"Interesting, you can actually incorporate witchcraft into the animal skin scroll in advance, and you can release it at any time when you use it, and you don't even need to consume your own strength. This method is worth learning from."

In the castle, Xiao Yun saw that Isidore took out two animal skin scrolls one after another, and instantly released two kinds of sanctuary-level defensive magic, his face was slightly surprised.

This method is somewhat similar to the sword seal he used in Jiuxiao Continent. The sword seal is planted on the disciples under the door, so that when the disciples encounter the crisis of Death, the sword seal will break out Xiao Yun's attack.

However, the requirements of the sword seal are very high, not everyone has the ability to use the sword seal, and the sword seal cannot be actively activated, only passively activated when in danger.

In comparison, this kind of animal skin scroll method is more efficient to use in reverse.

However, Xiao Yun also noticed the disadvantage of this animal skin scroll, that is, the required material grade is very high.

If you want to carry the scrolls of Sanctuary magic, you have to use the animal skins of Sanctuary Magical Beasts to make them.

Xiao Yun's deity is the strongest Heavenly Emperor. If he wants to make a scroll that carries his ultimate move, he has to use Demonic Beasts of the strongest Heavenly Emperor level. Where can he find it? Hey, it can be found in the prehistoric world.

Xiao Yun suddenly thought of the prehistoric world, and immediately became interested. He must learn this method of making scrolls. In the future, when fighting the enemy, throwing the scroll directly will kill the enemy.


In the phantom formation, Isidore still didn't know that someone was watching the battle outside. He spent two scrolls and finally resisted the Beastmaster's Roaring Bullet from the Earth Demon Bear, but he was not happy at all.

After all, the value of those two scrolls was too high, and even he only had the last one left.

"Damn it, the accumulation of many years has consumed most of it at once. Damn Earth Demon Bear." Isidor's face was full of anger, and he cast Vulcan Realm again, covering the Earth Demon Bear and the Earth Armor Dragon together.

However, unlike the Earth Armor Dragon, the Earth Demon Bear burrowed directly into the ground and disappeared, appeared behind Isidor, and opened its mouth again to spurt a blazing golden light.

"It's the Beastmaster Roaring Bullet again!"

Isidor is about to go crazy. This is the ultimate trick of the Earth Demon Bear. When did the Earth Demon Bear use the trick as a flat A to perform, isn't it afraid that it won't be able to hold on for a while?

Although he complained badly in his heart, Isidore could only passively defend at this time. Fortunately, he was prepared this time, and transferred all the power of Vulcan Realm to resist the Beastmaster Roaring Bullet of the Earth Demon Bear.

As for the ground dragon?

Isidore felt that being hit by an earth armor dragon was better than being hit by a roaring bullet from the Beastmaster, the lesser of the two evils.

"Boom!" The huge explosion submerged the area again. If Xiao Yun hadn't set up a defensive formation, the castle would have been turned into ruins by now.

And just after the aftermath of the explosion disappeared, when Isidore was about to cast Vulcan Realm, he saw the Earth Demon Bear not far away open his mouth again, and a blazing golden light was already brewing in it.

"&¥...%#&..." Isidore scolded his father angrily, finally panicking in his heart.

The Earth Demon Bear actually regarded the Beastmaster's Roaring Bullet as a flat A, how can this be fought? Even if he can stop it two or three times, he can't stop it four or five times.

The key point is that the Earth Demon Bear can still burrow into the ground, and this guy can't be restricted at all.

What's more, there is an earth armor dragon next to him. Don't think that there is no threat now, but when he and the earth demon bear are both defeated, the threat of the earth armor dragon will be great.

"Leave here first, there's no need to spend it with these two beasts!" Isidore gritted his teeth, took out the last remaining Sanctuary scroll in the Interspatial Ring, and moved it without hesitation.

Immediately, a dense mass of space energy wrapped Isidor and took him through the void, wanting to teleport away.

It can be clearly seen that when the Beastmaster's roaring bombs bombarded over, Isidor's figure disappeared bit by bit in the air.


The place where Isidore was located exploded again.

And Isidore has already started to travel through space.

"Damn the Earth Demon Bear, when I become a god in the future, I will definitely kill you and refine you into a scroll." Isidor was wrapped in space energy and disappeared in mid-air. He breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately Angrily cursed the Earth Demon Bear again.

Speaking of which, this space-traveling sanctuary scroll was made by Stevenson, the master of the storm. With his sanctuary wizard's strength, he could teleport Isidor out of Devil's Valley with just one click.

So Isidore has calmed down a lot now, and he is going to go to the Land Abandoned by God again, kill Hill, get the godhead or artifact, and come back to Devil's Valley in the future to seek revenge for the Earth Demon Bear.

"I hope that Hill is the reincarnation of a god. In this way, I can instantly become a god." Isidore was full of expectations.

At this moment, the space energy surrounding Isidor trembled, as if it was about to be exhausted.

"It's time to leave Devil's Valley." Taking advantage of the moment when the space energy was exhausted, Isidore immediately blasted the space barrier and rushed out.

The next moment, Isidore reappears in the Valley of Devil.

Moreover, not far from Isidore, stood two familiar Magical Beasts, one was an earth armor dragon and the other was an earth demon bear.

At the same time, the open mouth of the Earth Demon Bear released a brilliant golden light again.

Isidore was stunned by the scene in front of him. Didn't I use the teleport scroll to leave Devil's Valley? Why are you still there? Can anyone tell me why this is?

If Xiao Yun knew what Isidor was thinking, he would definitely sneer and want to eat shit. The formation has not been cracked, so you still want to leave? Even if you teleport 10,000 times, you are still spinning in place.

But Isidore didn't understand this formation, he was completely frightened, and his heart was full of anxiety.

"How could this be? What the hell is this place? Why can't I leave?" Isidore used his defensive sorcery and fled into the distance, but no matter which direction he flew, he always kept with the Earth Demon Bears and the others. At a certain distance, there is no way to escape.

In the end, Isidore gave up completely, and he began to counterattack, because he knew that he could not escape, and he could only deal with the Earth Demon Bear and Earth Armored Dragon first.

One after another, powerful sanctuary witchcraft bombarded the Earth Demon Bear and Earth Armored Dragon.

But the Earth Demon Bear and the Earth Armor Dragon are both famous for their strong defenses, and the Pan Tao can recover at any time, so they are not afraid of Isidore at all.

Poor Isidor was finally consumed to death. Before he died, he saw a strange man appear in front of him, a hand raised his neck, and a powerful Mental Energy invaded his body.

"H... Hill..." Until he died, Isidor didn't know what happened.

Why can't he leave Devil's Valley?

Why does Hill appear in Devil's Valley?

Is this the power of the reincarnated gods?

The temple may be about to suffer the greatest crisis ever... This is Isidor's last thought.

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