After returning from Lingbao Tianzun, Xiao Yun continued to Insight into the law of the origin of chaos in the Eastern Emperor Bell, and the entire Great Hall illuminated by a Zao Wou-Ki golden lamp next to it was extremely bright.

"Why did you reveal your self-created Cultivation Technique to Lingbao Tianzun?" Looking at Xiao Yun who was cultivating in front of him, Zao Wou-Ki asked angrily, dammit, daddy's soul is burned here, you still have thoughts cultivation, do you have a conscience, have you been eaten by a dog?

Xiao Yun opened his eyes and looked at Zao Wou-Ki, and said lightly, "I'm going to create a clone of cultivation another world Cultivation Technique, and then lurking in your other world, why should you only be allowed to be spies, our prehistoric world can't be in your other world? Is there a spies in the world?"

"Also, Master Hongjun will help me deduce the Cultivation Technique, and it will not be a problem to create a powerful clone at that time."

Damn, you're acting too much.

You are a spy, and you actually want to turn back to be a spy in the prehistoric world?

Hearing this, Zao Wou-Ki cursed inwardly, but he was stunned when he heard that Hongjun actually wanted to help Xiao Yun deduce the Cultivation Technique.

Hongjun, that is the Heavenly Dao of the prehistoric world.

Heavenly Dao of a big world can help you deduce Cultivation Technique, that is simply too awesome.

Not to mention promotion to the level of 'Tianzun', even the Cultivation Technique deduced to the level of 'Immortal' is enough.

This guy turned out to have this plan, why didn't I think of it in the first place?

The regret in Zao Wou-Ki's heart, he didn't think of this at the beginning, otherwise he would ask them to help him deduce the Cultivation Technique while he was still trusting him, and then he would not need to spend time deducing the Cultivation Technique for the next cultivation. .

You must know that when you reach the Realm above the emperor, you basically need to deduce the Cultivation Technique yourself, otherwise it will be difficult to make much progress.

This is also the reason why the higher the Jiuxiao Continent, the fewer the strong ones.

An ancient powerhouse like Demon Venerable is still the strongest Heavenly Emperor. If it were on the side of the prehistoric world, with his talent, he would have already become Wudi's quasi-sage.

In Jiuxiao Continent, it is very difficult for the emperor to be promoted to Heavenly Emperor, but it is still possible to break through after spending some time.

But from Heavenly Emperor Realm to Tianzun Realm, the difficulty has expanded many times, even strong people like Demon Lord have been trapped for millions of years.

This is because Demon Venerable has not yet deduced the Cultivation Technique to be promoted to the level of Heavenly Venerate.

Unlike the step-by-step cultivation practice in the prehistoric world, in Jiuxiao Continent, every strong person above the Great Emperor must go out of his own way and create a Cultivation Technique that is unique to them. The difficulty of this can be imagined.

Xiao Yun has saved this step now. With Hongjun's help, he estimates that he has all the Cultivation Techniques that can be promoted to the 'Immortal' level. He only needs to be at ease with the Insight Law.

"Hey, Xiao Yun, you also inform Lingbao Tianzun of my "Wudi Samsara Peerless Art", and let him help to deduce it together." Zao Wuji couldn't help but said to Xiao Yun.

Xiao Yun gave Zao Wuji a look of contempt, Wudi Samsara's peerless magic? With the ability of your three-legged cat, you dare to call it this name without shame? Really shameless!

"Hey, hey, what kind of eyes are you looking at?" Zao Wou-Ki saw Xiao Yun's contemptuous eyes, and he immediately became unhappy, and snorted coldly, "My Cultivation Technique has penetrated into the Six Paths of Reincarnation, and once it is completed, it will definitely evolve into the world of Samsara. , I will be the supreme powerhouse in charge of Six Paths of Reincarnation. I heard that there is a flat-hearted lady in charge of Six Paths of Reincarnation in the prehistoric world. She is Sage, which is equivalent to the level of 'Immortal', which means that I will be able to do so in the future. Promoted to the 'Immortal' Realm."

