Xiao Yun did not expect that this trip would be so smooth, and directly obtained the source of information on the power of 'Transcendent'.

This made him have a good impression of the pair of 'Purple Gems' twin princesses.


"This should be the practitioner of this Otherworld. No matter what, since the other party can borrow the power of the law, it must have its own uniqueness." Xiao Yun thought to himself.

He was very curious at this moment, how did the group of wizards practice in this mortal world, knowing that this world does not have the slightest Spiritual Qi.

Moreover, with only the body of a mortal, how can the power of the law be borrowed?

After thinking for a moment, Xiao Yun looked down at the Rainbow Magic Stone in his hand.

Through the powerful Mental Energy, he was able to sense an energy in the magic stone, not Spirit Power, but a strange power.

However, Xiao Yun didn't dare to try too much. If the energy in the magic stone was used up, what should I use to take the wizard qualification test?

"Let's stimulate the second seed of life first!"

Xiao Yun put away the magic stone, closed his eyes, and began to stimulate the second seed of life.

This is easy for him, it just needs to spend some life yuan.

During this process, Xiao Yun felt that the essence of his own life was constantly passing away. No wonder that after Mild mentioned the peak of knighthood, it was difficult for him to have a chance to give birth to an offspring.

However, Xiao Yun is relatively young, even if he became a great knight, he is still very young, but there is no such problem.

Crap, I'm not a Zhao stallion, what are you thinking about?

Xiao Yun shook off the crazy thoughts in his mind, opened his eyes, felt the power gushing out from his body, and his body became stronger, and smiled slightly.

Now he is a real great knight.

Of course, his real combat power is a great knight far beyond this world, and he can kill in seconds.

"The Sword Qi I can inspire now is more solid, and it shouldn't be a problem to fight that kind of fireball."

Xiao Yun felt the power of this body and thought for a while.

However, Baron Ted's ruby ​​is just a low-level mysterious item. If you encounter a powerful mysterious item, you don't know what's going on.

Xiao Yun hasn't seen it before, and naturally he won't know.

Princess Catherine may have mysterious items of this level, but you can ask her about it next time.

In the evening, Mild and Kwell returned, and Chris and Shia also prepared dinner.

The table was filled with abundant food.

Mild looked at Xiao Yun and said with a smile: "Kwell and I registered as mercenaries today, and as my official knights, we joined a powerful mercenary group, and the leader of our mercenary group is a Peak knights, with such an identity, no one will dare to provoke us in Stowe City in the future."

Xiao Yun nodded, then took out a book and handed it to Mild.

Mild was stunned for a moment. He took the book and read it. He smelled a pungent ink smell, which was obviously not long after Xiao Yun wrote it.

However, when Mild saw the contents of the book, his pupils shrank.

"This is the knight breathing method of the Lake family? No, this breathing method is better than the breathing method of the Lake family." Mild just looked at it for a while, then suddenly raised his head and looked at Xiao who was opposite in shock. Yun.

Xiao Yun said with a smile: "After I was promoted to the Great Knight, I got some insights and improved the breathing method of the Lake family. Lord Mild, if cultivation is the kind of knight breathing method, you should be able to be promoted to the peak knight soon. "

As for the great knight?

Xiao Yun felt that it was up to chance and Mild's future efforts.

After all, this is just a breathing method that Xiao Yun has optimized in the Rek family knight breathing method. It is not the breathing method he created by himself. Although the effect is also very good, it is not comparable to his breathing method at all.

That kind of powerful knight breathing method, Xiao Yun naturally won't spread it out, and now he only passed it on to Shia, and let Shia keep it a secret.

"Hill, I didn't expect your perception to be so good. Improving the knight's breathing... I can't believe it. No wonder you can become a great knight at a young age." Mild was full of emotion, but also a little excited.

It has been ten years since he was promoted to the official knighthood, and it stands to reason that he could have become a peak knight, but his qualifications are too poor, so it has been difficult for him to break through the level of a peak knight.

