Mystery: I Have An Epiphany Of The Chaotic Body

The 10And 94 Chapters Wind 9 Level

"Where is old man Wilson now?"

"How can I find him?"

After Xiao Yun left the castle, he began to look for Wilson's trace, but relying on him to find it alone was undoubtedly a needle in a haystack, after all, the Wizarding Land is also very large.

However, from Xiao Yun's point of view, since it is a battle involving ninth-level wizards, it must be earth-shattering and difficult to hide.

So it's not hard to find Wilson.

"You have to use puppets, and the number of puppets must be larger, and the speed must be fast." Xiao Yun looked around, searching for the target of refining puppets.

Soon, he got into a forest.

Mental Energy covered the entire forest, and almost instantly, Xiao Yun flew to a beehive.

"There are a lot of bees and they can fly. By refining them into puppets, I can have countless eyes."

Xiao Yun had an idea in his heart, and immediately used the puppet technique to turn the bees in front of him into his own puppets, and then a group of bees scattered and flew out in all directions.

Looking at these little bees leaving, Xiao Yun's eyes were filled with a hint of contemplation, and he seemed to have noticed a different use of witchcraft.

In the eyes of many wizards, cultivation wizards are to gain great power.

But sometimes, the use of witchcraft is different, the effect is also very different.

For example, the puppet technique performed by Xiao Yun, with his strength, can completely control some powerful Magical Beasts, and can even refine a powerful seventh-level wizard into his own puppet, thus obtaining a powerful guard.

But Xiao Yun chose a very weak bee this time.

The power of bees is weak, but the number is greater, which is equivalent to giving Xiao Yun countless pairs of eyes.

The same magic, two different usages, have different effects.

In some cases, the benefits of having countless pairs of eyes are far better than controlling a few powerful guards.

"The magic of Death is more powerful than I imagined. Before, I only pursued absolute attack power and defense power, but ignored the role of these magics in support."

With Xiao Yun's realization, he felt that his own strength was at least a few percent more powerful than Ascension.

If it was said that he was only certain to break through the blood shadow cemetery before, and then retreated unharmed.

So now, as long as he is given time to prepare in advance, he is fully capable of destroying the Blood Shadow Graveyard, and there is no possibility of retreating.

"The most important thing in witchcraft is 'application'. I was anxious about Ascension Cultivation Base before, but I didn't think much about it." Xiao Yun laughed at himself.

He still underestimated wizards. If he fought against high-level wizards before, he might not be able to kill his opponents by leaps and bounds.

He knew too little about wizards, and he didn't have contact with high-level wizards, especially monster wizards like Wilson who had transformed their bodies. Who knows what terrible powers they hide.

"Wizards need to be good at using their own magic, especially my Death-type magic. If you don't control Death, how can you exert your powerful power?"

After Xiao Yun finished speaking, he shuttled through the forest, continuing to search for traces of honeycombs, refining more bees into puppets.

Although bees are weak, they also have the advantage of being weak, that is, refining them into puppets requires very little Mental Energy.

This allows Xiao Yun to control countless bees without worrying about running out of Mental Energy.

In just a few days, Xiao Yun controlled tens of millions of little bees, and they flew in all directions, passing Xiao Yun's line of sight across the cities.

Occasionally, a powerful wizard sensed the strangeness of a bee flying in the sky and killed it, but the loss of only one or two small bees had no effect on Xiao Yun.

Because Xiao Yun continues to control more bees.

"With the strength of my Mental Energy, as long as I want, the entire wizarding continent will be under my surveillance."

In the forest, Xiao Yun watched another batch of bees flying away, feeling a little excited.

A mere puppet technique, only fifth-level witchcraft, but it can be used by him to monitor the world. The ability of wizards in certain aspects is stronger than that of the Nine Heavens Continent and the cultivators of the prehistoric world.

After all, these wizards are only mortals after all. At the mortal level, can the practitioners of Jiuxiao Continent and Honghuang World be comparable to wizards of the same level?

Power may be stronger, but the use of power is not necessarily.

And wizards are more of a variety of weird abilities.

For example, Xiao Yun's current teleportation ability, he can not really teleport, but can use the body of a dead person to transfer his body. As long as the body is buried underground, Xiao Yun can appear above any corpse covered by Mental Energy.

It's not teleportation, but it has the effect of teleportation.



A blazing silver blade of light flashed past, and a large mountain not far ahead was flattened.

The huge mountain fell, and countless rubble rolled down, shaking the entire forest.

And just among the countless rubble, a black figure disappeared in a flash and disappeared in place.

"Wilson, Shadow Shuttle is an eighth-level witchcraft. You can use the power of the Cursed Eye in advance, but how long can you last?"

Behind, a white-haired robe wizard tore through the space, shuttled through it, and disappeared in place in an instant.

This is the real teleportation, it is the eighth-level witchcraft of the wind system - space shuttle.

Ahead, the shadow condensed his body, revealing the appearance of Wilson.

However, Wilson is a little embarrassed now, and even the eyes on his cheeks are much less, revealing half an old face.

"Kamaso, the ninth-level wizard of the wind element, I didn't expect you, an old monster, to be alive." Wilson felt a little despair in his heart as he sensed the spatial fluctuations behind him. He was confident that he could escape from the hands of other ninth-level wizards, but The only thing that could not escape the pursuit of the ninth-level wizard of the wind system.

Wind magic is very ordinary in the ordinary seven magic. It does not have the powerful attack power of fire and thunder, nor the healing power of light and water, and it does not have the strong defensive power of earth. It's not as weird as the dark department.

In the same Realm, wind wizards are basically bullied by other wizards.

But if you reach the eighth-level wizard Realm, the wind wizard is the most terrifying of all wizards, because at that time the wind wizard can learn the terrible eighth-level wizard 'space shuttle', and the single attack power is the most terrifying Strong 'dimensional cut'.

And wind-based ninth-level wizards like Kamaso are even more terrifying. His ninth-level witchcraft 'Great Dimension Slash' can be called the strongest single attack power, even if he is also a ninth-level wizard, once Being hit by the 'Great Dimension Slash' is also an instant kill.

Whether it is speed or single attack power, the ninth-level wizards of the wind system have reached the strongest column.

The Camasso that Wilson now encounters is such a strong man.

"It's a pity, that bastard Hill didn't return to the academy within five years. Since he ate the source eye, how could he fail? I, Wilson, couldn't even pass on the knowledge of own before he died..." Wilson gritted his teeth, he He is not afraid of Death, but the knowledge he has studied all his life has not been passed down, which is intolerable.

Wizards care most about passing on knowledge. Even the most evil wizards will leave relics and pass on their own knowledge before they die.

Some even like to keep a diary, write a book, and leave it to future generations to spread their prestige.

This is different from the cultivators on the Nine Heavens Continent.

At this moment, Wilson did not notice that a few little bees were reduced to ashes in the aftermath of their fierce battle.

Although these little bees were dead, Xiao Yun had already seen this scene through the eyes of the bees.

Even Xiao Yun had already located it here through the dead bees.

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