"Amitābha, King Ksitigarbha wants to invite you to a cup of tea, the poor monk will send you over here!"

The battlefield of gods and demons, Nine Heavens Xuan Immortal area.

A young monk wearing a golden Kasaya and holding a golden chanting staff, with a blazing golden Buddha light, swept the four directions.

Wherever he passed, all the Immortal demons of the Immortal level of Nine Heavens were crushed by him, and there was no one enemy.

Even Nine Heavens Xuan Immortal Perfect Realm, Half Step Da Luojin Immortal level powerhouse, are not the opponents of this young monk.

"Come on, it's that perverted monk!"

"Damn, how can this monk be so strong?"

"When did the West produce such a heaven-defying bald donkey?"


Some Immortal gods in the distance, the demons roared and fled wildly.

However, as soon as the young monk waved his golden chanting staff, a blazing golden light lashed out like a thousand arrows, killing all of these Nine Heavens Immortal-level powerhouses in one second.

Only a few Half-step big Luos were hit hard and barely escaped.

But the young monk quickly chased after him.

"You have a destiny with King Ksitigarbha, and the poor monk will send you a ride." The golden chanting staff was under his command, and these fleeing powerhouses were all turned into ashes.

The young monk was holding a golden chanting staff, and while packing up his trophies, he was rushing forward.

"It's too weak. It's also the Great Emperor Realm. I'm afraid even the middle Great Emperor of Jiuxiao Continent can't beat it. Occasionally a few strong ones only rely on Magic Treasures in their hands. The cultivators in this prehistoric world are really useless."

The golden light dissipated, revealing the face of a young monk, the future Heavenly Emperor Zao Wou-Ki.

Zao Wou-Ki sighed a few times and then checked his own record points.


Zao Wou-Ki frowned and was very dissatisfied with this record point, but there was nothing he could do, he was Nine Heavens Xuan Immortal Perfect Realm, even if he swept everything here, he would get very few record points.

It seems that you can only cross the area and go to the Daluojin Immortal area.

There was no fear on Zao Wou-Ki's face, and he rushed towards Da Luojin Immortal confidently.

Who is respected in the battlefield of gods and demons? Seeing the infinite turns to ashes!


At the same time, the Jiuxiao Continent traversers who came to the prehistoric world are also crossing the area.

Compared with these people, Xiao Yun is a little sad, because he is Da Luojin Immortal and can only stay in the Da Luojin Immortal area, which is already the highest area in the battlefield of gods and demons.

"After killing for a month, there are only 1024 record points, and the horse month in the year of the monkey can only be exchanged for the Eastern Emperor Bell!"

Somewhere in the Immortal area of ​​Da Luojin, Xiao Yun was eating Orleans grilled wings with a depressed face. This was a monster bird he killed just now. Cultivation Base was in the Immortal late stage of Da Luojin, and brought him 10 score points.

Looking at own's total record points, Xiao Yun felt helpless.

There are indeed many large Luojin Immortals in the Daluojin Immortal area, but each of them is very cunning and cautious, and the Talent has reached 100 million, and it is too difficult to hunt them down.

Especially those big Luojin Immortal with higher Cultivation Base, each one is very difficult to kill.

Maybe their combat effectiveness is not high, but their means of escape is absolutely second to none.

During this time, Xiao Yun also encountered a lot of Da Luojin Immortal peak powerhouses, and Da Luojin Immortal complete powerhouses, but these guys all escaped.

"These old guys are too afraid to die. Even if they encounter me, the big Luojin Immortal middle stage, they will first try to test it with a long-range attack. When things go wrong, they will run away immediately."

Xiao Yun's face was full of suffocation.

He doesn't dare to see people for what he is now, because these big Luojin Immortals all know that he has jumped the ranks and killed the corpse of King Ashura.

However, even if Xiao Yun hides his identity, it is still difficult to hunt down these old monsters.

You must know that the cultivators in the prehistoric world are best at long-range attacks, not to mention the big Luojin Immortals. When they encounter opponents, they will first use Immortal magic attacks from a distance to test the strength of the enemy.

Seeing that the situation is not good, apply oil to the soles of the feet, and the one who is called fleeing is simply.

Even if Xiao Yun has the ability to "move time and space", it is difficult to catch up with them, after all, the distance from them is too far.

"My entire combat power is in melee combat. Although my long-range attack power is also very strong, it is very difficult to kill someone who is at the peak of Da Luojin's Immortal and a perfect Realm."

Xiao Yun frowned and fought on the battlefield of gods and demons for a month, making him aware of his own shortcomings.

He lacks powerful long-range attacks.

His sword of time and space is the Divine Armament of Heavenly Emperor. Heavenly Emperor is a strong man in Jiuxiao Continent, and naturally belongs to the melee Divine Armament.

Xiao Yun's physical body is very strong, and the combat power is also on the physical body, this is also close combat.

The only long-range attack is the "Cloud Sky Sword Art" taught to him by Qiong Xiao Immortal, but now he has only cultivated the second Realm "Qi Sword".

This attack is too scattered and belongs to a group attack. It's okay to deal with trash fish below the late stage of Da Luojin's Immortal, but it's not enough to meet those Da Luojin Immortal who are at their peak and complete Realm.

"Trouble, now where can I find a long-range attack Immortal technique?" Xiao Yun had a headache.

In the final analysis, he was from Jiuxiao Continent, and he didn't know much about the fighting methods in the prehistoric world.

The previous time I fought with King Ashura, King Ashura came to die by himself.

The great Luojin Immortals of the prehistoric world are all old monsters who have lived for countless years. They may not be too strong in combat, but after countless years of accumulation, there are too many ways to save their lives.

For example, in Renjiao's Yiqi Huasanqing, one person becomes three people, and they are all the same, even the soul fluctuations are the same, so that Xiao Yun, who owns Double Pupils, can't tell the difference, watching the other party become three people from three people. Escape in one direction.

Every big Luojin Immortal is an old monster who has cultivated for countless years. In addition, the prehistoric world is full of disasters and disasters, and from time to time there will be catastrophe, which makes these old monsters accumulate a lot of life-saving means.

Xiao Yun found that as long as they couldn't be killed instantly, it was almost impossible to kill them.

And once you can't kill the opponent, even if the opponent is only half-life left, you still won't get a record point.

"Maybe it's only one adventure!"

Xiao Yun lowered his head and looked at the Sword of Time and Space in his hand, with light shining in his eyes.

If he activates the precious light of the sword of time and space, the power of the heavenly treasure will definitely attract countless greedy people.

In this way, no matter how strong he is, there is no guarantee that strong people will not come to hunt him down.

After all, the acquired treasure is too precious.

Even those quasi-sages will be moved.

"Since I can't catch them, let them take the initiative to kill me. As long as they are greedy, they will fly moths to the fire." Xiao Yun's eyes showed a shocking killing intent.

This method is dangerous.

After all, the acquired treasure is too tempting, and the number of powerhouses attracted is very large. No matter how strong he is, he may kill himself.

Xiao Yun is not in a hurry, but is here Closed Door Training, he is going to Ascension first.

As the saying goes, sharpening a knife does not cut wood by mistake.

If this strategy is successful, he will get all the record points in one fight.

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