The majestic sea of ​​blood, rolling up the monstrous waves, and the terrifying Killing intent spread over three trillion kilometers, making this place a forbidden area for life.

This is the sea of ​​blood.

However, today's blood sea is very unstable, like a violent angry dragon, terrifying stormy waves swept the entire blood sea.

"Li! Yun!"

Suddenly, a roar came from the sea of ​​blood, resounding through The Three Realms.

In the sky above the sea of ​​​​blood, a **** figure stared at the direction of Biyou Palace, his eyes were full of resentment and anger.

Ancestor Ming He is very angry now, and the red lotus of the Innate treasure ten second rank that has accompanied countless years has been lost like this, which is even more sad than his dead son.

After all, his children are all created by him, just like Nuwa created people, naturally they don't have many feelings.

But the ten second rank karmic red lotus is different. This is the treasure of his enlightenment, and it can be said that it is a part of his flesh and blood.

Now that he lost this Innate treasure, the sadness in his heart can be imagined.

But it was useless, he could only choose to stare at it.

Because there is a powerful Sage in Biyou Palace - Lingbao Tianzun.

Old Ancestor Ming He didn't even dare to look for trouble or vent his anger. He was sure that if he went to trouble Li Yun, he would definitely be slapped to death by Lingbao Tianzun.


Ancestor Ming He cast his angry eyes on Wuzhuangguan again. There is his imprint in the red lotus of the ten second rank industry. Of course, he knows what happened in the end. The rank industry is a red lotus, so Xiao Yun has the opportunity to win this treasure.

"Zhen Yuanzi, it happens that we will calculate the old hatred and new hatred together!"

Ancestor Ming He gritted his teeth, stepped into the air, and headed to Wuzhuang Temple.

The anger in his heart is too strong, if he doesn't vent it, he is really unwilling.

What's more, because of the Ancestor Hongyun, he and Zhenyuan Da Immortal already had a grudge.


Before the person arrived, the ancestor Ming He had already sacrificed the two swords of Yuantu and Abi, and slashed towards Wuzhuangguan. The terrifying sword light ripped apart layers of space and slammed into Wuzhuangguan.

Immediately, the world became violent.

The aura of destruction spread out, causing all beings in The Three Realms to tremble.

However, a book suddenly appeared in the sky above the Wuzhuang Temple, hooking up with the surrounding large formations, fully activated, blocking the attacks of Yuantu and Abi swords.


The sky shattered and the earth trembled.

Ancestor Ming He frantically vented the anger in his heart and bombarded Wuzhuangguan continuously, but it was useless, and the defense of Wuzhuangguan was too strong.

After all, this is the Immortal Cave of Immortal of Zhenyuan University, which has accumulated over countless years and has long been solid.

What's more, the ground book in the hands of Zhenyuan Da Immortal is the Innate Spirit Treasure with powerful defense.

Old Ancestor Ming He came to the door, but he was only bringing shame on himself.

"Ming He, go back when you've had enough!" Zhenyuan Da Immortal sat in the Wuzhuang Temple, drinking tea while looking at the ancestor Ming He outside, and said with a smile.

He was too lazy to go out and drive away the ancestor Ming He, actually is not afraid of the ancestor Ming He, both of them are Wudi quasi-sages, no one can do anything about the other.

It's just that Zhenyuan Da Immortal is too lazy to trouble himself. Anyway, he is solid here, let alone an ancestor of Ming He, even if there are more people, he is not afraid.

Except for Sage, no one in this prehistoric world can kill him, Zhen Yuanzi.

"Zhen Yuanzi, if you have the ability to fight, you coward, you know to hide in your tortoise shell." The ancestor Ming He roared angrily, constantly controlling Yuantu and Abi's two swords to chop Wuzhuangguan .

Zhen Yuan laughed and shook his head and said: "I don't have that spare time, and you are not my opponent now. After all, without the defense of the ten second rank industry fiery red lotus, you and I will fight, and you will definitely lose in the end. I advise You should hurry back and think about how to defend the Ascension, so as not to die in the battlefield of the two realms later."

