Mystery: I Have An Epiphany Of The Chaotic Body

Chapter 1029: The Law Of Heavenly Dao

The main hall of Biyou Palace.

Xiao Yun handed a piece of jade that stored information to Lingbao Tianzun, and respectfully said: "Master, this is another world cultivation Cultivation Technique that I forced out from the mouth of that other world devil. The disciple observed it and found that there are " The shadow of "Eight Nine Mysterious Art", and it seems to be even better than "Eight Nine Mysterious Art" in terms of body training."

What he handed in was the "Indestructible Body of Chaos" and "The Body of Chaos Gods and Demons" that he created. The former can be cultivated to the level of a great emperor, while the latter can create the second level. Xiao Yun himself is still in the process of perfecting it.

The reason why it was handed over to Lingbao Tianzun was because Xiao Yun hoped that Lingbao Tianzun could help him improve "Chaos God and Demon Body".

This is Heavenly Dao Sage, who has lived for countless years, is well-informed, and can use the power of "Heavenly Dao" in the prehistoric world to calculate. He is definitely the best tool for perfecting Cultivation Technique.

Even his cheap master 'Heavenly Emperor' in Jiuxiao Continent might not be able to match this Heavenly Dao Sage in perfecting the Cultivation Technique.

After all, Heavenly Dao Sage can use the power of Heavenly Dao in the prehistoric world, which is an incomparable advantage.


Lingbao Tianzun looked a little disapproving when he heard the words, but he still took the jade handed over by Xiao Yun and probed into it.

This silly child, there are countless other world powerhouses who have been captured by his teacher, what kind of another world Cultivation Technique have you not seen?

The Cultivation Technique of this other world is powerful, but very rough.

The most important thing is to go on heaven-defying, it is not helpful for our practice in the prehistoric world.

Lingbao Tianzun shook his head in his heart.

Back then, he also collected the Cultivation Technique of the powerhouses of another world, and the first impression was that he had a great murderous aura and a great arrogance.

This is completely different from their Cultivation Technique in the prehistoric world.

Their practice in the prehistoric world pays attention to the Heavenly Dao, and they pursue the Ascension of Realm and the Ascension of Daoxing. Fighting and killing are secondary.

Because in the eyes of the powerhouses in the prehistoric world, as long as Realm Ascension is over, is there still a lack of magical powers to fight and kill?

You are a quasi-sage, I am Sage, my Realm is higher than you, no matter how powerful you are, I can instantly kill you with the help of Heavenly Dao coercion.

Shuntian cultivation has a special ability, which is to use the power of Heavenly Dao.

Sage can use Heavenly Dao's ability, and quasi-sage powerhouse can use the power of heaven and earth, so when facing high Realm, it is difficult to leapfrog to compete with it.

On the other side of the Nine Heavens Continent, one cannot rely on the power of heaven and earth, and can only rely on oneself, so practitioners will pursue their own strength.


Just when Xiao Yun was looking forward to it.

Lingbao Tianzun had already seen the two Cultivation Techniques created by Xiao Yun, he sneered and looked down at Xiao Yun with a smile: "This other world powerhouse is a bit interesting, his actual strength is not low, it should be 'Heavenly Emperor' Realm, replaced by our prehistoric world, is the Daluojin Immortal level. This time he was in the battlefield of gods and demons, and he should have exchanged "Eight Nine Mysteries", so he was able to create these two Cultivation Techniques. "

"However, although these two Cultivation Techniques have their own unique features, they have too many defects. The requirements of cultivation alone are too high, even higher than the requirements of cultivation "Eight Nine Mysterious Arts". There is no powerful physical Talent. It's hard to even get started."

"Also, these two Cultivation Techniques are very powerful, but Ascension, which blindly pursues combat power, makes Ascension Realm more difficult. If this person continues to practice, it is impossible for him to be promoted to quasi-sage."

Lingbao Tianzun analyzed it to Xiao Yun.

Xiao Yun knew that what Lingbao Tianzun said was very pertinent. The two Cultivation Techniques were created by himself. He naturally knew how difficult cultivation was.

Without a half-step chaotic body-level physical body, or a powerful physical body above the second-order god body, it is indeed difficult to even get started.

