"Where did this bald donkey Zhao come from?"

These powerhouses, Closed Door Training, are normal for thousands of years.

After Nezha finished speaking, he looked at Yang Jian and Chenxiang again, and said solemnly, "I'll deal with this Zao Wou-Ki, and I'll leave the exchange to you for the Eastern Emperor Bell."

The sound of the sword chirping is like a crane whispering into the sky, piercing the world of the ten directions!


"Xiao Erniu is just like that. Now I have got 30,000 record points, and the second place Xiao Erniu is just over 1,000. I'm too far behind. Donghuangzhong has no hope."

The terrifying sword glow cut through the void, and the supreme sword force poured out, piercing the vast world, the rolling clouds collapsed in silence, and the mighty Sword Qi swept hundreds of millions of kilometers.

The terrifying attack power made Xiao Yun feel terrified.

If this continues, sooner or later, he will be able to obtain enough record points.

"It's the fluctuation of the treasure, not the Innate treasure, or the acquired treasure."


What's more, the attack power of Sword Soul is already very strong. Once the attack power of Sword Soul is enhanced, when that plan is used, it will be able to kill more enemies.

With the power of his sword and soul, no one would be his opponent in Daluojin Immortal Realm, not even a Wudi quasi-sage like Yang Jian.

If the law of Insight, or the physical body of Ascension, will make his own "level" Ascension.

"Yeah, that little guy should be suppressing the Cultivation Base." Yang Jian also looked helpless. It was too difficult for them to enter the battlefield of gods and demons.

"It's not the treasures of those Sages, but the new treasures. I have never seen such fluctuations."

Because he is ready to break through to the Da Luojin Immortal Realm, and his strength will increase greatly, even if he faces those quasi-sacred powerhouses, he can save his life.

Xiao Yun also got 100 record points.

Xiao Yun's heart was full of confidence.

Xiao Yun entered a state of epiphany and began to comprehend more kendo, ready to integrate into the sword soul, Ascension of his Universe kendo power.

"The time of the battlefield of the gods and demons is a thousand times longer than that of the Jiuxiao Continent. I have time to comprehend some more kendo."

In a cave overgrown with weeds, Xiao Yun slowly opened his eyes, a blazing divine light swept out, and the cave burst into pieces.

With the integration of various swordsmanships, Xiao Yun's sword spirit became stronger and stronger.

No wonder Sword Sovereign's strength is so strong, he can fight Heavenly Dao Sage of the Great Desolate World in the Realm of Human King Supreme. His sword soul may have accommodated thousands of kendos.

When Nezha heard this, he immediately frowned: "His Cultivation Base is Nine Heavens Xuan Immortal, so he has leapfrogged more than the guy who intercepted the teaching, how can we compare to him?"

Before the peak powerhouse of Da Luojin Immortal could escape, he was destroyed by countless Sword Qi.

He was ready to give up.

Although they also know that the person with the treasure is not something they can compete with, but everyone is curious, not to mention, they also want to fish in troubled waters, what if they get it?

Somewhere in the battlefield of gods and demons, Zao Wou-Ki was eating Orleans grilled wings.

Others, no matter how strong they are, can't leapfrog, so the speed of acquiring record points is far less than his.

"He is not Da Luojin Immortal, he is not qualified to exchange for the Eastern Emperor Bell." Chen Xiang next to him said.

"I can't let them go anymore, I have to find them and kill them out of the battlefield. Even if they can come in again, then continue to kill, at least it can delay the speed of their acquisition of record points."

Zhao Wuji frowned, he didn't have a death talisman, once he died, he really died.

"Now, with the power of my sword soul, even the Great Luojin Immortal of the Perfect Realm can be killed instantly. However, let's use that plan to attract the enemy to come forward."

Set up the formation and cover up the breath.

Somewhere in the battlefield of gods and demons, Nezha looked at Yang Jian and Chenxiang opposite, and asked with an ugly face.

Xiao Yun is also in Closed Door Training cultivation at the moment.

For a time, many big Luojin Immortals rushed towards this side.

Zao Wou-Ki thought proudly while eating the Orleans Grilled Wings of the Honghuang brand.