Zhen Yuanda Immortal has a good temper, otherwise he wouldn't be called a good old man in Honghuang. The one who had a better temper than him in the past was his friend Ancestor Hongyun, and the two became close friends because of this.

If it was someone else, it is estimated that he would have rushed out and beat the ancestor Ming He for a meal. Even if he couldn't kill him, he would be able to vent his anger.

Zhenyuan Da Immortal didn't want to do this, and he didn't bother to be angry with people for things that didn't make sense.

For so many years, he has also shot when the ancestor of Hongyun had an accident. The rest of the time he was in meditation, and he rarely shot a fight. That is, the battlefield between the two worlds appeared in these years. In order to compete for the Qi of Hongmeng, he shot. more frequently.

"Zhen Yuanzi, remember it for me, don't let me meet you on the battlefield of the two realms in the future." Ancestor Ming He vented and quickly retreated.

In fact, he also knows that now he is no longer the opponent of Zhenyuan University Immortal.

Moreover, he did find a way to strengthen his defense.

Although he has countless clones of the Son of Blood and has a strong self-protection ability, when he encounters an enemy, he can't just think about escaping for his life, so how can he earn military exploits in the battlefield of the two worlds?

"Haha, this old devil is a little distressed, hahaha..." Zhen Yuanda Immortal looked at the distant figure of the ancestor Ming He, and his heart was very happy.

The figure of Li Yun appeared in his mind, and Zhenyuan Da Immortal appreciated it.

"Lingbao Tianzun has accepted a good apprentice. This son has unlimited potential in the future, and he has to make friends." Zhenyuan Da Immortal thought to himself.

Among the three sects of Taoism, he also appreciates the interception.

People Jiao Chan Jiao is too yin, calculating and calculating all day, Zhenyuan University Immortal is too lazy to make friends with them.

"Qingfeng, go to Biyou Palace to send an invitation to fellow daoist Li Yun!" Immortal of Zhenyuan University immediately said to a boy not far away.

"Yes, Master!" The boy nodded quickly, but he didn't have any surprises in his heart. Although he was only a boy from the Immortal of Zhenyuan University, he had cultivated for countless years, and his strength was already a quasi-sage.

This time, what Xiao Yun did on the battlefield of the gods and demons, he naturally knew very well.


Biyou Palace.

Lingbao Tianzun also saw the actions of Ancestor Ming He, but he just glanced at it and didn't care.

Old Ancestor Ming He only dared to trouble Zhen Yuanzi, and if he dared to come to his Biyou Palace, he would not mind slashing over with a sword.

"My little apprentice's luck is really strong. The Cauldron of Time and Space, the Eastern Emperor Bell, and the Red Lotus of the Tenth Rank Industry, all of which will be the treasures of three corpses in the future."

Lingbao Tianzun was also filled with emotion.

Xiao Yun's luck is really good. Even if he looks at the entire prehistoric world, there are not many people who can collect the three treasures. It is estimated that there are only a few Sages.

This is also because of the appearance of the battlefield between the two realms, Hongjun brought out a lot of good things, otherwise Sage would not be able to collect the three treasures.

Like his Lingbao Tianzun, he used to only have the Immortal Sword Formation. Although the Qingping Sword was good, it was worse than the Innate Supreme Treasure.

But Xiao Yun, a junior, can gather three treasures so quickly, which is unbelievable.

"Could it be the Son of Destiny?" The more Lingbao Tianzun thought about it, the more likely it was. In the prehistoric world, when a catastrophe occurs, there will be some people who should be robbed, that is, the Son of Destiny.

For example, Jiang Ziya, the former conferred god calamity.

And this Infinite Tribulation is the most terrifying, and it is the ultimate catastrophe, so it is normal for a Son of Destiny to appear.

"If this is the case, this son may ascend to the throne of Sage." Lingbao Tianzun's eyes lit up.

Xiao Yun's position in his heart has once again ascended a level, completely level with Yunxiao Immortal.

If both Yunxiao Immortal and Xiao Yun were sanctified in the future, how strong would they be? It is not a dream at all to punch the Virtuous Heavenly Venerate and step on the Yuanshi Heavenly Venerate.

Lingbao Tianzunxin is waiting in the middle stage.

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