
"so beautiful!"

When everyone opened their eyes, they saw bauhinia flowers everywhere, and some colorful and colorful butterflies were flying among the flowers.

Both Catherine and Sophia were stunned by the beautiful scenery in front of them.

What's even more shocking is that not far from their sight, towering trees stand under the sky, and many wooden houses are built on each big tree.

Some huge vines crisscrossed in mid-air, connecting the wooden houses.

And on the farthest hill, stands a magnificent ancient castle, bathed in the lavender moonlight, it looks very dreamy.

"Welcome to Bauhinia Garden, don't be too surprised, you can live here for at least five years, and you have enough time to enjoy the scenery here."

Katerina walked forward and said without looking back: "Now, you all report to me first, and then assign teachers."

Katerina walked quickly, and everyone quickly followed after seeing this.

Along the way, everyone was shocked by the dreamy scenery here.

Only Xiao Yun's face was indifferent. To him, this was only a pediatric subject, and it could only shock mortals.

Everyone followed Katerina and soon reached the nearest tree house. This tree house was very huge. It was built on the trunk of a big tree. Several people walked up the vine stairs.

"Banff, I brought some new students." Katarina opened the wooden door and said.

Everyone followed into the house.

As soon as they entered the room, everyone felt a huge shadow covering them.

Immediately afterwards, there was an exclamation from the crowd.

Xiao Yun also looked at the 'big man' walking in front of him with a look of astonishment. This is a beautiful gorilla, with a peerless face no less than Katerina, but except for the human head, all the parts below her neck are It's a chimpanzee.

That huge body exudes a strong sense of oppression, walking in the wooden house, making crunching noises constantly, making people worry that she will step on the wooden house.

"My God, is this a legendary orc?" someone whispered.

"Shut up!" Katarina glared at him.

Immediately, Katerina looked at the beautiful gorilla walking in front of her and said apologetically, "Banff, don't meet these little guys, they don't understand after all."

"Oh, my dear Katerina Little Sister, you underestimate my bearing too much."

The gorilla beauty Banff looked down at Xiao Yun and the others, her peerless face was full of smiles: "Little guys, don't be too surprised, the wizard's road is full of ups and downs, sometimes you have to give up if you want to climb the peak. Something, like a human body!"

After that, Banff looked at Katarina again, and said with some sympathy: "Katarina Little Sister, it seems that you screwed up this mission."

Katerina gritted her teeth and said, "It's all the guy from the Blood Shadow Graveyard, I will never let him go."

"Blood Shadow Graveyard? Then you are really unlucky to meet those bastards." Banff glanced at Katarina sympathetically, and said, "This mission failed, you were promoted to the wizard's potion, so The Contribution Points you need are probably not enough, what are you going to do next?"

"I will find a way by myself... Banff, these little guys are handed over to you." Katarina said, and looked at the crowd again, showing a smile: "I wish you good luck, I hope you can become official wizards, so I am also proud of it.”

After the words were over, Katerina left cleanly.

Everyone was a little reluctant for a while, after all, Katerina had been with them for more than half a year.

Banff looked at the back of Katarina's departure, then lowered her head and sighed to the crowd: "Katerina has been in Bauhinia Paradise for four years, if she can't become an official wizard within the next year, she will be arrested. kicked out."

Everyone was stunned.

Catherine couldn't help but ask: "Lord Katerina is already a high-level wizard apprentice, so she's not far from a first-level wizard, right?"

Banff shook his head and said, "Promotion from an advanced apprentice to a first-level wizard requires potions, but potions are too precious and there are not enough Contribution Points. Even if you have reached the limit of an advanced apprentice, it is difficult to advance to a first-level wizard."


This is the first time everyone has heard of this.

However, Banff seemed to be too lazy to explain. She picked up a thick giant book, flipped it over immediately, and said casually, "Okay, I will assign a teacher to you next."

"There are three ways to assign teachers. One is to spend 10 magic stones, and you can choose a teacher in this book."

"The second is to spend 100 magic stones, and then say your wishes, and I will choose a teacher for you."

"The third type doesn't need to spend magic stones, and randomly choose a teacher for you."

Banff looked down at Xiao Yun and the others, and asked with a professional smile on his face, "So, how do you choose?"

Xiao Yun was a little puzzled. It cost money to choose a teacher. Could it be any different? The more money you spend, the more powerful the teacher you choose?

However, at this moment, Catherine pulled Sophia forward, handed over 200 magic stones to Banff, and respectfully said: "Lord Banff, please help us choose a teacher, I am a Fire Qualification, I Little Sister is a life department qualification, and we hope to study under a gentle teacher."

"Hehe, no problem!" Banff put away the magic stone, then opened the giant book and smeared one of the pages with his hand. Suddenly, a green light was blazing, and a small green sparrow flew out of the book, surrounding Katherine and Katherine. Sophia and the two women wandered around, and then flew out the door again.

"Follow it and it will take you to the teacher!" Banff said.

Catherine and Sophia quickly followed, and the two women did not forget to wave to Xiao Yun.

"What about you? Little guy!" Banff asked with a smile, looking at Xiao Yun who was standing at the front.

Xiao Yun also took out 100 magic stones and handed them to Banff. When Catherine left just now, she whispered to him that he must ask Banff to choose a teacher for him.

Although he didn't know the reason, Xiao Yun decided to trust Catherine. After all, there was no need for this girl to deceive him with 100 magic stones.

"Hehe, little guy, what do you want from your future teacher?" Banff accepted the magic stone and asked with a smile.

Xiao Yun recalled Catherine's previous words. He clearly felt that Catherine had increased her tone on the words 'mild personality'. Although he was a little puzzled, he still said: "I am a Fire Qualification, I hope I can be in the Studying under a gentle teacher."

"Hehe, smart little guy, and your qualifications are not bad, I think this adult should be very suitable for you!" Banff smiled slightly, and then a small black frog appeared in the huge book in her hand. The frog jumped onto Xiao Yun's head at once.

Xiao Yun frowned.

At this time, the frog kicked his head with both legs and jumped out.

Xiao Yun also quickly followed.

The little black frog jumped and led the way. Although the speed was very fast, Xiao Yun was strong enough to keep up.

Walked a few roads, through the woods everywhere.

Finally, the little black frog stopped in front of an old tree with a crooked neck. On the trunk of the tree, there was a tree hole. The frog turned into a black light and disappeared into the tree hole.

Xiao Yun walked to the tree hole, his expression slightly solemn.

Because in this tree hole, he felt a powerful breath, at least he is far from being able to compete.

"Come in!" The voice of a vicissitudes of life came from the tree hole.

Xiao Yun walked into the tree hole and immediately saw a gray-haired grandfather sitting in front of the desk and looking down at a book. He was holding a magnifying glass in his right hand, looking carefully.

When Xiao Yun came in, the old man put down the magnifying glass in his hand and looked up at Xiao Yun in front of him.

I saw that the old man's face was covered with dense eyes, at least hundreds of them, covering the entire face, covering his nose and mouth.

Xiao Yun: "..."

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