After eating three ginseng fruits in a row, Xiao Yun felt that his body was strengthened and his Cultivation Base improved, but it was not as great as the effect of eating pan peach at the beginning.

Of course, this does not mean that ginseng fruit is worse than pan peach.

But Xiao Yun's strength has increased now, Cultivation Base has reached the peak of Da Luojin Immortal, close to Da Luojin Immortal Consummation Realm.

So even ginseng fruit has very little effect on him.

"Li Yun's following daoist's physical body is really powerful, this "Eight Nine Mysterious Art" must be catching up with that Yang Jian, and the Talent, who is a fellow daoist, can now beat ordinary opponents by leaps and bounds." Zhenyuan University Immortal Sitting next to Xiao Yun, he could naturally feel the terrifying aura of Xiao Yun's body, which made him a little shocked.

There are only a handful of such powerful bodies in the prehistoric world, and under Sage, I am afraid that only Yang Jian can surpass Xiao Yun.

After all, the cultivation of "Eight Nine Mysteries" is too difficult, and the only people who can really practice it are the former Dou Sheng, the current Yang Jian, and then Xiao Yun.

Although other people also cultivate "Eight Nine Mysteries", most of them only cultivate to the fourth or fifth level.

Going up, without special talent, it's hard to make progress.

"The Twelve Ancestral Witches back then were nothing like this." Zhenyuan Da Immortal sighed with emotion.

The Twelve Ancestral Witches of that year were able to overwhelm many quasi-sages by virtue of their physical combat power.

Xiao Yun smiled and said, "The Twelve Ancestral Witches? It's a pity that there are no Ancestral Witches anymore. I'm waiting for the younger generation, but unfortunately I didn't have the chance to see the magnificent waves of the Lich Age."

"Hehe, the current era is not inferior to the Lich Era. Compared with the Lich Era, there are now more quasi-sage powerhouses in our prehistoric world. What's more, in the battlefield between the two worlds, you can also see many other worlds. Strong." Zhenyuan Da Immortal smiled.

Xiao Yun asked curiously, "Are those powerhouses from another world very powerful? I heard that they can leapfrog battles, is that true?"

"It's true!" Zhenyuan Da Immortal's face became serious when he heard the words, and he said solemnly: "At the Immortal level of Da Luojin, they can fight against our quasi-sage, and at the quasi-sage level, they can fight against Sage. "

"Let's just say that Sword Sovereign, obviously only has Luo Tianshang Immortal's Realm, but he beheaded a good corpse of Yuanshi Tianzun. No matter how bad Yuanshi Tianzun's good corpse is, it is much stronger than Wudi Quansheng."

Zhenyuan Da Immortal's eyes were full of amazement, and he continued: "And the Chaos Great Emperor, who is a junior of another world, but he came to the top. He has just been promoted to Quasi-Saint Realm, and he is able to suppress Wudi Quasi-Saints like Yang Jian. The next time I fought with him, I was beaten and vomited blood and fled."

"The key is that these other world powerhouses are not one or two people who can leapfrog battles, but all of them can leapfrog battles."

Zhenyuan Da Immortal's face was full of lingering fears.

Xiao Yun was relieved to hear that Zhang Xiaofan was so powerful.

Yang Jian is the quasi-sage of Wudi, that is the limit of Tianzun, and he is about to enter Immortal.

Coupled with the powerful Magic Treasures, Yang Jian's combat effectiveness can be imagined.

The result is still not Zhang Xiaofan's opponent.

I really don't know how strong this kid is.

"Well, that's not right... Great Immortal, those Sages are much more powerful than Wudi Quansheng, how could Yuanshi Tianzun lose to Jianzun?" Xiao Yun asked again in confusion.

Zhenyuan Da Immortal smiled bitterly: "The battlefield between the two realms is a special place, it does not belong to the prehistoric world, so the power of Heavenly Dao cannot radiate there, so even Heavenly Dao Sage cannot exert the strength of Heavenly Dao Sage. At most, it is only slightly stronger than our Wudi quasi-sage. If it is in the prehistoric world, then Sword Master and Chaos Great Emperor are naturally far from Heavenly Dao Sage's opponents."

"On the battlefield of the two realms, the only people who can maintain the combat power of Sage are Dou Sheng and Luohu, the demon ancestor. Luohu is one level higher than Sage and has reached the most holy level, so even if he falls by one level in the battlefield of the two realms , can also maintain the Sage's combat power. And Dou Sheng is a proving with strength, even if he leaves the prehistoric world, he can still maintain the Sage's combat power."

