Along the winding river, a team of carriages and horses came.

Although he can open the Heaven's Gate himself, it requires a lot of power, not just a little bit of 'Transcendent' power, but at the very least, Sage Realm.

Baron Lake laughed, yes, we are brothers.


Xiao Yun shook his head and said to Chris, "Forget it, let's eat first. I'll go around and see if there are any enemies."

"Hill, Shia, I made some cakes, you can try them, it's delicious." Chris walked out of the carriage not far away with the dishes in her hand. She was wearing a navy blue dress. The long dress, the long golden curly hair draped over the white shoulders, looked noble and elegant.

"Everyone, rest quickly. After eating, we will set off immediately. We haven't left the Kingdom of Kenya yet, and we are not yet safe." Baron Lake stood on the carriage and said loudly.

The only thing that makes Xiao Yun helpless is that a beautiful girl often disturbs him.

Mild looked at the old brother in front of him, who was also an old boss in the army from today. He looked at the man's white hair and his old face, and there was a hint of sadness in his heart.

"This blood knight of the kingdom of Kenya!" Milder showed a shocked look on the side: "This is the ace knight of the kingdom of Kenya, they must protect the Kenyan royal family, is it the pair of 'Purple' princesses? Among the royal family, only They are still alive."

During this time, it was because of the powerful Mental Energy exploration that he avoided the pursuit of the Silver Wolf Knights of the Kingdom of Fia.

Shia didn't know Chris's inner thoughts, she continued: "I can see that Miss Chris, you are reluctant all over, so why not go to Lord Baron to make it clear. But you didn't How dare you? You can only obediently come and have a fake relationship with my Big Brother, how can my Big Brother accept you?"


Chris bit her lip, turned around and left without saying a word.

The ground shook more and more violently, and not far away, two torrents swept in, one bloody and one silvery.

Xiao Yun also got down from the carriage, looked at a clear river nearby, stepped forward, and washed his face.

This is the sadness of the peak knight.

"Well, thank you Chris Big sis." Shia nodded obediently, she also saw the purpose of Baron Lake, after all, she was sixteen years old, and she was not stupid.

"Miss Chris, it's actually very simple, you only have two choices, either resist Lord Baron and choose your own life bravely, or you can sincerely pursue my Big Brother and be my sister-in-law." Shia said with a smile.

Xiao Yun said lightly: "It's the Silver Wolf Knights who are chasing a certain big noble team. Their speed is too fast, we can't escape, we can only fight."

"Enemy attack—" Baron Lake's roar came from not far away. Obviously, the battle-hardened baron also found the enemy.

"It should be!" Xiao Yun's eyesight is very strong, and he has seen the center of the blood knights, protecting a pair of twins, they are all beautiful, with a peerless face that is much taller than Chrissy, that purple long hair Her hair was indeed like an amethyst, and her fair skin was as gorgeous as jade.

Although Chrissy greeted Xiao Yun cordially hundreds of times in her heart, she still forced a smile when she looked at Shia in front of her: "Xia Little Sister, let's eat together."

She felt that she no longer had any dignity in front of the siblings.

Mild stood beside Xiao Yun and said in a low voice, "Hill, I beg you for one thing. Later, Lord Baron and I will hold back the enemy. You take Chris and Kwell and leave."

The two torrents naturally noticed Xiao Yun and the others, but they didn't care. They fought back while fighting.

Many nobles were either on the run or were killed.

Xiao Yun and Little Sister Shia are eating food. They are being treated very well now, and they are quite comfortable. After all, even Baron Lake would curry favor with him.

On the way, Xiao Yun also met a lot of fleeing nobles, and got news from them that the Kingdom of Kenya had been destroyed by the Kingdom of Fia.

Suddenly, the ground shook violently.

"You're not leaving?" Xiao Yun looked at Mild in front of him and sighed in his heart, this one is really loyal.

"The archers are ready, quickly form the formation!" Baron Lake has already commanded the Guards proficiently.

