really the ancestor of Ming He who is cursing me?

Li Yun had some doubts in his heart. After all, the feeling just now didn't feel like a curse. At most, he felt a trace of malice.

"It seems that my Taoism is not deep enough. If I have Sage's Cultivation Base, I can figure out who is cursing me behind my back." Li Yun sighed in his heart.


In the prehistoric world, the sea of ​​blood is in the sky.

Lingbao Tianzun walked out of the void, and suddenly a majestic divine might came, like the sky world descending, coercing the entire sea of ​​blood.

In the sea of ​​​​blood, the ancestor of Ming He felt something and immediately appeared.

"Ming He, it's okay to kill my disciple before, but now you dare to curse him behind your back, do you really think I can't lift my sword?"

Lingbao Tianzun glared at the ancestor of Ming He, the blood of the majestic holy pressure boiled, and all the creatures within a radius of a million miles felt their souls tremble.

Ancestor Ming He quickly explained: "Tongtian, I didn't..."

"Without further ado!"

Lingbao Tianzun was too lazy to talk nonsense with the ancestor Ming He, and directly sacrificed the Immortal Array. The huge array carried the Immortal Four Swords, blocking the entire sea of ​​blood.

"Tongtian, you actually used the Immortal Sword Formation!" Ancestor Ming He's eyes widened, scared to the point that all his souls would flee. Obviously, he didn't expect Lingbao Tianzun to use this kind of killer move.


Lingbao Tianzun's face is indifferent and murderous, it can be said that Sage is angry, the sea of ​​blood boils, and the world trembles.

The huge Immortal sword formation enveloped the entire sea of ​​blood, and countless Sword Qi strangled the Ashura tribe in the blood sea, causing heavy casualties to this tribe.

The ancestor of Ming He also suffered heavy losses. If it weren't for the reason that the sea of ​​blood did not dry up, he would have already died under the Immortal sword formation.

But even so, after Lingbao Tianzun put away the Immortal sword array, the entire sea of ​​blood was dead, and neither the Styx nor the Ashura tribe appeared again.

"My disciple, Li Yun, has several treasures in his possession. Whoever wants to take them can go for them."

Lingbao Tianzun stood in the sky above the sea of ​​​​blood, and his voice was loud and spread throughout the entire prehistoric world.

His sharp eyes swept towards Kunlun, towards Chaos Heaven, towards the battlefield between the two realms, and towards Western Buddhism.

The cold voice, with a cold murderous aura, pervaded hundreds of millions of miles.

"As long as you are sure you can stop my Immortal sword formation!"

Lingbao Tianzun's voice was full of threats.

Many powerhouses in the prehistoric world were shocked at this moment.

Even those Sages looked solemn.

In the Taiji Palace, Tianzun Daode opened his eyes, and then slowly closed them again.

Kunlun Yuxu Palace, Yuanshi Tianzun's face was gloomy, and the Duster in his hand was crushed.

In the Nuwa Palace, Niangniang Nuwa shook her head and smiled softly: "Senior Brother Lingbao has always regarded himself as lofty and disdain to take action against those below Sage, but he doesn't want to make an exception today because of Li Yun, it seems that this disciple is very fond of him. "

On the battlefield between the two worlds, Zhunti Sage withdrew his gaze, looked at the receptionist Sage on the opposite side, and snorted coldly, "To threaten us, we didn't pay his disciple's attention."

Sage sighed: "Now we and Daomen have torn our faces, and when the saints joined forces to destroy the Immortal sword array, we can't reproduce it again. In the future, we can avoid Lingbao Tianzun if we can, and we don't have to fight with him."

Although Zhunti Sage was unwilling, he knew that he could not compete with Lingbao Tianzun, so he nodded and said, "Senior brother is very true, they are no longer in harmony, we can watch the show."


The fact that Lingbao Tianzun took the ancestor of Minghe to establish his prestige naturally quickly spread to the battlefields of the two realms.

Li Yun's name was once again deeply remembered by the elders.

Everyone knows that this is the most valued disciple of Lingbao Tianzun, and he must not provoke him in the future.

"Master's great kindness, I can't repay it!" Li Yun naturally knew about this, and he was very moved. I have to say that it is really cool to have a short-handed and powerful master.

A few days later, Lu Dongbin finally arrived at the space-time corridor.

At the same time, a majestic Sword intent rose into the sky on the other side of the space-time corridor.

"Sword Sovereign!"

Everyone looked at the powerful Sword intent.

Even Sages such as Lingbao Tianzun and Zhunti showed a solemn expression.

Li Yun also widened his eyes and was shocked when he saw the powerful Sword intent in the distance.

Because in that Sword intent, he saw a vast and endless world of Kendo.

He has comprehended dozens of kendo by himself, all of which are included, but it is just like dozens of drops of sea water in the sea.

"How many kinds of swordsmanship has this Sword Master understood?" Li Yun was extremely shocked.

He feels that all the swordsmanship in the world, whether you can think of it or not, have been comprehended by Jianzun.

Set the world's kendo in Dacheng!

This is the swordsman.

"Junior Lu Dongbin, please also ask Sword Master to give some pointers!" At this time, Lu Dongbin changed his former bohemian image, his loud voice spread all over the world, and his fighting spirit was majestic and powerful, like a sword Immortal of a generation.


In the depths of the distant space-time corridor, the powerful Sword intent reflected a slender figure, and in the blink of an eye, it came through the void.

Not spatial teleportation, but pure speed.

This person opened the way with a sword, ignoring time and space, and his body reached in an instant.

For a time, everyone's eyes were locked on this person.

It was also the first time that Li Yun saw Jian Zun, and he quickly turned his eyes away, wanting to see Jian Zun's face clearly.

However, Li Yun only saw countless swordsmanship, and it was a vast expanse.

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