Xiao Yun didn't know about the actions of the Bauhinia Garden and the Temple. He stayed in the Land Abandoned by God and was always building a spiritual rune, ready to attack the ninth-level wizard Realm.

During this period, Xiao Yun also cultivated all of his witchcraft to the eighth-level wizard Realm. He is now a genuine wizard of the entire series, and he has eleven witch hearts in his body.

"There is at most half a year before I can be promoted to the ninth-level wizard Realm." Xiao Yun thought to himself.

During this period of time, his cultivation was still very hard, and even Qiu Mingshan rarely visited.

Katerina noticed the huge gap with Xiao Yun, and now she is also practicing asceticism in the Closed Door Training. She has the cultivation resources of the Blood Shadow Graveyard. She directly uses the potion to increase the Mental Energy, and then the Closed Door Training builds the spiritual rune.

It is worth mentioning that Little Sister Shia is finally married, and her object is the 'Boka' that Xiao Yun reminded her before, a timid and shy person who can stand in front of Shia at a critical moment. young people.

Chrissy was also married, married to a baron.

Even Xiao Yun's former knight instructor, Mild, finally got the old tree blooming, found a beautiful widow, and picked up a little Loli daughter for nothing. Now the family is harmonious and living a very happy life.

Now there are only Xiao Yun and Katerina left in the castle. Shia has already gone to the kingdom where Boca is located. It is estimated that she will be queen in a few years. She will occasionally return to the castle to visit Xiao Yun.

The only remaining Kver was also faithfully guarding Shia's side.

Xiao Yun is also happy to be quiet, building a spiritual rune every day.

Just one day, with the death of a group of little bees, Xiao Yun woke up from cultivation.

"A strong man has come to the Land Abandoned by God, and he is suspected to be a strong man in the temple, who cultivated a perfect witchcraft model."

Xiao Yun pushed open the window, looked into the distance, and narrowed his eyes.

The last time he looked for Wilson, he controlled countless little bees, and then brought these little bees back to the Land Forsaken by God, which spread all over the sea.

In this way, as long as a strong person comes to the Land Abandoned by God, he can find it immediately.

And just now, a group of little bees died immediately after seeing a white-haired old man.

In Xiao Yun's senses, the white-haired old man seemed to be a sea of ​​fire. Wherever he passed, the surrounding temperature was rising rapidly, and the little bees were burned to death before they approached him.

"A powerful fire wizard."

"And, judging by his speed, at least the powerhouse of the ninth-level wizard Realm."

Xiao Yun looked slightly solemn.

He has seen the wind ninth-level wizard Kamaso, but this person is faster than Kamaso.

You must know that Kamaso is a wind-type wizard, and his speed should be the fastest among the same Realm. No matter how bad it is, he is faster than a fire-type wizard of the same level.

Obviously, the strength of this fire wizard is probably still higher than that of Kamaso.

"Such a strong man actually set foot on the land abandoned by the gods. He must be a witch model who has cultivated a perfect state. Then he is most likely from the temple."

"It seems that the demise of the blood shadow cemetery seems to have made the temple aware of something, and finally took action in person."

Xiao Yun waved his hand, opened the kingdom of the dead, found an undead of an eighth-level wizard, and motioned him to rush to the sea.

When he attacked the Blood Shadow Cemetery, he also harvested many wizard corpses. This eighth-level wizard undead was an eighth-level wizard in the Blood Shadow Cemetery.

Xiao Yun was going to send him to check first.


Over the endless sea.

Isidore frowned slightly, looking at some of the little bees in the distance who were shocked to death by his aura fluctuations, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

"These bees have been manipulated, is that Hill? The other party looks alert, and it is estimated that they have discovered me by now."

Isidore guessed in his heart.

However, he was not too nervous. The other party was only an eighth-level wizard. Even if he was promoted to a ninth-level wizard at this moment, he was not afraid at all.

Possessing absolutely powerful strength makes Isidor full of confidence.

"I do hope that the other party is the reincarnation of a god. In this way, as long as I kill him, I can obtain his godhead and become a god directly." Isidore was hot in his heart.

It was precisely because Hill might be the reincarnation of a god that Isidor rushed over directly instead of waiting for the temple to send a master over.

Because only the people in their temple will know that refining the godhead is the fastest way to become a god.

Beyond the ninth-level Wizard Realm is the Sanctuary Wizard Realm.

To this Realm, there are two ways to become a god. The first way is to ignite the divine fire and smelt the witch's heart. As long as the witch's heart can withstand the burning of the divine fire, it can evolve into a godhead.

This is the most dangerous method of becoming a god, and it is also the one with the greatest potential after becoming a god.

The second way to become a god is to directly refine a godhead. This way of becoming a god is very safe and there is no danger, but the premise is that a sanctuary wizard can refine a godhead.

However, this kind of person who becomes a god who refines the godhead has no potential in the future. He cannot advance to the level through cultivation, and can only choose to continue refining the godhead of a higher level, otherwise he will be trapped in the current level forever.

But after Isido couldn't control it, he was not sure that he could become a god by igniting the fire of God, and refining the godhead was the only way for him to become a god.

And in the wizarding world, it's almost impossible to get a godhead.

Unless it is to go to the realm of the gods.

But the realm of the gods is too dangerous, where the lowest strength is the sanctuary wizard, if Isidor goes to the realm of the gods, he will be a cannon fodder.

Therefore, if there is a chance to obtain a godhead, Isidor must choose refining without hesitation.

"I hope this Hill is the reincarnation of a god. The god who can be reincarnated is not weak. Maybe I can leap beyond the temple master." Isidore was full of expectations.

In fact, even if Hill is not the reincarnation of a god, he can break the Mirror of Destiny. At least he has an artifact that is stronger than the Mirror of Destiny.

Therefore, even if he just won this artifact, it would be a huge gain for Isidor.


Suddenly, Isido raised his brows, and in his induction, a figure flew at an extremely fast speed, and the aura fluctuation was still very strong, at least an eighth-level wizard.

Is that Hill?

Isidor was a little surprised. The other party seemed to underestimate him a little, and he took the initiative to come to die, which saved him the time to find the other party.


The tall figure exuded an extremely strong aura of Death. The eighth-level wizard of the blood shadow cemetery that Xiao Yun had forged into an undead puppet quickly rushed towards Isidor and bombarded it with sorcery as soon as he saw it.

"This is not Hill, this is an undead, and it's a person from the Blood Shadow Graveyard. It seems that Hill is also among the group of people who destroyed the Blood Shadow Graveyard." Isidor's expression suddenly became solemn.

The group of people who destroyed the Blood Shadow Cemetery was suspected to be a hidden power. If Hill has become one of them, it does not rule out the possibility that there will be other powerhouses in the Land Abandoned by God.

Of course, Isidore still has some confidence in himself. After all, since that force chooses to hide, it is definitely not as good as their temple.

The most important thing is that the opponent does not have a powerhouse at the level of the gods. Even if Isidor, the lord of fire, can't beat him, he has the confidence to protect himself.

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