Ancestral Witch Blood Essence, Nine Heavens Xuan Immortal and above can be exchanged, requiring 10,000 record points.

Pangu Blood Essence, which can be exchanged at Immortal and above, requires 200,000 record points.


Xiao Yun's eyes straightened when he saw these two items.

The benefits of Ancestral Witch Blood Essence, he had already experienced before.

And now, there is actually a more advanced Pangu Blood Essence. No, this is not as simple as an advanced one. This is probably the strongest Blood Essence in the prehistoric world.

"If you want to say that the physical body is strong, who can compare to Pangu, this is a great existence like the groundbreaking." Xiao Yun was extremely excited. Ancestral Witch Blood Essence could make him the first-level Immortal Ascension in Da Luojin, then this Pangu Blood Essence is even more terrifying. It is estimated that if it reaches the quasi-Saint Realm, it can help him Ascension first-level.

This is also normal, after all, it takes 200,000 record points, so many record points can be exchanged for an Innate Spirit Treasure of the level of Hunyuan Jindou.

"It has to be exchanged, and I will also go with the physical body. The more late stage it is, the more difficult it will be to get Ascension. If Pangu Blood Essence misses this village, there will be no such shop."

Xiao Yun did not hesitate for a long time, and immediately exchanged for Pangu Blood Essence.

Fortunately, there is no limit to this Pangu Blood Essence. It is estimated that in Hongjun's heart, not many people can obtain record points to exchange for Pangu Blood Essence.

If you can really earn so many record points, it is estimated that you will also choose to exchange more of those powerful Innate Spirit Treasures.

After all, there are not too many people who follow the line of the body in the prehistoric world, and only when they have cultivated to the quasi-sage Realm can they use treasures such as Pangu Blood Essence, and there are even fewer strong bodies of this level.


When Xiao Yun chose to exchange Pangu Blood Essence, the void in front of him suddenly cracked.

Then, three jade bottles flew out from the space crack and appeared in front of Xiao Yun.

Xiao Yun saw at a glance that there was a drop of golden blood in the three jade bottles in front of him.

"Is this Pangu Blood Essence?"

Xiao Yun opened a jade bottle, and his divine sense penetrated into it, and suddenly a vast stream of consciousness rushed in, and the horror scene of Pangu god-tier's creation appeared in his mind.

Without a doubt, this is Pangu Blood Essence, and it's the real deal.

Xiao Yun hurriedly plugged the jade bottle. This drop of Pangu Blood Essence was so terrifying that it almost made his head explode. The kind of terrifying mood that opened the sky and split the earth was not something he could observe now.

This kind of treasure was prepared by Xiao Yun for the Quasi-Saint Realm.

"Only the last 20,000 record points are left, exchange them for Zuwu Blood Essence." Xiao Yun also dealt with the last 20,000 record points.

Soon, two jade bottles appeared in front of him, which contained the Ancestral Witch Blood Essence.

He cannot use Pangu Blood Essence for the time being, but Ancestral Witch Blood Essence can.

Xiao Yun immediately opened a jade bottle and began refining a drop of Ancestral Witch Blood Essence.

The increased strength can also help him speed up the refining of the Eastern Emperor Bell and the ten second rank Ye Huohonglian.

With the previous experience of refining Blood Essence, Xiao Yun was very handy in refining this time.

This time, it took only a few decades for Xiao Yun to refine a drop of Ancestral Witch Blood Essence.

And his "Eight Nine Mysteries" also got a huge Ascension, reaching the sixth level and the seventh turn, and the fleshly body Cultivation Base advanced to the Da Luojin Immortal late stage.

"Treasures like these can really make me advance quickly."

Xiao Yun was overjoyed and hurriedly started taking the remaining drop of Ancestral Witch Blood Essence.

It took another few decades for Xiao Yun to refine the last drop of Ancestral Witch Blood Essence.

But this time, Xiao Yun was a little disappointed.

Because of his "Eight Nine Mysterious Art", Ascension only reached the sixth floor, the ninth cycle, and was stuck in the key bottleneck of promotion to the seventh floor.

Therefore, his Cultivation Base also stopped at the limit of the Da Luojin Immortal late stage, and did not advance to the peak of Da Luojin Immortal Realm in one fell swoop.

