Immortal Road is a very peculiar place. Its land area is vast and boundless, and it seems to have no end. It is many times larger than Jiuxiao Continent.

But the void of Immortal Road is full of purple lightning, and among these purple lightning, there are some blood-red lightning and black lightning.

The dead land of Immortal Road is full of rocks, ravines, and gravel. Like the surface of the moon, there is no grass, like the Jedi of life.

"Is this really Immortal Road and not The Netherworld?"

Suddenly, a startled voice sounded.

The void next to him cracked open, and a slender figure walked out of it. He had a handsome face, wearing a purple robe, looking noble and extraordinary, it was Xiao Yun.

Xiao Yun looked at the dead land in front of him and wondered if he had come to the wrong place?

Is this life Jedi really the Immortal way?

He remembered that after he stepped into the passage leading to Immortal Road, he got involved in the spatial turbulence, and then appeared here.

"The Spiritual Qi here is much richer than the Nine Heavens Continent, and the Dao of Law is also more active. It seems that it is really the legendary Immortal Road."

After a while, Xiao Yun opened Double Pupils, felt the world, and then confirmed that it was indeed Immortal Road.

It's just not the same Immortal road he imagined.

In Xiao Yun's imagination, Immortal Road should be an Immortal homeland similar to the world of Earth Immortals.

As it is now, there are dry and cracked earth everywhere, no grass grows, like a forbidden area of ​​life.

"Furthermore, these purple lightnings have the power of thunder tribulation comparable to the tribulation of the emperor, that is to say, people below the emperor cannot survive here."

Xiao Yun suddenly put away the protective cover, felt the purple lightning from the outside falling on him, and estimated the power of this purple lightning.

As for some red lightning and black lightning not far away, it seems to be more powerful, and it can faintly threaten the powerhouses of Heavenly Emperor Realm.

The point is, these terrifying lightning bolts seem to be all over the Immortal Road.

Is such a harsh environment really Immortal Road, not The Underworld?

Xiao Yun suddenly stepped into the air and flew towards the sky, but he felt that the higher he flew, the more pressure he was under.

When flying to an altitude of 10,000 meters, Xiao Yun found that he could no longer fly upwards, unless he used the Heavenly Emperor's Chaos Bell to open the way.

"It seems that on Immortal Road, you can only fly in the sky if you reach Heavenly Emperor Realm." Xiao Yun landed from the sky with a strange expression on his face.

He now somewhat understands why the unworthy descendants of the world are not willing to come to Immortal Road. The dignified emperor, the supreme powerhouse in the lower realm, came to Immortal Road, and he couldn't even fly.

Gee, that's ironic.

If it was Xiao Yun, he probably wouldn't even want to come to Immortal Road.

What's more, the terrifying lightning all over the place is a deadly threat to the emperor.

It is estimated that only the strong of Heavenly Emperor Realm can freely live on Immortal Road.

"Unfortunately, the communication token doesn't seem to work here, and it is impossible to contact Zhao Wuji and the others." Xiao Yun frowned and looked at the communication token in his hand.

This is a communication token specially made by Xiao Yun. When they were in Jiuxiao Continent, they could contact each other even if they were isolated by the Imperial Array.

When Xiao Yun created this thing, it was specially used for Zao Wuji and the others after they came to Immortal Road.

But now, Xiao Yun found that this thing was useless, he passed the news inside, but it couldn't get out at all.

"In that case, Zhao Wuji and the others have also dispersed." Xiao Yun couldn't help frowning, feeling a little worried in his heart.

Actually is not worried about Zao Wou-Ki and the others, but worried about the Chaos Sacred Land disciples of the Great Emperor level.

The passage from Immortal Road to Immortal Road is randomly separated. Don't look at the large number of strong men in Chaos Sacred Land, but once separated, in the harsh environment of Immortal Road, the chance of surviving is very small.

Don't look at Xiao Yun standing here so easily now, that's because he can ignore the lightning bombardment around him, and if he replaces it with an ordinary emperor, I'm afraid it won't last long.

However, Xiao Yun guessed that there must be a place similar to a 'city' on Immortal Road.

