Mystery: I Have An Epiphany Of The Chaotic Body

Chapter 1112 Suspected To Be The Reincarnation Of Gods

After the Kwell matter was settled, Xiao Yun and Katerina went back to their room, drove BYD, and conquered Qiu Mingshan once again.

Afterwards, Xiao Yun, wrapped in pajamas, stood by the windowsill and looked at the apprentice knights who were training below.

"It seems that even if there is a formation guard, it is not safe!"

Xiao Yun frowned.

He arranged formations for the castle, but Shia couldn't stay in the castle forever, she always had to go out, which created opportunities for the enemy.

Thanks to Kwell this time, Shia would have died otherwise.

He Xiao Heavenly Emperor couldn't even protect Little Sister, which made him feel a little ashamed and a little angry.

"For now, I can only wait for Shia's child to be born and see if any of her descendants are qualified as wizards. As long as they are qualified, with the cultivation resources I have, I can make him a powerful wizard. "

Xiao Yun thought to himself.

In fact, he can forcibly turn Kwell into a wizard, and naturally he also has the ability to turn Shia into a wizard.

However, Xiao Yun wasn't going to do this. After all, if he wanted to extend Shia's lifespan, he had a way to give her a peach.

But sometimes a long life span is also a kind of torture.

After all, watching the relatives and children around you die one by one, how cruel it is.

More importantly, if you live for too long, your memory will become huge. Ordinary mortals can't bear such a huge memory, but Shia has no wizard qualifications and can't become stronger, which will make her mental breakdown. of.

Xiao Yun only hopes that Shia can be happy in this life, and it can be regarded as compensation for the body of 'Hill'.


Bauhinia Garden.

Another guest was welcomed.

Camaso and the dean of Bauhinia Garden greeted them respectfully.

"Welcome to the great Lord of Fire Lord Isidore. Your presence has brought great glory to our Bauhinia Paradise."

Kamaso and the dean of Bauhinia Paradise looked at the old man in front of him, and suddenly their faces were a little unnatural.

It seems that not long ago, they also welcomed Stevenson, the Lord of the Storm, and then the Lord of the Storm died.

"Take me to see Stevenson first." Isidore glanced at them, his face cold.

After all, if a Storm Lord died, he was naturally in a bad mood.

Camaso and the dean of Bauhinia Paradise didn't dare to complain, they hurriedly led the way, and they came to Hill's tree house again.

Beside the wooden bed in the tree house, Stevenson was still stiff and stood there motionless, as if he was a quiet wooden man.

When Isidore saw this scene, his face suddenly changed.

The dean of Bauhinia Garden whispered next to him: "After the accident, this place has been kept as it was, and Camaso personally guarded it here."

"We didn't find any enemies at that time, and Mr. Stevenson didn't remind us anything." Camaso also said.

"None of your business!"

After observing Stevenson, Isidore said solemnly to Camaso and the dean of Bauhinia Paradise: "His soul was killed in an instant, this is the strongest backlash of the mirror of destiny, even destiny The mirrors are all broken, and there is only one case for this phenomenon, and that is that he is spying on... a god."

"Hey!" Camaso and the dean of Bauhinia Paradise heard the words, and then took a deep breath.

Spy on the gods?

Is that Hill a god? Or the reincarnation of the gods? It's impossible.

If it is the reincarnation of a god, then Talent is very powerful, how could it be expelled from Bauhinia Paradise?

"Tell me about that 'Hill' and find all his acquaintances in the academy. I want to know everything about him." Isidore looked serious. When it comes to things involving gods, he must be serious. If there is a reincarnation of gods in this world, it will also threaten their temples.

"Yes, esteemed Lord Isidore, please wait a moment!" Camasso nodded quickly, and then disappeared in place, he directly used the space shuttle to find someone.

The dean of Bauhinia Paradise said to Isidore: "Respected Lord Isidore, this Hill is from the Land Forsaken by God. At that time, the Talent tested was a high-level Fire Element, and he joined Wilson's sect. Logically speaking, he has This kind of Talent, given the Cursed Eye by Wilson, should be a very simple matter to become an official wizard, but this person left after three years of studying in the academy, and since then he disappeared and never came back."

Isidor coldly said: "This is normal, if he is really a reincarnation of a god, or has colluded with Wilson, it must be a model of witchcraft that has been cultivated in a perfect state, and he can be promoted to a formal wizard without being promoted to potion. Therefore, he will definitely leave the academy before being promoted to a full-fledged wizard, in case he is discovered by you."

"So it is!" The dean of Bauhinia Paradise suddenly realized. He didn't think of this before, and thought that Hill died outside. Now it seems that Hill is not a reincarnation of a god, that is, he was taught by Wilson in advance of his perfect state. witchcraft model.

At this moment, the spatial fluctuations flashed away.

Immediately, Camaso appeared in the treehouse with Catherine in one hand and Sophia and sisters in the other.

The two sisters were a little terrified, looking at the strange Isidore in front of them and the surrounding environment, they were a little overwhelmed.

Camaso comforted: "You don't have to worry, this Lord Isidore needs to ask you something, you just need to answer it seriously. After that, I will give you the promotion potion for promotion to the second-level wizard."

Catherine's heart moved when she heard the words. She was not stupid. She thought of the last time Camasso asked her about Hill. This time it was probably because of Hill. After all, she and Little Sister often stayed in Bauhinia Garden for cultivation, except for the Hill's information, what value do they have?

"Tell me about the first time you met Hill and what you know about Hill."

Isidore looked at the two sisters in front of him, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes. Such beautiful twin sisters are indeed very rare. However, he was only a little surprised. When he came to his Realm, he didn't care about any beauties.

"We met Hill for the first time..." Catherine felt the unfathomable aura on Isidore, and did not dare to hide it at all, and detailed the first encounter between herself and Hill.

Isidor listened attentively, his eyes flashing with wisdom, and analyzed: "As you said, in your Kenyan kingdom, it is very difficult to become a great knight. And Hill is an ordinary civilian and has no advanced knights. Breathing, but became a great knight at the age of twenty, which has never happened in the history of your kingdom of Kenya."

"Yes, let alone our kingdom of Kenya, even in the entire Land Forsaken by God, it is estimated that there is no such young great knight." Catherine nodded.

Camaso also said next to him: "At that time, Hill had not come into contact with Wilson, so his Talent was very high. I suspect that he may really be the reincarnation of a god. It is estimated that even his superior qualifications are disguised. ."

When the dean of Bauhinia Paradise heard the words, he felt a pain in his heart for no reason. This is the reincarnation of a god. If he had known that Hill had this kind of Talent, even if he offended the temple, he would secretly cultivate Hill, so that they would have a future in Bauhinia Paradise. There is a god, fully capable of competing with the temple, alas.

"Go ahead and tell the magic of this Hill one by one." Isidore looked at Catherine and continued to ask.

Catherine knew that she couldn't resist, and she didn't want to resist, so she honestly explained everything.

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