Mystery: I Have An Epiphany Of The Chaotic Body

Chapter 1079: Stimulate The Seeds Of Life Again

The wizarding world has existed for countless years, Xiao Yun couldn't believe that after the efforts of countless generations of wizards, he would not be able to develop a perfect witchcraft model?

As long as there are enough spirit runes, when he gets the wizard model, he will soon be able to own the wizard level.

After all, he only has more than 100 years of life left, and if he finishes playing, he will be aggrieved.

Of course, Xiao Yun doesn't have enough magic stones now to buy first-level witchcraft models.

The cargo ship has long been drifting in the sea, and the speed is very slow.

After leaving Bauhinia Paradise, it is not too late to be promoted, it is very simple anyway.

As for Mental Energy, it is also easy to solve, because some pharmacists can refine the potion of Ascension Mental Energy.

Originally, after he was promoted to the Great Knight, he fought many times, and he had almost seventy years of life left.

"First go to open the gate of heaven and contact the deity. As long as I can analyze all the witchcraft models of the Death department from the godhead of the emperor, then I don't need to go back to the academy to buy witchcraft models."

That's the absolute difference between a full-fledged wizard and a wizard's apprentice.

On the other hand, Xiao Yun can instantly cast witchcraft.

Although this potion is also very precious, it is definitely not more precious than those promotion potions.

"So, I can activate the seeds of life again and enhance my own body?"

Why not pass on a model of witchcraft in perfect condition to the trainees?

If that's the case, why do you have to come up with those potions?

Therefore, it is difficult for a wizard apprentice to leapfrog a full-fledged wizard, unless they transform their bodies into monsters.

He is not the savior of this world, he just wants to quickly gather his godhead.

As for the life essence spent, Xiao Yun doesn't care at all right now, because as long as he continues the Ascension wizard level, his life essence will continue to increase.

Because no matter how high your Talent is, as long as there is no promotion potion, you can never be promoted to a higher wizard.

Hiding on the cargo ship of ordinary people, although the speed is a little slower, Xiao Yun is not short of time.

Moreover, Xiao Yun is confident that he will become a god in a short period of time, and he will have endless lifespan at that time, so he naturally doesn't care about the reduced lifespan.

Although there are still some large iron boats near the dock, these boats are all used by wizards. Xiao Yun doesn't want to attract attention. He just wants to go back to open the gate of heaven in a low-key manner. It is best not to cause any trouble on the way.

"It took forty years of my life to stimulate the third seed of life. I wonder how much life will be spent to stimulate the fourth seed of life?"

For example, if all this is controlled by a ninth-level wizard, and he only needs to master the potion formula for promotion to ninth-level wizard, then he can prevent other eighth-level wizards from being promoted to ninth-level wizards.

A month later, the dock.

Xiao Yun set foot on a freighter to the Land Forsaken by God.

Obviously, after he was promoted to the official wizard, his lifespan increased by at least two hundred years.

"The current Mental Energy should be enough for me to be promoted to the third fourth-level wizard." Xiao Yun felt the huge Mental Energy in his mind and started to build a spiritual rune.

Looking at his body and feeling the third seed of life born within his body, Xiao Yun immediately realized that his own body had been strengthened.

After entering the room and closing the door, Xiao Yun immediately began to fuse the magic power, condensing the witch's heart.

"Even I can't reveal the strength of being promoted to a full-fledged wizard now." Xiao Yun mused.

Xiao Yun sensed the increase in his lifespan, and without any hesitation, immediately began to activate the third seed of life by running the knight's breathing technique.

"In this vast sea, you can't find a second wizard at all."

Momo, the wizard from the Blood Shadow Cemetery, floated in mid-air, constantly scanning the mighty sea below, and a cruel sneer filled his gloomy face.

At the same time, with the enhancement of his physical body, Xiao Yun can also hold more Mental Energy in his body, and his Mental Energy is growing rapidly.

As for the first-level witchcraft model, it seems that he can't buy it now, otherwise it's easy to reveal his own information.

A sea area not far from the cargo ship.

But now, Xiao Yun feels that he has more than 300 years of life left.

"Katrina, let me tell you the truth, I added 'Loyalty Flower' to the potion you drink, otherwise you really thought I would trade potions with you so easily?"

After thinking about it, Xiao Yun immediately stripped out the magic power in the heart of the witch and returned to the senior wizard apprentice Realm.

After exchanging a magic stone for some gold coins, Xiao Yun got a first-class ticket.

Unfortunately, his first-level wizard does not have a first-level wizard model, so he is not a real first-level wizard.

In addition, Xiao Yun felt that after being promoted to the official wizard Realm, his lifespan also increased.

As long as that person controls the potion formula, he can control the entire world.

"Come out, now only I can save you."

Because after having the heart of witchcraft, he can perform three kinds of witchcraft of the Destruction Department at the same time. With this ability, he can hang up those senior wizard apprentices. Moreover, those wizard apprentices must absorb the magic power in the magic stone, and then activate the witchcraft model in the body to perform sorcery.


He is about to leave the Bauhinia Garden and return to the Kingdom of Kenya.

With the emergence of the fourth seed of life, Xiao Yun's body once again received a huge Ascension.

Xiao Yun continued to run the Knight's Breath, inspiring the fourth seed of life.

Momo smiled grimly and drifted away into the distance.

"Ha ha!"

Although the strength of a knight is far less than that of a wizard, Xiao Yun needs to strengthen his body to increase his own Mental Energy.

Two words appeared in Xiao Yun's mind - control.

He didn't notice that there was a figure shaped like a mermaid below, wrapped in a school of fish, and left this sea area.

There must be a powerful force in this wizarding world controlling all of this, and someone has monopolized the promotion of wizards through potions.

Idle is also boring, Xiao Yun naturally saves time to build a spiritual rune.

However, even so, Xiao Yun's strength has increased a lot now.


After all, if the students want to be promoted, they must do things for the academy.

It's a pity that it took a hundred years of life to stimulate the seeds of life this time. Xiao Yun was startled, and he didn't dare to continue to stimulate the seeds of life.

Moreover, this enhancement is very terrifying, Xiao Yun feels that his body is as hard as steel now.

"Interesting, but it has nothing to do with me, I have no interest in this mortal world, those people just don't bother me." Xiao Yun shook his head and smiled.

He had no potion, but was promoted to full-fledged wizard.


This process, no matter how skilled it is, will take a few seconds.

His Mental Energy is growing rapidly again.

At the same time, those wizarding academies can also control each student through the potion formula.

Xiao Yun packed up and left the house.

However, his current strength is not strong, and he cannot reveal his ability to improve the witchcraft model for the time being.

Once the news spreads, it is estimated that his clone will be dead.

Soon, Xiao Yun returned to the first-level wizard Realm again.


In this way, he can dominate the wizarding world, and no one can challenge his position.

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