In the prehistoric world, with a 100-fold acceleration, Xiao Yun's avatar has made rapid progress and has already surpassed the deity.

However, only Lingbao Tianzun knows about this kind of progress. After all, Xiao Yun has not made a public move in the prehistoric world since he was promoted to the Quasi-Saint Realm.

The powerhouses in the prehistoric world would at best guess that Xiao Yun had been promoted to the quasi-sage Realm, and would never have imagined that he had already become the pinnacle quasi-sage.

The pinnacle quasi-sage with three Innate treasures has never appeared in the prehistoric world. If the outside world is known, it will definitely cause a sensation in the whole prehistoric world.


Suddenly, the two Xiao Yun merged into one, and their sharp eyes looked into the distance, where a dazzling Sword Ray shot out, and Sword Qi was 30,000 miles away.

It's Lu Dongbin!

Xiao Yun recognized it at a glance. In the prehistoric world, there is such a kendo Cultivation Base. Apart from Lingbao Tianzun, there is only Lu Dongbin, the ancestor of the sword Immortal.

Sure enough, The next moment Lu Dongbin came with his sword, and this guy was drinking on a giant sword. He looked very handsome and showed the handsomeness of the sword Immortal to the extreme.

"Junior Brother Li, long time no see, are you going to the battlefield between the two realms?" While talking, Lu Dongbin threw the jug in his hand to Xiao Yun.

Xiao Yun looked at the jug in his hand, and suddenly thought in his heart, how many years has Lu Dongbin not brushed his teeth? Well, Immortal people don't need to brush their teeth, after all, they don't eat five grains, and their teeth won't stink.

But he Xiao Heavenly Emperor doesn't want to drink other people's saliva...

Xiao Yun shook his head and threw the jug back.

Seeing this, Lu Dongbin's face changed, is this not giving him a face?

Fortunately, Xiao Yun quickly took out another jug ​​of wine and said with a smile, "Senior Brother Lu, still drink from my bar. This is the Immortal wine treasured by His Majesty the Jade Emperor. It's much better than yours."

After Xiao Yun finished speaking, he took a sip of the jug and threw the jug to Lu Dongbin. He thought, "Sample, you should drink my saliva."

Lu Dongbin didn't have so many inner dramas. As soon as he heard Xiao Yun's words, he immediately picked up the jug and opened his mouth to pour it. As the wine entered his throat, his eyes lit up and he exclaimed, "This is the legendary Wanhua Brewing. , It is said that the Jade Emperor ordered Baihua Immortal to search for 10,000 kinds of flowers and is brewed. It can be called the emperor of wine, and it is indeed a rare treasure, hahaha!"

Lu Dongbin had two great loves in his life. Except for the sword, it was wine. Now that he drank good wine, he was overjoyed and laughed like crazy.

"This alcoholic..."

Xiao Yun shook his head helplessly, then looked at Lu Dongbin and asked, "Brother Lu is also going to the battlefield between the two realms this time?"

Lu Dongbin drank the wine in the jug in one breath, as if he was afraid that Xiao Yun would ask him to go back, after hearing Xiao Yun's words, he murmured, "It wasn't the last time I watched you on the battlefield of gods and demons." Zhantian has some insight, this time I'm going to the battlefield of the two worlds to meet the Sword Master of another world for a while, maybe I can find the opportunity to break through to Wudi Quansheng."

Xiao Yun was surprised when he heard the words: "Are you going to find another world's Sword Master? Aren't you afraid of being killed by him?"

"As the saying goes, when you hear about Dao Xi, you can die in the evening. What's more, I'm only one of the three corpses, and I don't bring any powerful Magic Treasures, so I don't lose much if I die." Lu Dongbin's eyes flashed, his eyes were full of The desire for supreme kendo.

Xiao Yun sighed with emotion, this guy is really a pure sword cultivator, and there is such a person in their Jiuxiao Continent, that is his eldest nephew Dugu Baitian.

Dugu Baitian didn't know where he went since he came to the heaven. He didn't even come to challenge Zao Zun this time, but Xiao Yun didn't worry about his safety. After all, Dugu Baitian's strength was not weak. Heaven will be fine.


The void shattered, and another familiar figure came from the clouds.

Both Xiao Yun and Lu Dongbin turned their heads to look, their eyes solemn, because they both sensed that the aura of the visitor was very strong, stronger than them, that was a Wudi quasi-sage.

"It turned out to be Zhenyuan University Immortal!"

When Xiao Yun and Lu Dongbin saw who was coming, they suddenly smiled.

Zhenyuan University Immortal is a well-known old man in the prehistoric world. He is very popular and naturally very popular.

"Li fellow daoist, Lu fellow daoist!" Zhen Yuanda Immortal came over the clouds and greeted Xiao Yun and Lu Dongbin from a distance, and the latter two also hurriedly saluted.

Xiao Yun said with a smile, "What day is today? It's such a coincidence that everyone went to the battlefield of the two realms together."

"Haha, it's a coincidence!" Lu Dongbin also laughed.

Zhenyuan Da Immortal said with a smile: "I came here when I saw you, by the way, Li fellow daoist, I want to remind you, the ancestor of Ming He also knows that you are going to the battlefield of the two realms. Be careful of him ambushing you. After all, you took away his tenth rank karma, the Red Lotus, which is his most important treasure, and he will definitely find a way to get it back."

"Ancestor Ming He!" Lu Dongbin's eyes became more serious. These ancient quasi-sage powerhouses were all very powerful, and almost all of them were Wudi quasi-sages. After all, they have lived for too long, who knows what trump cards they have.

Xiao Yun narrowed his eyes and said, "I just left Biyou Palace, how could this guy know that I'm going to the battlefield between the two realms?"

Zhen Yuanda Immortal said solemnly: "Don't underestimate him, he has countless blood gods, all over the entire prehistoric world, as long as you leave the scope of Biyou Palace, you will definitely not escape his attention."

Xiao Yun sneered when he heard this: "It's just in time for him to come to me, let's see what treasures he wants to give me this time."

Zhen Yuanda Immortal and Lu Dongbin were stunned when they heard the words, as if they didn't expect Xiao Yun to be so "arrogant".

After all, the battlefield of the two realms is not a battlefield of gods and demons. Although the battlefield of the two realms can also suppress the Cultivation Base, it suppresses the Sage Cultivation Base, and the Quansheng can still exert his full combat power.

Ancestor Ming He was a Wudi quasi-sage after all, and they couldn't figure out where Xiao Yun got the confidence.

From the point of view of the two of them, Xiao Yun had just been promoted to quasi-sage at most, and he had cut off a corpse. Even if he possessed the Innate treasure, he would not be able to match a Wudi quasi-sage.

"Zhenyuanda Immortal, thank you for letting me know about this!" Xiao Yun also knew what they were thinking, but without explaining too much, he thanked Zhenyuanda Immortal.

Zhen Yuanda Immortal smiled and waved his hand: "You're welcome, I also have grudges with that Styx ancestor."

When he went to the battlefield of the two realms, he also wanted to trouble the ancestor Ming He. In the past, the ancestor Ming He had ten second rank karma red lotus. He couldn't help the ancestor Ming He. Now the other party has lost the ten second rank karma red lotus. He Naturally, it is necessary to beat the drowning dog.

Of course, reminding Xiao Yun, befriending Xiao Yun is also one aspect.

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