Xiao Yun looked at Zao Wou-Ki, who was immersed in a beautiful dream, and nodded: "Well, you can continue to live in your own world, there are fools in your dreams."

"Fuck, your uncle, can you help or not?" Zhao Wuji glared at Xiao Yun.

Xiao Yun curled his lips and said, "Do you think Hongjun is an idiot? It's enough to create a clone and cultivate a Cultivation Technique. He even deduces a few more Cultivation Techniques for you? I don't want to superfluous and expose my identity. I have the ability. You go to those Sages for help yourself, aren't you Zhao Fuzi?"

"All friends!" Zhao Wuji snorted coldly and closed his eyes.

Xiao Yun continued Closed Door Training Insight Chaos Law.

His deity in Jiuxiao Continent is already the peak Heavenly Emperor, as long as it takes a while, he will be able to help this deity become the strongest Heavenly Emperor Realm.

At that time, Hongjun's side estimates that his Cultivation Technique has also been fully deduced, and the probability of being promoted to the level of 'Heavenly Venerate' has also greatly increased.

Everything went so smoothly.

The corner of Xiao Yun's mouth rose slightly.

I, Xiao Heavenly Emperor, really is the son of luck... No, I should be called Xiao Tianzun soon.

Beside him, the corners of Zao Wou-Ki's mouth twitched slightly.

Xiao Erniu, do you think my soul will not improve after being grilled? Then you made a big mistake. This is the real tempering. My soul will be reborn in the midst of destruction, and I will forge a supreme and indestructible soul. As long as I survive this calamity, he will merge with the deity one day and become the realm. Just around the corner.

Just wait, the era of my Zhao Tianzun is coming.


Zixiao Palace.

Lingbao Tianzun brought Xiao Yun's two Cultivation Techniques and Xiao Yun's ideas, and came to ask Hongjun for instructions.

After reading the two Cultivation Techniques, Hongjun looked at Lingbao Tianzun indifferently and asked, "Have you found it?"

Lingbao Tianzun nodded and said: "I found that there is the shadow of the Chaos Tianzun from another world in these two Cultivation Techniques. It seems that the person who was caught by Zhunti is the inheritor of Chaos Tianzun. This person Talent is also powerful, and it can actually integrate the mystery of "Eight Nine Mysteries"."

Hong Jun said lightly: "Fortunately, I discovered it in time, otherwise, when his clone returns and merges with his deity, I am afraid that another world will give birth to the second Chaos Heavenly Venerate."

Lingbao Tianzun pondered: "Since this son Talent is so strong, let Taichu and Mozun pay more attention. Once the deity surnamed Zhao is discovered, he will be killed in time."

"Yeah!" Hongjun nodded, and then said to Lingbao Tianzun: "Li Yun's talent is good, if he can really create a powerful another world clone, it will be of great help to us. He calculated this Cultivation Technique."

All his power is now suppressing another world's 'Heavenly Emperor', and he has nothing to do. Deducing the Cultivation Technique is not a big problem for him.

After all, even the 'Immortal' Realm is one level lower than him, and it's not difficult for him to be a 'Heavenly Dao' just to deduce a low-level Cultivation Technique.

This is like Xiao Yun playing the Cultivation Technique of the emperor level, it is naturally not very difficult.


Immortal Road.

In a secluded dark palace, Demon Venerable suddenly opened his eyes.

In front of him, a figure suddenly appeared. He was tall and burly, with a shiny bald head. He was dignified and handsome. It was Zao Wou-Ki.

"Why did that old fellow Hongjun suddenly let me kill this person?"

"Hey, why does this person look familiar?"

"It's him!"

The Demon Venerable suddenly narrowed his eyes.

He remembered who this Zao Wou-Ki was, a follower next to the perverted boy in the lower realm.

It's just, how could a small follower disturb the level of Hongjun?

Even if you want to kill it, you have to kill that kid Xiao Yun.

Demon Venerable was a little puzzled.

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