As for Old Ancestor Ming He, he wished that the other party would come to kill him.

"Zao Wou-Ki's guy is completely famous this time. This guy deserves to be the son of destiny. No matter where he stays, he can't hide the radiance he radiates. Just like the protagonist in those, he is jealous everywhere. I really envy him." After reading some information on Jade Slip, Yun was filled with emotion.

Some of the brothers who had intercepted the teaching recently were contacting him and asked him to form a team to hunt down Zao Wou-Ki.

Li Yun is not worried about Zao Wou-Ki's safety. This guy has obtained a lot of powerful Magic Treasures in the prehistoric world, as well as some life-saving cards, and he is not so easy to die.

Moreover, the battlefield between the two worlds is very broad, and it is not easy for people in the prehistoric world to find him.

What's more, those super powerhouses in the prehistoric world didn't have time to hunt down Zao Wou-Ki.

Not long ago, Zhun mentioned that Sage wanted to hunt down Zao Wou-Ki himself, but he was blocked by Chaos Great Emperor, which also showed Zhao Wuji's identity to the prehistoric world.

Even if Zao Wou-Ki jumped into the Yellow River, he couldn't wash it out.

"Old Zhao, don't blame me, if you don't force you, how can you reach the Heavenly Venerate Realm?" Li Yun thought to himself.

Immediately, Li Yun swaggered and continued to sway on the battlefield of the two realms.

And as Li Yun appeared in front of many people, his whereabouts were exposed.

Ancestor Ming He came to the door immediately.

I saw the sea of ​​blood in the sky blocking the void, and the whole world suddenly turned blood red. The endless sea of ​​blood around was like a huge wave, rushing towards Li Yun in the center, as if trying to drown him.

"Li Yun, hand over the ten second rank Ye Huohonglian and Donghuangzhong, Patriarch, I may consider spare your life."

The face of the ancestor Ming He appeared in the surrounding sea of ​​blood, there were thousands of faces, and each face was like the face of a devil, looking very ferocious and terrifying.

The majestic sea of ​​blood blocked Xiao Yun, and the surrounding space was imprisoned, enough that no information could be sent out.

Obviously, Old Ancestor Ming He was well prepared for this shot, and instantly cut off Li Yun's chance to ask for help.

"Ancestor Ming He, what Magic Treasures did you bring this time? Let me take a look, I hope I won't be too disappointed."

Li Yun ignored the surrounding waves of blood, he took out the Eastern Emperor Bell to protect his surroundings, and he was indifferent even though the waves of blood rushed in.

The golden light emitted by the Eastern Emperor Bell constantly dispels the surrounding sea of ​​blood, and those seas of blood are constantly evaporating as if darkness meets light.

In the sea of ​​blood, there were even bursts of shrill screams, like a ghost crying and wolf howling.

The hideous faces around him also shattered under the light of the Eastern Emperor Bell's golden light.

"You are really arrogant, and you dare to attack the idea of ​​my other Magic Treasures. Do you really think that with the Eastern Emperor Bell, you will be able to compete with Wudi Quansheng?"

Ancestor Ming He's hoarse voice came: "Today, Ancestor, I will let you understand that no matter how strong Magic Treasures is, it depends on who uses it."

When the words fell, two dazzling Sword Rays split the world and strangled towards Li Yun.

Sword Ray was too dazzling, and the cold murderous aura froze time and space.

Two peerless fierce swords came in tandem, killing Li Yun.

"Good baby!" Li Yun's eyes lit up when he saw this. He had already recognized them. These two swords should be the legendary Yuantu and Abi swords. They are both powerful Innate spirit treasures. That Hunyuan Jindou is much inferior.

"Although I already have the Supreme Divine Sword and the Sword of Time and Space, my disciple Dugu Daxiong and my eldest nephew Dugu Baitian don't have a good sword yet, so these two swords can be given to them."

Li Yun thought about it, and directly urged the Donghuang Bell to suppress the two swords.

Facing Innate's treasured Donghuangzhong, no matter how powerful the swords of Yuantu and Abi were, they were suppressed by Donghuangzhong.

But Old Ancestor Ming He was not surprised but happy, he showed his figure from the boundless sea of ​​blood, and laughed loudly: "Li Yun, you have been fooled."

When the words fell, the ancestor Ming He waved the sea of ​​blood to separate the Donghuang Bell, and he rushed towards Xiao Yun. In his opinion, with his Wudi's quasi-sage strength, he could completely kill Li Yun who did not have the Donghuang Bell.


Ancestor Ming He waved his sleeves, and a magnificent world descended, carrying the mighty power that opened up the world, and wanted to obliterate Li Yun.

This kind of power is too terrifying, as if a world exploded. That kind of terrifying energy made the universe tremble.

Li Yun's eyes narrowed. For the first time, he saw the horror of Wudi's quasi-sage. Compared with the ancestor Ming He's shot, the attack power of Demon Venerable was like that of a child playing a house.

However, Li Yun was not afraid at all, because a second Li Yun had already appeared beside him, stepping on the ten second rank flaming red lotus under his feet.

The dazzling blood light instantly wrapped the two Li Yun, and even if the world exploded, it would not be able to shake the ten second rank flaming red lotus under their feet.

"It's my ancestor's tenth rank karma red lotus!" Ancestor Ming He saw this scene, and his face was full of anger.

Li Yun said lightly: "It belongs to me now."

"Junior, I'm going to kill you!" Ancestor Ming He shot towards Li Yun again with murderous aura.

The two Li Yun also shot together, and the dazzling Sword Ray erupted from him, and the two swords, one yin and one yang, merged together to form a Yin & Yang Taiji sword formation, which instantly trapped the ancestor of Ming He in it. Inside.

"Tai Chi Sword Formation? Hmph, it's too far to deal with the ancestors just by this."

Old Ancestor Ming He ignored Sword Qi who were attacking around him. His sea of ​​blood was boundless, and his defense itself was very strong. This level of attack could not help him.


The sea of ​​blood invaded, and the ancestor of Ming He let out a low roar, shaking Universe with Blood Qi all over his body. He was like the devil who dominated The Underworld, broke free from the shackles, and was terrifying.

Both Li Yun's expressions were extremely solemn, and they controlled the Tai Chi sword formation with all their strength, constantly bombarding the ancestor of Ming He.

Ancestor Ming He roared like a wild beast, his eyes filled with fierce light, and the Killing intent filled the world. He kept bombarding the Tai Chi sword formation, trying to smash it.

The two Li Yuns maintained the formation with all their might. This sword formation was a new formation that he developed after his Insight Killed the Immortal Sword Formation and the two-level Tai Chi formation. It could not only exert his kendo power, but also use the formation to attract the world. power, multiplying its combat power.

It is precisely because of this that Li Yun has an attack power comparable to Wudi's quasi-sage at the peak of Realm.

Coupled with the defensive power of the ten second rank Ye Huohonglian and Donghuangzhong, Li Yun felt that he was stronger than all the quasi-sages in the prehistoric world.

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