But now, there is Li Yun from Intercepting Sect, and Zao Wou-Ki from Buddhism. These two evildoers can kill the enemy at more levels, and the speed of obtaining record points is too fast. I am afraid they will be one step ahead of him and exchange them for the Eastern Emperor Bell.

Now that he wants Ascension strength, it can only be Ascension Kendo power.

Take Yang Jian as an example, no one is his opponent on the battlefield of gods and demons. As long as he finds the enemy, he can kill him. With his ability, the enemy can't even escape.

However, they also have the advantage that their strength is almost Wudi's.

Xiao Yun's eyes were full of confidence.


"Huh? Someone!" A powerhouse at the peak of Da Luojin's Immortal in the distance sensed Xiao Yun's breath, and immediately cast an Immortal technique, killing Xiao Yun.

"Is there a personal pass from Sage to bring the treasure in?"

Therefore, Ascension Kendo is the only option.

The nearby Da Luojin Immortal powerhouses can sense this terrifying power.

A thousand years have passed by.

In exchange for the Eastern Emperor Bell, his biggest opponent is Xiao Yun.

When he thought of it, he did it. After eating the Orleans Grilled Wings, Zao Wou-Ki immediately found a place nearby to make a breakthrough.

"However, those powerhouses are probably eyeing me now, and they will definitely come to hunt me first and expel me from the battlefield of gods and demons."

The entire battlefield of gods and demons trembled.

Nezha snorted: "Nine Heavens Xuan Immortal is complete, breakthrough Da Luojin Immortal can be done at any time."

Fortunately, there is Epiphany to help, and Xiao Yun's current understanding is already high, and he realizes it very quickly.

This is probably the longest time of Xiao Yun Closed Door Training. No wonder those old monsters in Jiuxiao Continent are hundreds of thousands or millions of years old, not to mention the old monsters in the prehistoric world. Their age is in units of hundreds of millions. Xian Xiao, it is estimated that even they themselves have forgotten how many years they have lived.

Xiao Yun has now reached this stage.

"However, Jian Zun still can't compare to me. His sword soul is limited, it will collapse sooner or later, and the number of kendos it can accommodate is limited. But I am different. My sword soul can hold unlimited kendos. As long as time is enough, sooner or later I will surpass it. Sword Master."


However, his brows were soon relieved.

Xiao Yun then activated the precious light of the Sword of Time and Space, causing it to blast into the sky, and the terrifying power permeated all directions, spreading far and far.

The light of Xiao Yun Double Pupils glanced away, and his mind had already controlled the soul of the sword, and slashed towards the distance.

In Xiao Yun's mind, some kendo Cultivation Techniques that he had seen in the ancient times of Jiuxiao Continent appeared in his mind, and each of those kendo Cultivation Techniques recorded a kendo.

The main reason is that the competitors are too right. Nezha has no hope of exchanging Donghuang Bell, so he might as well help Yang Jian and Chenxiang.

Level Ascension, then how can he leapfrog battle? This is not conducive to his efficiency in gaining record points.

And now, he was already so far ahead of Xiao Yun, and victory was imminent.

It takes almost a few decades to learn a new kendo.

It has to be said that no one can refuse the temptation of the treasure.

Yang Jian said solemnly: "I heard that he is the apprentice of Da Shizhi, who crossed the border from Nine Heavens Xuan Immortal. Even the powerhouse of the Immortal late stage of Da Luojin can be hunted, but he is not a peak, perfect Da Luo. Jin Immortal's opponent, but his physical body is strong, "Zhang Liu Jinshi" has reached the level of perfection, even the great Luo Jin Immortal who has completed the Realm is difficult to kill him."


In the past, Xiao Yun didn't need to comprehend these swordsmanships, but now he needs to enrich his swordsmanship.

After all, these kendos are not comparable to Universe kendo, Xiao Yun only spent hundreds of years to understand Universe kendo, and now it takes less time to comprehend these low-level kendos.

Xiao Yun also got up and left the ruins. Feeling the fluctuation of the sword spirit in his body, a sword intent burst out from his body.

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