Katarina stayed in the captain's room, ignoring the apprentices.

On the other hand, Momo floated in the air like catkins, and at the same time, following his instructions, one after another, cold and gloomy bone claws protruded towards Katerina from the sea water.

Catherine and the others were also alarmed, and they stepped onto the deck one after another, watching the big iron ship coming not far away.

Katerina's face was gloomy, and her pretty face was full of chills: "Mom, remember I told you, look at me like this again, and I'll gouge out your eyes."

The surrounding apprentices no longer dared to doubt Momo's words at this moment. They turned to look at Xiao Yun and the others on the opposite side. Their faces suddenly turned gloomy, and their eyes were full of killing intent.

"How big is the real big fish?" Sophia asked curiously.

"Hahaha, that's really my honor!" Momoshen smiled, then he looked around the apprentices next to him and said to Katarina, "Katerina, I recruited three hundred apprentices this time, which is really unexpected. To my surprise, I didn’t expect that this damned land abandoned by the gods would have so many qualifications for wizards, even though their qualifications are relatively low.”

This man has slender and narrow eyes, thin lips, and long eyebrows. His whole body exudes an indescribable evil aura, and he is looking at Xiao Yun and the others opposite him with a cold look.

On the contrary, Catherine has become a man of influence on this ship and already has a small circle of her own.

"Haha!" Momo smiled grimly, he licked his own lips, his gloomy face was full of evil temperament.

Xiao Yun also often stayed in the house, and only occasionally went out to fish and chat with Sophia by the way.

Momo suddenly looked at Xiao Yun and the others with an extremely bloodthirsty look, his pale and cold fingers also pointed towards the opposite side, he said grimly: "Listen, I'll stop Katerina later, you go and kill that The apprentices of the group of Bauhinia Gardens are only eligible to join our blood shadow cemetery if they get a head from the other party, otherwise I will throw you off the boat."

"Katrina, you are such a tempting apple. Every time I see you, I can't help but want to take a bite." Momo stared at the opposite Katerina unabashedly, his eyes full of fiery desire.


On the deck of that big iron ship, there were also many young men and women of the same age as them.

"Wow!" Sophia exclaimed when she heard the words, there was actually a fish bigger than the boat they were in. Is that still a fish? It's terrifying, she just imagined it in her mind, and she felt extremely shocked.

"Mom, you bastard, do you want to be hunted down by our Bauhinia Paradise?" Katarina shouted sharply.

"Hey! Hill Big Brother, is that a big fish?" Suddenly, Sofitel pointed to a dark shadow on the sea in the distance.

Xiao Yun stared at it, and on the bow of the boat on the opposite side stood a man with a sullen face.

Another time passed, and as time passed, the two ships got closer and closer.

As soon as these words came out, the apprentices on the two ships were all shocked.

"Hehe, in the sea, this is not a big fish." Xiao Yun said with a smile next to him. He also likes Sophia very much. Of course, it is the kind of liking for Little Sister. Who calls him Xiao Heavenly? Emperor is a serious man.

Although Catherine and Sophia are more beautiful, they are still young and belong to the kind of green apples that have not grown up. Unlike Katerina, their whole body exudes a mature and charming aura, and they also have the extraordinary temperament unique to wizards. .

"Katrina, we are really destined to meet again." Suddenly, a playful voice came from the big iron ship opposite.

Xiao Yun smiled and said, "In the sea, only those fish that are comparable to the size of our boat are big fish. For example, whales, sharks, etc., are even bigger than our boat."

"I swear, I will gouge out your eyes!" Katarina was completely irritated, her body shot out like an arrow, her toes stepped on the sea, and the sea was frozen, even in the vast sea, she You can also walk on the ground.

Not only the men on the boat Xiao Yun was on were attracted by her, but the men on the opposite boat were also staring at Katarina.

"Go, if you don't, I'll take off your heads!" Momo didn't care about the apprentices who looked at him in astonishment. Instead, he snapped his fingers, and a pale and cold bone claw suddenly disappeared from the deck. It stretched out and slammed through the chest of a nearby student, and grabbed his heart out. The blood was very terrifying.

Either the person on the other side dies, or they die, they have no choice.

"I think our apprentices are a bit overstaffed, because the old guys in the blood shadow cemetery only asked me to recruit fifty apprentices. You see, this has already exceeded more than two hundred, which is not acceptable."

Xiao Yun followed her fingers. Although it was far away, with his eyesight, he could still see clearly that it was a ship.

But Xiao Yun and the others didn't have time to watch at the moment, because the apprentices from the blood shadow cemetery opposite had already jumped over.

"That's a ship..." Xiao Yun immediately smiled, but his smile suddenly narrowed, because he found that the ship was similar to the big iron ship they were in, and it didn't have sails.

At this point, the two ships were already very close, and they could both see the amazed and disbelieving gazes on each other's faces.

The battle between these two wizards is dazzling, like a special effects blockbuster.

Katerina stared coldly at Morm: "What the hell are you trying to do?"

And Katarina directed a series of ice arrows to shoot Momu in mid-air.

Momo floated to the sea not far away, looked at Katarina grimly and smiled: "Come and learn, of course, you can also choose the battlefield on the boat, but in that case, you and my apprentices will be taken by us. Killed in the aftermath of the fighting."

Doesn't that mean that there are wizards on that ship too?

"Tsk tsk, it's still beating, what a fresh heart." Momo took the heart that Bone Claw handed over, his expression extremely cold.

For Sophia, who has grown up in my palace since she was a child, the days on the boat are rather novel, especially she likes to accompany Xiao Yun to fish. Whenever Xiao Yun catches a big fish, she is very happy.

"Mom, what do you want to do?" Katerina walked out of the cabin, her long golden hair fluttering in the wind, and her youth was full of charm.

"Hill Big Brother, you are really amazing, you have caught another big fish." Sophia squatted beside the bucket with surprise and looked at the big fish inside.

Apparently, that ship was also running on the power of the wizard.

She is simply a teenage killer.

On the deck, as Xiao Yun pulled the lever, he pulled up a big fish with a length of one meter, fell on the deck, rolled and tossed, and was finally kicked into the bucket next to it by Xiao Yun.

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