"It seems that with Cultivation Base's Ascension, the effect of Ancestral Witch Blood Essence on me has also been greatly weakened." Xiao Yun's expression was calm, not many surprises.

The stronger the strength, the less effective the various Heavenly and Mortal Treasures will be.

Xiao Yun had expected this.

"Looking at this situation, I still have to exchange a drop of Ancestral Witch Blood Essence in order to break through to the peak of Da Luojin Immortal Realm."

Xiao Yun pondered for a while, and then sent a message to the deity.

At present, he can only borrow 10,000 record points from Zhao Heavenly Emperor to exchange for a drop of Ancestral Witch Blood Essence.

After all, he is now famous, and the difficulty of hunting record points has increased a lot, and it is difficult to obtain another 10,000 record points.

However, this is a drop in the bucket for Zhao Heavenly Emperor. This guy has more than 900,000 record points, and he will definitely not be able to use it up.


Somewhere on the battlefield of gods and demons.

Zao Wou-Ki, who was cultivating, suddenly opened his eyes, because a small bird flew outside the Immortal Cave formation he had arranged, and the bird exuded an aura that only he was familiar with, that was the aura of Chaos Body.

Zao Wou-Ki immediately opened his formation, and instantly saw a white bird outside, the size of a sparrow, flying towards him.

When it flew to Zao Wou-Ki, the white bird chirped a few times.

"Sure enough, it's Xiao Erniu!"

"Huh? He stole my Eastern Emperor Bell, and he actually wanted me to help him exchange for a drop of Ancestral Witch Blood Essence? Where did you get your face?"

Zao Wuji's eyes widened, he was so angry that he wanted to crush the bird in front of him.

However, another word came from the white bird.

"If you don't give it, you will stay in the prehistoric world forever!"

Zao Wou-Ki was immediately speechless.

Without Xiao Yun to open the Heaven's Gate, he really couldn't go back, so he couldn't help but fuse with the deity.

"It's cheap, you bastard!" Zao Wou-Ki gritted his teeth in exchange for a drop of Ancestral Witch Blood Essence, then took out four Nine Cycles Gold Cores and let the white bird in front of him take them away.

He also exchanged five Nine Cycles Gold Core before, one of which he planned to leave to his apprentice Liu Jie, and the remaining four to take out for his body and his daughters. As for the son? That's for beating.

"Xiao Erniu, just wait for me, this Buddha will surpass you soon." Zao Wuji snorted as he watched the white bird go away.

Although he didn't exchange for the Eastern Emperor Bell this time, with more than 900,000 record points, the treasures he exchanged were enough to make his Cultivation Base rapidly increase.

What's more, not long ago, the general trend had sent him the Vajra relic.

Although he didn't get the Eastern Emperor Bell, the two Sages, Zhunti and Jieyin, still attached great importance to him, and had changed his identity from an ordinary Zhao monk to Ascension as a Buddhist son of the Western religion.

This is actually equivalent to the Son of God and Son of God on the other side of Jiuxiao Continent.

The two Sages in the West obviously wanted to focus on cultivating Zao Wou-Ki.


Soon after, a powerful aura erupted from Zao Wou-Ki's body.

Da Luojin Immortal pinnacle Realm.

"Huh? It seems that the effect of Zuwu Blood Essence has weakened, but it doesn't matter, I still have Pangu Blood Essence. That guy Xiao Erniu exchanged the record points for the Eastern Emperor Bell, and the remaining record points are definitely not as many as me, he exchanged them. Pangu Blood Essence is not as much as I am, and I guess Cultivation Base has been surpassed by me.”

Zao Wou-Ki pondered for a moment in his heart, and then his confidence increased greatly.

Like Xiao Yun, he walked with the body, so he fell in love with Zuwu Blood Essence and Pangu Blood Essence at a glance.

And he has more than 900,000 record points, which is fully exchanged for four drops of Pangu Blood Essence, as well as some Ancestral Witch Blood Essence and Nine Cycles Gold Core.

These treasures made Zao Wou-Ki's Cultivation Base ride at the speed of a rocket.

Soon after, Zao Wou-Ki refined the Vajra relic, and his Cultivation Base advanced to the Da Luojin Immortal Perfect Realm, officially surpassing Xiao Yun.

In the following time, Zao Wou-Ki began to polish the Cultivation Base, and by the way, he was hunting for some record points, ready to attack the Quasi-Saint Realm.

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