Mystery: I Have An Epiphany Of The Chaotic Body

Chapter 1140 Cultivation Technique

However, Li Yun chased after the victory, driving the Eastern Emperor Bell, constantly hitting and killing the strong Ashura. The Eastern Emperor Bell is very powerful, except for the quasi-sage who can barely compete, the Ashura people below the quasi-sage will be killed instantly.

He didn't hold much grudge against Zao Wou-Ki. After all, the master-disciple relationship during that time was still very deep. Besides, it was common sense that Zao Wou-Ki, as a person from another world, came to the prehistoric world to seek opportunities to become stronger.

"Li Yun, let's wait and see!" Unwilling to drop a cruel word, the ancestor Ming He left with a face full of grief and indignation.

Since Hongjun can move his hands in Hongmeng Purple Qi, it is impossible to guarantee that he will not move his feet in this Cultivation Technique, after all, this Cultivation Technique also has the potential to be promoted to Immortal.

Hongjun, the old fellow, is in charge of Heavenly Dao in the prehistoric world. In his opinion, everything should be under his control, and he will never allow anything else to escape his control.

"Hey, Wuji, why aren't you from our prehistoric world? You really suffered for the teacher this time." Da Shizhi built a thatched hut next to the sea of ​​blood, and sighed for a while.

None of them is wrong, they just have different positions.

This is almost equivalent to Lingbao Tianzun picking up a Wudi quasi-saint apprentice for nothing, how can he not be envied by other Sages.

"Old Dog Ming He, you only have this strength, don't run!" Li Yun chased Old Ancestor Ming He for a while, and shouted loudly on the road.

It may be because of Li Yun's dazzling performance this time, or it may be because he doesn't want the Chaos body Zao Wou-Ki to be special, and soon after, he received the good news from Lingbao Tianzun, saying that Hongjun finally put the "Chaos God". Demon Body is perfected.

However, his defensive power is strong, but his attack power is weaker. For the time being, he can't help Wudi quasi-sage like Old Ancestor Ming He, he can only watch the opponent turn into countless blood gods and flee in all directions.

Li Yun also became famous in the first battle and became the number one powerhouse in the prehistoric world.

Lingbao Tianzun immediately threw a scripture to Li Yun below, a sneer appeared in his eyes, and said, "Since that Zao Wou-Ki can lurk to our prehistoric times, then you also lurk to another world this time, and let that group of other people lurk to another world. People in the world have also tasted betrayal, and finally, one day in the future, you will kill Zao Wou-Ki with your own hands, and then return with victory and glory."

Although the Ksitigarbha King is also staying here, they have great aspirations, and here is the perfect road, and the future is boundless. And when he came here, it was pure suffering.

Although the prehistoric world has passed thousands of years now, for the powerhouses in the prehistoric world, there is no difference between the thousands of years and the two or three days of Jiuxiao Continent. When did Hongjun become so efficient?


It was really a fall from heaven to The Underworld.

After Li Yun received the news, he immediately came to visit Lingbao Tianzun, and he was still a little unbelievable.

No matter what, Zao Wou-Ki, who was on the battlefield between the two worlds, was nominally his apprentice.

Ancestor Ming He had no choice but to put away Ashura's army and stand up himself.

Li Yun thought to himself.

Daode Tianzun and Yuanshi Tianzun are very envious of this, although they also have Wudi Quansheng, but this Li Yun is growing too fast.

He is determined to step on the ancestor of Ming He to ascend to the throne.

This seems a little too fast.

Biyou Palace.

In fact, there were also experts in the prehistoric world nearby who noticed this scene, and the news that the ancestor of Ming He, who was beaten by Li Yun, had escaped, spread.

"Disciple pays respects to Master!" When he came to the main hall of Biyou Palace, Li Yun hurriedly bowed to Lingbao Tianzun.

Facts have proved that my general trend to train apprentices is still very good.

Li Yun felt a little ashamed when he heard the words. Lingbao Tianzun treated him very well, but unfortunately, I, Li Yun, are destined to be a scumbag in the future, but Li Yun is Li Yun, Xiao Yun is Xiao Yun, and Li Yun is a scumbag with him. Xiao Yun doesn't matter.

Therefore, Li Yun has already played 120,000 cautious.

"Li Yun, this is the "God and Demon Body of Chaos". Master, he has already helped you improve it. There are eighteen levels in total. When you reach the eighteenth level of cultivation, you can be promoted to Immortal, which is 'Sage' Realm. Of course, this It's only theoretical, everything depends on your talent and chance."

However, you must be vigilant, this old guy might play tricks on Cultivation Technique.

Lingbao Tianzun waved his hand and said with a smile: "Don't be too polite, this time you have done a good job in the battlefield of the two realms, and you have greatly made a name for our interception. Since the great tribulation of the gods, I have never been so happy as a teacher. ,Hahaha!"

When Lingbao Tianzun heard the news, he laughed even more happily: "Although another world has a new Chaos body, Zao Wou-Ki, our prehistoric world is not bad. Li Yun is much stronger than that Zao Wou-Ki."

Only this time, Li Yun had two layers of defenses, the Eastern Emperor Bell and the ten second rank Yehuohonglian. Ancestor Ming He's attack couldn't even break through his defense, so he could only passively be next to Li Yun's attack.

The general trend to the heart resentment thought.

At the same time, he has also become the second most popular person in the two worlds battlefield after Zao Wou-Ki, and the speed of his fame is even worse than that of Zao Wou-Ki.

You must mention that if you let me be the Buddha Lord, then I will definitely do better than Tathagata, and cultivate more 'Zao Wou-Ki' for Buddhism.

To be honest, knowing that Zao Wou-Ki has made a big name in the battlefield of the two realms, the general situation is still a little dark in his heart.

Zhun mentioned that Sage's mind was even more complicated. He sent a text message to Da Shizhi and cursed for a while: "I'm really blind to your dog's eyes. I asked you to find a spy, but you missed Li Yun, a good seedling. You give it to me right away. Get out of Lingshan, and go to Ksitigarbha to fight."

My dear, this is playing Infernal Affairs. Li Yun complained in his heart, but he said with a righteousness on his face: "Master, don't worry, I will definitely kill this bastard Zao Wuji in person."

Li Yun, however, relied on his speed to catch up and beat Old Ancestor Ming He.

The poor general situation is coming, the dignified generation of Buddhist monks, and now they can only roll up their blankets, from the beautiful scenery and the rich Spiritual Qi Lingshan, to the eerie, terrifying underworld, where there are countless wronged souls, and it is still the most filthy place in the prehistoric world, near the sea of ​​​​blood.

"Well, I believe in you as a teacher, you must be stronger than Zao Wuji." Lingbao Tianzun nodded, very confident in Li Yun, this son has now become the most proud of his disciples.

How long has it been since Lingbao Tianzun accepted his disciples, and then Li Yun defeated Old Ancestor Ming He?

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