Immediately, Xiao Yun reached out his spiritual sense and spread out towards the surroundings.

On Immortal Road, Xiao Yun's spiritual sense was also suppressed, unlike in Jiuxiao Continent, which could spread throughout the entire Jiuxiao Continent, and even extended to the Dilu Starry Sky.

On Immortal Road, Xiao Yun felt that his own spiritual sense could only cover the surrounding area of ​​1 million kilometers. Although it was not small, it seemed a little insufficient compared to the huge Immortal Road.

At least, in Xiao Yun's detection, there was not a city or a living being within a radius of one million kilometers, it was all terrifying lightning, and the earth was dead.

In desperation, Xiao Yun had no choice but to try his luck, find a random direction, and keep flying forward.

Although the environment here is harsh, as the strongest Heavenly Emperor, he doesn't care at all.

In this way, Xiao Yun kept flying at a low altitude for a month, but he still didn't detect a city, instead he saw a huge stone bird flying slowly in a certain direction.

Of course, this kind of slow flying speed is still faster than running, but it is not as fast as Xiao Yun. It is estimated that it is comparable to the flying speed of the ordinary lower-rank Heavenly Emperor.

"Interesting, there seems to be some human beings hidden in this stone bird." Xiao Yun's spiritual sense sensed some life breath inside the stone bird, and could not help but speed up and fly over.

at the same time--

Inside the stone bird, like an airplane, along a narrow central passage, seats are lined up on both sides, and they are all filled with humans.

Suddenly, on Shi Niao's head, a woman with long hair and a shawl, wearing a red dress, suddenly stood up and looked straight ahead.

"Big Sister, what happened?" Someone nearby noticed the strangeness of the woman in red and couldn't help asking.

"Idiot, stop cultivating, we have met the senior of Heavenly Emperor Realm." The woman in red slapped the man on the head and cursed.

At the same time, the stone bird stopped in mid-air.

"Big Sister, why did you stop? Shouldn't we run away when we encounter the unknown Heavenly Emperor?"

The woman in red said with a wry smile: "This person is not an ordinary Heavenly Emperor, the speed is too fast, we can't escape at all, it's better to stop obediently, I hope the other party is not that kind of evil person."

As soon as the words fell, a figure came quickly and stopped in front of the stone bird in the blink of an eye. It was Xiao Yun.

Xiao Yun looked at the stone bird in front of him, and watched the purple lightning strike the stone bird around him, but he didn't break the stone bird's defense. The defense power of this thing is very high.

He has already noticed through his spiritual sense that not all of the hundreds of people hiding in the stone bird are great emperors, and many are not even Sage Realm, and they are not experts in Jiuxiao Continent.

Apparently, there seem to be ordinary people living on Immortal Road as well.

"Senior, I don't know what Junior can help you with?" Just as Xiao Yun was looking at Stone Bird, a woman in red at the middle emperor level brought two men of the lower emperor level from Stone Bird's door. He got his head out, looked at Xiao Yun opposite, and hurriedly saluted respectfully.

"Go in and talk!" Xiao Yun could see that the three were reluctant to resist the surrounding purple lightning, so he let out a low voice and flew into the stone bird.

Once inside the stone bird, Xiao Yun was stunned for a moment.

Because the structure inside is somewhat similar to the plane he saw in his previous life, with a cab, first class and economy class, the only thing missing is the flight attendant.

"Senior, please take a seat!" After the woman in red came in, she gave Xiao Yun the most luxurious seat in the cab.

Xiao Yun was not polite either. After sitting down, he looked at the woman in red in front of him and asked, "Have you heard of Zao Wou-ki?" He felt that Zao Wou-ki's strength was good, and he was arrogant. When he came to Immortal Road, he would definitely become famous, so it should be the easiest to inquire about his whereabouts.

Sure enough, the woman in red didn't even think about it, she almost blurted out, "Zao Wou-Ki? Of course Junior knows this person, he is the most wanted criminal in the heavens. Pick up a Half step Heavenly Emperor soldier there."

Xiao Yun: "..."

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