However, Xiao Yun didn't care either. The Cultivation Technique created by Xiao Heavenly Emperor was not intended for waste. You are not a genius, so naturally you are not qualified to cultivate Xiao Heavenly Emperor's Cultivation Technique.

It's just that Lingbao Tianzun said that cultivation, the two Cultivation Techniques, is almost impossible to advance to the level of "Tianzun". What is the reason?

Xiao Yun was puzzled and couldn't help but ask: "Master, since these two Cultivation Techniques are very powerful, why is Ascension Realm difficult?"

"Hehe, this is of course the result of the operation of Heavenly Dao's Law."

Lingbao Tianzun looked at Xiao Yun and explained: "Every world has Heavenly Dao rules for every world, and the powerhouses in another world are heaven-defying practices, and what they steal is the power of Heavenly Dao, so the power they pursue The stronger it is, the more difficult Realm Ascension will be, and this is Heavenly Dao's suppression of them."

Xiao Yun was a little confused when he heard the words, Heavenly Dao's suppression?

If he remembered correctly, Heavenly Dao from Jiuxiao Continent seemed to be still on their side, helping Heavenly Emperor and Dragon Emperor to fight against Hongjun together.

Seemingly seeing Xiao Yun's doubts, Lingbao Tianzun continued: "Let's tell you this way, every world has a 'master', and this master is Heavenly Dao, those other world powerhouses heaven-defying cultivation, in fact They are stealing Heavenly Dao's control over the world, and their ultimate goal is to devour Heavenly Dao and become the 'new master' of the world."

"In this case, Heavenly Dao naturally wants to suppress them, which makes Realm Ascension more difficult the stronger they are."

"Look at another world, but all the powerhouses above the Great Emperor are placed in our prehistoric world, and they are all talents. But how many quasi-sages 'Heavenly Venerate' in their world? There are almost a handful of them, this is not them Talent is not good, but they are too strong, and the difficulty of Ascension Realm is also increased."

"And in our prehistoric world, we practice according to the sky. When you practice, you are actually complementing Heavenly Dao and enhancing Heavenly Dao's strength, so it is relatively easy to break through Realm."

"Of course, at the level of Sage, Heavenly Dao will also suppress you, making it difficult for you to break through. This is also the law of Heavenly Dao in every world. It will not make you too strong. The stronger you are, the more it will suppress you."

Lingbao Tianzun's words made Xiao Yun re-acquainted with 'Heavenly Dao'.

Heavenly Dao may be fair, but after all, it is the master of the world, and it is impossible for you to seize its control of the world.

The stronger the strength, the greater the suppression.

"But what I want to pursue is strength!" Xiao Yun sighed in his heart, he had no choice, he couldn't choose to give up and become stronger because of Heavenly Dao's suppression.

Even if it is Heavenly Dao, I want to split Heavenly Dao with one sword.

Xiao Yun Wudi's belief is the strongest, and as he moves forward, he will naturally not weaken the power of his Cultivation Technique because of Lingbao Tianzun's words.

"Master, can I cultivate this another world's Cultivation Technique?" Xiao Yun suddenly raised his head and asked Lingbao Tianzun.

Lingbao Tianzun was stunned for a moment. He dared to say it in vain. He felt a little helpless, but he still said: "If you practice, you can do it, but you originally practiced according to the sky, and now you have changed to heaven-defying practice. The Heavenly Dao of the world will suppress you even more, and it will be more difficult for you to break through the Realm."

"Master, I have been promoted to the Quasi-Saint Realm. If there is no Hongmeng Purple Qi, I will not be able to be promoted to Sage. Therefore, the Quasi-Saint Realm is already my final Realm, so even if Heavenly Dao suppresses me again, It's not too bad." Xiao Yun said with a smile.

Lingbao Tianzun smiled bitterly in his heart when he heard the words.

This sounds true. If someone else, even a genius like Yang Jian, would stop at Quasi-Saint Realm, and it would be difficult to be promoted to Sage.

But he guessed that Xiao Yun is the protagonist of the destiny of the Infinite Tribulation, and there will be a chance to become a saint in the future. If it is changed to heaven-defying now, it is absolutely impossible to be promoted to Sage Realm again.

Heavenly Dao in the prehistoric world is not a Sage who will not allow a heaven-defying practice.

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