"Who the hell is calling me? What is his purpose?" Wilson pondered while teleporting to escape.

He knew that the person who cast a strange curse on him must be waiting for him in front of him.

Otherwise, there is no need for the other party to guide him over.

And the purpose of the man doing this is nothing more than two, one is to kill him, and the other is to save him.

But Wilson had no choice, because even if he didn't go in this direction, he couldn't escape the pursuit of Cammaso.

At this moment, there are only a dozen pairs of eyes left on Wilson's face, and most of his face has already been exposed. The disappearance of these cursed eyes also represents the consumption of Wilson's power.

After all, 'Shadow Shuttle' is an eighth-level witchcraft, and Wilson is only a seventh-level wizard now, so it is still too reluctant to perform.

In the same Realm, Wilson could almost instantly kill the seventh-level wizard of the same Realm with the Cursed Eye.

Even if he encounters eighth-level witchcraft, Wilson can kill it as long as he pays some price.

But unfortunately, it was a ninth-level wizard who was chasing him this time, and he was also a ninth-level wizard of the wind element, which gave almost no hope of survival.

"I hope that person saves me, no matter what purpose he has, as long as he gives me time to leave a legacy." Wilson thought to himself that he still cares about the inheritance of his own knowledge.

But soon, Wilson's Mental Energy detected a familiar and unfamiliar aura ahead.

The reason why he felt familiar was because Wilson noticed that this person had Hill's aura. After all, he had been with Hill for three years, and he was still very familiar with Hill's aura.

But what makes Wilson unfamiliar is that this person with Hill's breath is actually an eighth-level wizard, and that kind of powerful Mental Energy fluctuations cannot be hidden.

Too powerful, much more powerful than his Mental Energy.

This powerful Mental Energy fluctuation is almost on the verge of entering the ranks of ninth-level wizards.

The point is, how can there be Hill's breath on this guy?

Wilson was puzzled, and the only dozen pairs of eyes left on his cheeks were already staring at the approaching figure in front of him.

The two teleported to each other very fast.

Just as Wilson's thoughts flickered, the opposite Xiao Yun appeared in Wilson's line of sight.

After seeing Xiao Yun's appearance clearly, Wilson was stunned for a moment.

"Hill? No, you are definitely not Hill, Hill can't be an eighth-level wizard."

Wilson's expression changed, staring at Xiao Yun in front of him, and said coldly: "You are a dying old monster, occupying my student's body, I feel a strong Death-type breath in you, and only Death-type ones are. Only wizards have this ability to resurrect from the body."

For a moment, Wilson felt that Hill had been occupied by an old Death monster.

After all, no one would think that Xiao Yun could cultivate to the eighth-level wizard Realm in just a few years, which is simply impossible.

"Teacher, I'm Hill, not an old monster." Xiao Yun couldn't help but stunned when he heard Wilson's words, and then smiled bitterly.

Wilson stared at Xiao Yun and sneered: "Do you think I'm an idiot? Hill is a wizard apprentice who can be promoted to the eighth-level wizard Realm in just a few years, and my teacher is only the seventh-level wizard Realm. , do you think I'll believe it?"

"Teacher, I'll explain this later. Let's work together to kill the chasing soldiers behind you." Xiao Yun didn't have time to explain it to Wilson, because a powerful spatial fluctuation came from nearby.

He didn't expect that the strong man who was chasing Wilson was actually a wind wizard.

The wind-type wizards have already started to go in the direction of the space department after arriving, so the low-level wind-type wizards are not terrible, but the high-level wind-type wizards are definitely comparable to the four major rule-type wizards.

Sure enough, just when Xiao Yun looked solemn, a gap opened in the space not far behind Wilson, and then an old man with white hair walked out of it.

"Wilson, you can't escape... Hey, there is actually a helper, but it's just an eighth-level wizard, and it's not a transformation wizard, I guess it's not even as good as you." Camasso stared at Wilson, then looked again To Xiao Yun, when he didn't see any trace of transformation from Xiao Yun, he was relieved.

As long as it's not a transforming monster wizard, it's difficult to leapfrog to fight, so it's difficult for an eighth-level wizard to threaten his ninth-level wizard.

"Teacher, join forces to kill him first!"

Xiao Yun didn't say too much nonsense. After reminding Wilson, he took the lead in killing Camaso.

In his hand, a long black knife appeared at an unknown time, like a scythe of the god of death, cutting the space and slashing towards Camaso.

This is Death's eighth-level witchcraft - Death Harvest!

Xiao Yun is a practitioner of Jiuxiao Continent after all, and his fighting style is also inclined towards melee combat, so he likes this kind of 'Death Harvest', which is suitable for melee combat and has strong single attack power.


The black long knife cut through the space, and a strong Death breath filled the air.

The surrounding sky that was dark before became even darker now.

Camaso's pupils shrank suddenly, and felt a chill in his heart: "It turns out that the eighth-level wizard of the Death department has the courage to shoot at me, a ninth-level wizard."

As we all know, the wizards of the four major rule departments are much stronger than wizards of other departments in the same Realm, and sometimes it is normal to be able to leapfrog battles.

However, Camaso felt that the other party underestimated him too much. He was a wind-type ninth-level wizard. In terms of single-target attack power, my Dimensional Slash was no less than your Death harvest.

"Dimensional Slash—"

Kamaso released the 'Dimension Slash' without hesitation, and the terrifying silver light blade burst into a dazzling light, directly tearing the space in front of him.

However, at this moment, Xiao Yun, who was attacking in front of him, suddenly turned into two people, then turned into four people, then turned into eight people, sixteen people...

In the blink of an eye, in all directions, countless Xiao Yun waved the Death harvest in their hands and slashed towards Kamaso.

"Undead clone? What a joke, how could he do this long-lost eighth-level witchcraft?" Camaso's eyes widened, this scene was too fast, he didn't have time to find out what Xiao Yun was which is the real body.

Kamaso could only cast his defensive shield in a hurry, preparing to regret Xiao Yun's attack.

"Good opportunity!" Wilson, who was not far away, was also stunned by Xiao Yun's performance, but he, who was experienced, quickly realized that this was a good opportunity, and immediately blew a source eye on his cheek, Ten cursed eyes, cast the strongest curse with all their strength.

Crisis is imminent!

Cammaso, who was releasing his shield, suddenly froze, and then the black Death Harvest broke his shield and invaded his body with a strong Death breath.

"Pfft——" Camaso gushed blood, and his clothes were torn. He didn't dare to fight, and he used the space shuttle to escape when he was bombarded.

Xiao Yun didn't choose to pursue him. The opponent had a real teleportation. If he wanted to escape, he couldn't catch up now.

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