Now that Xiao Yun gave him the new breathing method, he felt that he would soon be able to advance to the top knight.

At that time, he might be able to become the deputy head of that mercenary group. Whether it is status or treatment, it will improve a lot.

"By the way, Hill, did you go out and find the mysterious person's information today?" Mild seemed to have thought of something, and then asked.

Kwell, Chris, Shia and the others also pricked up their ears. Naturally, they were also a little curious about the mysterious person.

"They are called wizards, and they are powerful cultivators far beyond the great knights."

Xiao Yun told Mild and the others what he had heard from Catherine.

After hearing this, Mild was full of emotion, and said with some sighs: "If it wasn't for my age, I would also like to pursue this powerful power."

"It's a pity that magic stones are needed to participate in the test..." Kwell was a little disappointed. He did not have the qualifications of knights, but what if he had the qualifications of wizards?

Mild looked at Xiao Yun opposite and said softly: "So, if everything goes well, you will leave us in three months."

"Big Brother!" Shia came back to her senses and looked at Xiao Yun with a reluctant expression.

Xiao Yun touched Shia's little head and said with a smile: "With Lord Mild, you can live here in peace, and when Big Brother gains powerful power, he will come back to see you. Also, don't forget Carry out knight cultivation."

Mild and the others also know about Shia's knight cultivation, but they don't think Shia has the qualifications of a knight, only that Xiao Yun is helping Shia to exercise.

Shia understood what Xiao Yun meant, and Big Brother was telling her that only his own strength could protect himself, and it was better to rely on himself than others.

With Xiao Yun's improved Cultivation Technique and breathing technique, Shia can be promoted to Grand Knight, it's just a matter of time.

Therefore, Xiao Yun is not worried about Shia's safety in Stowe City.

Of course, the most important thing is that Xiao Yun felt that Little Sister Shia was a little ugly. If an ugly girl has powerful strength, it should be very safe.

After all, who cares about a powerful ugly girl? Isn't this asking for trouble?

Well, Shia can't be called ugly, it can only be regarded as ordinary. After all, she was malnourished since she was a child, so how could she be beautiful.

If Shia has the appearance of Chrissy, Xiao Yun is worried, it is impossible to leave Shia like this.


Thousands of miles away, the pier of Hai Lun Bay.

Two tall iron ships were coming. It was strange that two iron ships of such size could have the speed of the wind without relying on the sails.

But some people also know that these two iron ships have extraordinary origins, and they are the ships of mysterious people.

"What kind of wizarding qualifications can this damn gods abandon land have? Why did you send me to this place to recruit students? It's wasting my precious time." A blond woman stood on the iron boat with a gloomy expression, her eyebrows like the sky Like dark clouds.

"Oh, it turned out to be the beautiful Katarina, which damn old witch of your redbuds, sent your delicate flower to this damned land abandoned by God?" On the iron boat next to him, a sullen-faced man appeared. The young man looked at Katarina with undisguised fanatical desire in his eyes.

"Mom, if you look at me like this again, I'll kill you directly." Katerina, the blond beauty, glared at Mom.

Momo smiled gloomily: "Katrina, you and I are both senior apprentices. Although you are slightly stronger than me, if you want to kill me, it would be too flattering for yourself."

"Do you want to try it?" Katarina said, and two ice arrows suddenly condensed next to her beautiful white shoulders, exuding a cold aura, as if to freeze the surrounding space.

"Katrina, you're still so impulsive, we'll see you next time!" Seeing this, Mommy jumped straight into the air and flew towards the pier like the wind.

Katarina put away the Frostbolt, looked at Mom's direction, and snorted coldly: "You can only escape by relying on wind soaring."

Having said that, Katerina is a little envious. Before becoming an official wizard, only by cultivating 'wind soaring' can she experience the beauty of flying in advance.

Unfortunately, this requires the ability to have a very high wind attribute.

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