"However, there is a Dragon Emperor in another world, whose strength is not inferior to Luo Hu, and there are three Human Emperors who join forces and are also capable of fighting against the Saint, so the two of us are currently deadlocked."

Xiao Yun heaved a sigh of relief when he heard Zhenyuan Da Immortal's words.

It seems that the current situation on Jiuxiao Continent is not too bad.

"Did Daozu not take action?" Xiao Yun asked again 'curiously'. It is not good for him to intercept these secrets, so as not to cause Lingbao Tianzun's suspicion, but at Zhenyuan University Immortal, there is no need to have so many scruples. .

Zhenyuan Da Immortal said: "Daozu suppressed the Heavenly Emperor from another world, but he couldn't make it out. That Heavenly Emperor is very powerful and can advance to the Sage level in just a million years. If you give him time, say It may be possible to reach Daozu's Realm in the future, Daozu does not dare to let him cultivate, so he can only be sealed and suppressed by his own power."

After listening to Xiao Yun, he probably understood the situation of the two sides. At present, the two sides are still in a state of balance.

The prehistoric world is slightly stronger, but it is also very difficult to defeat the Jiuxiao Continent. If you force it, it is estimated that you will suffer heavy losses, and even Sage will have to die.

This is the reason why Hongjun dare not order the general attack.

Those Sages were also afraid of death. For that matter, who would listen to Hongjun's orders? Luo Hu was the first to not listen.

"At present, we can only wait for Daozu Cultivation Base to go further and reach the legendary level of chaos and eternity, then we can annex another world in one fell swoop," said Zhenyuan Da Immortal.

Chaos Eternal?

Xiao Yun heard the words and knew that this was beyond Immortal, beyond the realm master, the supreme level of 'eternity'.

This is a higher level than Pangu god-tier. Pangu god-tier failed, so he evolved into a prehistoric world. If he succeeded, he would be a master at the level of 'eternity', level with the Great Dao.

However, Xiao Yun felt that Hongjun was a bit of a chore, even if Pangu could not succeed, it was even more impossible for Hongjun.

Hongjun wants to annex the world of Jiuxiao Continent, and the purpose is to promote eternity.

Obviously, if the world of Jiuxiao Continent could not be annexed, it would be difficult for Hongjun to advance to eternity.

"For today's plan, only if we have an Immortal-level powerhouse on our side of Jiuxiao Continent, can we break the balance and force Hongjun to release Heavenly Emperor." Xiao Yun thought to himself.

Unfortunately, it is too difficult to be promoted to Immortal.

Heavenly Emperor takes millions of years, but he opened three doors.

Xiao Yun has only opened two doors so far, and he asked himself that Talent's qualifications are far inferior to Heavenly Emperor.

The only hope is that Hongjun has not paid attention to himself yet, and he can continue to develop secretly.

"Promotion to Tianzun first, and then consider promotion to Immortal later."

Xiao Yun thought about it, looked at Zhenyuan Da Immortal opposite him, and continued to ask: "Immortal Da Immortal, I am now very close to Da Luojin Immortal consummation. Is there any way to help me quickly advance to the Quasi-Saint Realm?"

"Cultivation can't be impatient!" Zhen Yuanda Immortal frowned upon hearing this. In his opinion, how old is Li Yuncai in front of him? Ten thousand years old, it would be good to cultivate into Celestial Immortals at this time, but he has already reached the peak of Da Luojin Immortal.

Now I still want to quickly advance to the quasi-sage, so impatient, it is easy to breed Hearts Demon, which is not conducive to cultivation.

Zhenyuan University Immortal is also a good man, and solemnly reminded: "Li Yun fellow daoist, our practice is about following the sky, as long as you have peace of mind and Insight Xuan Gong, and when you have accumulated enough, the promotion to the realm of the quasi-sage is only a matter of course. Only like Devil Dao, will he pursue the rapid Ascension Cultivation Base Realm, and he will be enchanted by accident."

Xiao Yun rolled his eyes, daddy didn't want to accumulate hundreds of millions of years before being promoted to quasi-sage Realm.

However, Zhenyuan Da Immortal also 'reminds' him, it seems that Devil Dao has a quick Ascension Cultivation Base method.

Xiao Yun did not continue to ask questions, but planned to arrest a Devil Dao's Da Luojin Immortal to ask about the situation.

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