At the same time, the blood knights and the silver wolf knights have already rushed over, and the blood knights also actively avoided the team of Baron Lake, but the silver wolf knights don't care so much, if they see someone blocking Sword to kill.

"Sincerely?" Chris looked up at Shia, who was sitting on the carriage eating cakes, her mouth twitched. At this moment, she really wanted to cover this little face with the dishes in her hands, why should I let the old lady use it? Sincerely to impress him? The old lady is an aristocrat, and others have always pursued the old lady.

The silver ones are the Silver Wolf Knights, there are about two or three hundred people, each of them is a powerful official knight, among which there are more than a dozen peak knights.

"Hehe, just want to be my sister-in-law?" Shia looked at Chris's back and shook her head.

Baron Lake gave an order, and the huge convoy stopped immediately.

In the jungle, Xiao Yun exudes a powerful Mental Energy, exploring the surrounding situation.

Of course, there were also Fia's troops chasing them, so they had to hurry as quickly as possible.

"Okay, everyone take a rest first!"

Not far away, Baron Lake glanced here and shook his head in disappointment.

"Mild, my good brother, it seems that Chris and Kwell can only ask you to take care of them in the future." Baron Lake looked at Mild in the carriage and smiled bitterly.

Da da da……

"We are brothers!" Looking at the old Baron Lake in front of him, Mild just said softly.

"What's the situation?" Baron Lake asked anxiously.

After that, before Chris could answer, Xiao Yun had already dodged, jumped a few times, and entered the jungle.

Some cavalry patrolled by, and the servants began to prepare food.

Moreover, this is not an ordinary small noble, but a large noble above the count.

I heard that even a pair of 'Purple Gems' princesses from the Kenyan royal family have fled to the Freedom Alliance.

The Baron Rick, who was once known as the Berserker Knight, used to slack off the battlefield and swept the army, but now he has come to this end.

Chrissy looked at Xiao Yun who was far away, feeling ashamed and angry in her heart. Why in the end? With your lowly bloodline?

His 'Heavenly Gate' is still near Baron Lake's castle. Even if he gains that kind of 'Transcendent' power, he will have to return here to open the Heavenly Gate.

Since leaving the castle, they have traveled for a month and will soon be able to leave the Kingdom of Kenya.

Unlike Xiao Yun's refusal, Shia agreed with Baron Lake very much. While eating delicate and sweet pastries, she said to Chris, "Chrissy Big sis, if you want to be with my Big Brother, It's best to impress him with your sincerity."

The most important thing is that the sisters and twins are exactly the same, which is the most shocking.

It should be the Silver Wolf Knights chasing down a certain noble team.

"If Zhao Chongma was here, he would definitely choose a hero to save the beauty." Xiao Yun suddenly thought to himself.

"Hehe, if you can escape, escape, if you can't escape, forget it." Mild laughed.

Xiao Yun frowned and looked into the distance. His Mental Energy detected many war horses galloping, but not only the Silver Wolf Knights, but also another powerful army.

Xiao Yun reluctantly glanced at Chris who came over. During this time, the other party often came to pester him, and he also saw that the other party was not willing, it should be forced by Baron Lake.

"It's really troublesome, a good kingdom has just been destroyed!" Xiao Yun complained in his heart.


It's a pity, how could Xiao Heavenly Emperor like Chris?

He is ready. If he can't beat him later, he will run away with Little Sister Shia alone. He still has this ability, unless there are several great knights coming over, which is obviously impossible.

Peak knights represent the power among knights, but this power is obtained in exchange for lifespan, so the lifespan of peak knights is often not as good as that of ordinary knights, and most of them have no good end.

The baron is an old noble with interests above everything else. Perhaps in his opinion, as long as Xiao Yun is tied up with Chris, his family can always maintain the status of a noble.

Xiao Yun jumped back to the convoy, and Baron Lake and Mild, who had mostly recovered from his injuries, hurriedly greeted him.

And the blood-colored team is not weak, there are hundreds of knights, close to ten peak knights.

Chris looked at Shia in surprise. This time, she was really surprised. She didn't expect the little girl in front of her to be young and know so much.

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